3 year old not eating well

A caring mother makes a lot of efforts to ensure that the nutrition of a three-year-old baby is complete. Here is an intricate soup for you, scrambled eggs with a smile, cereal with milk ... And he’s all: “I don’t want to, I won’t.” Mom is already so upset, then an attentive grandmother makes a remark that the child has lost weight. And this attitude of the crumbs to food no longer seems just stubbornness, but becomes a serious cause for concern.

Let's try to figure out the reasons for poor appetite in a three-year-old and tell you what to do if a child does not eat well at 3 years old.

Why does a 3 year old refuse to eat?

So, the baby is active, outwardly looks healthy, but feeding him is a huge test for mom. In this case, the cause of the problem may be hiding:

  1. In stubbornness caused by the persistence of parents: the more the baby feels pressure, the more difficult it is to agree with him.
  2. In the peculiarities of metabolism: how much a child eats gives him enough energy.
  3. In insufficient physical activity: if the baby spends few calories, then the need for food is minimal.
  4. Being jealous of a younger brother or sister: a kind of way to get an extra portion of attention.
  5. Worried: When a child is anxiously anticipating an event.
  6. In the preference for certain products: this is when “I will have pasta, but no soup.”

A separate case is a condition after an illness or a baby’s poor health, but here you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Is refusal to eat dangerous for the health of a child at 3 years old?

Reflections on this matter may be something like this: eating little means he is not getting enough nutrients. And this thought, of course, increases the anxiety of adults.

In most cases, we are not talking about any diseases. Consultation of a competent pediatrician, a blood test for hemoglobin can somewhat reassure parents. Of course, in case of illness, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, but when the child is healthy, refusal to eat is a temporary difficulty associated with individual physiology or personal qualities.

There is a kind of natural internal mechanism that tells the little man how much he needs to eat in order to feel good and be cheerful. Even the most zealous stubborn will not endure hunger and will find a way to eat. It’s just that, most likely, it will not be the food that his mother so diligently offered him.

To force or not to force?

A three-year-old child strives in every possible way to show that he is a person, his opinion must be taken into account. This is often the reason for stubbornness: "I myself decide what and when I do and what not." Therefore, the obsessive persistence of parents in trying to feed their child usually only strengthens his desire to resist them.

There is another danger in coercion. It can form negative associations with food intake in the crumbs. After all, if he really does not want to eat, then succumbing to the persuasion of adults for him will mean experiencing discomfort.

Understanding and patience of parents will help to improve the nutrition of the baby. The pressure will only make things worse.

What to do to make a three-year-old child eat well?

  • Let your child feel free.

The more effort is made to feed the baby, the greater the likelihood of a negative result. Forget about coercion and endless talk about the benefits of food. Having gained freedom, the child will gradually cease to associate food intake with unpleasant experiences. Then the offer “go eat” will not cause resistance in him.

  • Learn to focus on your appetite.

The simplest trick is to leave the portion prepared for the baby in his field of vision, simply saying: "the meal is served." After half an hour, silently take away the food. No need to focus on whether he ate or not.

So that this does not turn into a punishment for the child, be friendly, do not reproach him if he asks to leave the dish. The main task is to help the baby learn to use the opportunity provided to him to satisfy his hunger.

  • No manipulation!

When a child does not eat well at 3 years old, some parents may make threats. The ultimatum “if you don’t eat soup, then I won’t turn on the cartoon” will not bring a good result. Yes, you can win this “battle”, but you won’t solve the problem - a little stubborn one will not take up a spoon more willingly. But he will get another way to manipulate adults.

  • Consider preferences.

This is especially important at first! Let the baby look forward to being fed his favorite food. Gradually, you can experiment and offer new products. But if one of them is not to the taste of the child, then his opinion must be respected. Over time, preferences will change, but for now let him be tasty.

  • Make time for outdoor games and walks.

Fresh air and exercise promote appetite. If a child plays enough on the street, then the child's body will need calories and it will be easier to feed him.

No one can blame a loving, caring mother who is upset by her baby's poor appetite. But excessive anxiety sometimes makes it difficult to see the best ways to solve the problem. Remember, in any situation, a three-year-old baby needs understanding and respect for his feelings.

  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere