Russian language activities for a week in elementary school. Development of an extra-curricular event "a week of the Russian language in elementary school". Week of the Russian language in elementary school

Russian Language Week in primary school.

During the week (11/16/2015 - 11/20/2015) students of grades 1-4 took an active part in competitions, olympiads and quizzes held as part of the "Russian Language Week" in elementary school, which opened with a solemn line.

The holding of such weeks is aimed not only at increasing the cognitive interest of students in the subject, broadening their horizons, but also at improving the professional skills of teachers. primary school. The program of the week is designed so that all classes are involved, starting with the 1st.

According to the results of the competition, winners and prize-winners were determined. The “Week of the Russian Language” ended with a solemn line, at which the results were summed up, certificates and diplomas were awarded to the winners and the most active participants.

- inculcate love for the native language;
- consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom;
- educate students careful attitude to the native word;
- develop interest in learning the Russian language;
- to expand the vocabulary of children.
- formation of interest in the Russian language as a subject;
- increasing the general language culture.
- statements of writers about the Russian language;
- task cards.

Event progress

1st day. Opening of the "Week of the Russian language". Contest "Find the hidden word"

Pupil 6.2 class

Native language!

But first he needs then,

To just talk.

And suddenly you want

Write a letter,

Then he to you

Suggest the right words

Play a role in fate

Happy. And will not deceive

Will not betray,

After all, he is your own.

And it won't disappear

Will always be with you!

Student grade 7.1

Teaches letters to distinguish.

He's famous, he's famous

We all need the alphabet.

Introduction to the weekly plan

Note You can take any competitions (tasks) in your classes, at the discretion of the teacher (replace). You can take puzzles, riddles for grades 1-2, idioms for grades 3-4.

Teacher.(by class) First day - the contest is called "Find the Hidden Word" . There are words on the sheets. From each word, you need to take only one syllable and make a new word out of them.
a) record, picture, peacock
b) shepherd, dam, camp
c) car, brake
d) milk, relay, lasso
e) flour, stew, sofa
f) straw, time, stranded
g) button, hammer, lava
h) map, Putin, raid
i) ear, company, vase
j) boots, parachute, fantasy
l) mark, murmur, time, linden, tennis

Grade 4 “From the history of the Russian language. Phraseologisms” filmstrip “Enough to beat the thumbs.

Beat the thumbs

Nick down

Climb the wall

All over Ivanovo

beat with a forehead

Pull the wool over someone's eyes

Potemkin villages

In the bag

Start with a red line

2nd day . Contest "Fix the Mistakes"

All students receive on leaflets the text of Vanya's letter to his sister Masha.
Hello masha!
The village is good. Here I will flutter, sunbathe and stab myself in the sun, turning from tank to tank. Misha will fish for me early in the morning. It is good to turn gray on the shore with a boat. I already offended the fox.

Exercise: Correct mistakes.

3rd day. Competition "First Calligrapher"

Exercise. Write off calligraphically correctly: observing the rules of writing and connecting letters, proverbs about the Russian language.
Without the Russian language, you can’t put together a boot.
The sting is sharp, and the Russian language is sharper than that.
Great and mighty is the Russian language.
The Russian language is a banner, leads a squad, turns kingdoms.
The Russian language is the strength of the weak.
Russians do not speak words, but they tell the truth.
The Russian word rushes not out of date - from time immemorial.

4th day. Competition "The best expert in the Russian language"

4th grade

Task number 1:

Given a series of letters: i, b, h, p, ....

Set a pattern and determine which letter should be next?

Task number 2:

In how many words of this series are all consonants voiceless and hard?

Pumpkin, figure, bump, dot, mine.

Task number 3:

There are words (they are called homographs and homoforms) that coincide in spelling in all or only in certain forms, but differ in meaning and pronunciation. For example: expensive and expensive.

How many such words are there in the data?


Task number 4:

The words in these pairs are interconnected in a certain way, only in one pair there is no such connection. Name her.

Oslt - table

Kurib - trousers

Falcon - mowed

Evzad - star

Task number 5:

Write the name of the animal with which these proverbs are associated?

It’s all the same to everyone, but not one thing: ... in the hut, and the dog is in the yard.

Know ... your basket.

The more ... you stroke, the more she raises her hump.
Attacked ... arrogance, does not want to get off the stove.
... do not iron against wool.

Task number 6:

The names of Russian cities are encrypted in puzzles. Decipher the puzzles and enter this

the name of the city to which all three statements refer:

The second syllable in this word is stressed.

This word has both voiced and voiceless consonants.
This word has two syllables

Task number 7:

In Zee's proposalma k ends with "hidden" wordpoppy . In the sentences given below, the names of Russian cities are “hidden”.
Please indicate which one
"hide" names of two cities?

As before, rum ash kirov rows decorated a flower bed.
Quietly stepping, crept into the room
tu la stingy cat.
In the park
oak on a hundred years older than our city
The book has been published and the first
tom sk oro will go on sale.
thief oh tender ness and love made the poets think.

1 class
1. If a sentence tells about something, then what kind of punctuation mark is needed at the end of such a sentence?(dot)
2. How many vowels are in the word "school"?
3. Find the mistake: the word "mouse" has 4 letters and 4 sounds.
(4 letters, 3 sounds)
4. How many syllables are in the word "berry"?
5. Add a letter to the word "table" to make a new word.
6. What word is hidden in "threat"?
(thunderstorm, rose)
7. Remove the letter from the word "paint" and get a new word. Which?
8. Which word is misspelled: “A rose has grown in the garden of a rose”?
(at Rosa)
9. Think of what you can do with the word "forest" so that it has 2 syllables, 3 syllables.
(wood, wood)
10. In which word is the second syllable stressed: chicken, cucumber, orange, nest?

Grade 2
1. Find the mistake: "Stasik gave his Puppy the nickname Sharik." (puppy)
2. The letters ran away, it is necessary to return them: “In the, the st.yala m.
(e, o, o, e, o)
3. Paired consonants are confused, which of them should be put into words: aly.ka, bere.ka, pyro., swan.b, bula.ka, book.ka,.
(b, h, d, e, c, g)
4. What word got lost: frost, frosty, freeze, overseas, freezer, frost?
5. Where is the prefix in the word?
(before root)
6. Are there words without a root?
7. Find the hidden word. To search, you will need the questions “who?” and “what?”: teacher, nightingale, seller, Katya, cornflower, cat.
8. You need to pick up such adjectives for the word "raspberry" so that you immediately want to eat it.
(Ripe, juicy, sweet, tasty, scarlet.)
9. It is necessary to be a little magician and turn the names of entities. into verbs: cart, saw, feeder, pilot, drawing, letter.
(carry, saw, feed, fly, draw, write)
10. Can a sentence consist of one word?

3rd grade
1. What is the name of the small piece of text between the 2 red lines?
2. Is there a phrase in which the word "crystal" has a direct meaning: crystal sound; crystal goblet; crystal water?
3. Choose the punctuation marks that are placed after the appeal: dash, comma, colon, exclamation point, semicolon.
4. From a common sentence, make a non-common one: "Nimble sparrows love birch seeds."
5. What part of the word can increase or decrease the subject?
6. Name a new word if the root is from “mountain”, the prefix is ​​from “jumped”, the suffix is ​​from “snowball”, the ending is from “house”.
7. Which word is not related: brownie, home, home, house, home.
8. Which of the signs: "b" or "b" is written after prefixes?
9. Which words do not have prefixes: smell, dispute, hike, cook, watchman, threshold, inspection.
10. Prefixes and prepositions are mixed up. We need to put things in order. “Kolya followed a friend. They went to school together."
Answers: 1. Paragraph. 2. Crystal goblet. 3. ",", "!". 4. Sparrows love. 5. Suffix. 6. Hillock. 7. At home. 8. "b". 9. Dispute, watchman, threshold. 10. I went in, let's go to school.

4th grade
1. Identify the parts of the word that include double consonants: equestrian, ton, fake, quarrel.
2. How does the prepositional case differ from other cases?
3. Change the nouns of the 1st declension so that they become the 3rd declension; mom, mouse, tree, bone, notebook, carrot.
4. What is an "infinitive"?
5. What person and number is the pronoun "you"?
6. Should homogeneous members sentences to answer the same question?
7. What is the conjugation of the verb "breathe"?
8. Where is the “sit” and where is the “sit”: I’m going to take a walk, the house is being built, the children are having fun, do I need to hurry?
9. Questions: where? How? when where? what part of speech?
10. Do all words have endings?
Answers: 1. Root + suffix; root; prefix + root; root. 2. Can only be used with prepositions.3. Mother, mouse, spruce, bone, notebook, carrot. 4. Indefinite form of the verb. 5. Mn. h., 2nd l. 6. Yes. 7. To the second. 8. "to be", "to be", "to be", "to be". 9. To the adverb. 10. No. For example, with adverbs.

5th day. All-Russian vocabulary lesson, dedicated to the birthday of V.I. Dalia

Presentation. Biography of V.I.Dal

Work with the collection “The Old Man - Yearbook. IN AND. Dal»

proverb competition

Riddles competition

Competition of antonyms and synonyms

Acquaintance and work with the dictionary of V.I.Dal

The "Week of the Russian Language" ends with a solemn line , where the results are summed up and certificates are awarded to the winners in various nominations.

During the week, students in grades 1-4 take an active part in competitions and quizzes that were held as part of the Russian Language Week in elementary school: the quiz "Entertaining Russian language", the blitz survey "Speak Russian", the collage contest " Interesting Facts about the Russian language”, competition of student notebooks “The best calligrapher”.

In our school, the quiz "Entertaining Russian" was held among teams of students in grades 2-4. The contestants demonstrated their erudition, rich vocabulary, ability to speak and write correctly in Russian.

By making collages, the students showed their creative abilities, the ability to work with dictionaries, reference books, popular scientific literature, as well as the skills of working with electronic resources. The contestants presented a large number of bright, original and interesting collages. According to the results of the competition, not only winners and prize-winners were determined, but also winners in individual categories: “Creative approach to work”, “Grammatical and stylistic unity”, “Striving for new discoveries”, “Professional approach”, etc.

Target: increasing the motivation and cognitive interest of students in the study of the Russian language


  • improve the educational level of students;
  • develop student independence;
  • develop the creative abilities of students;
  • increase the level of professional competence of teachers.

Plan of events within the framework of the Russian Language Week in elementary school

No. p / p

the date of the

Time spending

Conduct form


1 Solemn line dedicated to the opening of the Russian Language Week in elementary school
2 Quiz "Entertaining Russian language" for 4th grade students
3 Quiz "Entertaining Russian language" for 3rd grade students
4 . Quiz "Entertaining Russian language" for 2nd grade students
5 Blitz survey for students in grades 2-4<Appendix 2 > <Appendix 3 > <Appendix 4 >
6 Collage competition "Interesting facts about the Russian language"<Appendix 5 >
7 Competition of notebooks in Russian language "Best calligrapher"
8 Solemn line dedicated to the closing of the Russian Language Week in elementary school.

Scenario of holding events within the framework of the Russian Language Week

Opening Week. Introduction to the program of events.

Leading: Do you love magic and transformations? If you love, then we invite you to the Russian Language Week. Meet our guest - Grammar Queen!

Student 1:

Grammar, grammar -
Science is very strict!
I always take the grammar textbook with anxiety!
Let it be difficult, but without it
Life would be bad.

Student 2:

I love you grammar
You are smart and strict.
You my grammar
I'll get by a little.

Student 3:

We must be friends with grammar,
Learn the rules and, if not lazy,
You can learn anything and everything.

Grammar Queen: Guys, learn native language- hard work. I hope that you are not afraid of difficulties on the way to knowledge. Our Russian language week will help you achieve that wonderful and mysterious thing that is hidden behind the phrase “Russian language”. The Russian language is an extraordinary language, and we will be convinced of this.

Leading: How will our week go?

Student 4:

And let the fight rage on
Sharper competition,
Success is not fate
But only our knowledge.

Student 5:

And competing with you
We will remain friends.
Let the fight boil more sharply
Our friendship grows stronger with her!

Leading: Well done! So, let's open the Russian Language Week! This week you have to demonstrate and prove all your knowledge and skills in the field of the Russian language!

Quiz "Entertaining Russian language" for students in grades 2-4.

Participation is accepted by 2-3 teams from 2-4 classes. Teams from each class of the parallel (10 people) take part. Teams are seated in two parallel rows on chairs.


Leading: A Russian proverb says: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." In order for you to have many friends, you need to learn how to communicate pleasantly with each other: clearly pronounce the words, correctly stress the words, and most importantly, know the polite words of speech etiquette.
Are the teams ready?

Task 1 "Patters"

We tell “secretly” the tongue twister to the first person in each team. At his signal, he whispers it to the second, further along the chain. The latter, having received a “telephone message”, should stand up and loudly, clearly pronounce the tongue twister. The team that quickly passes the tongue twister along the chain wins and its representative more accurately pronounces this tongue twister aloud.

Tongue twisters for commands:

  • A beetle buzzes over the lampshade.
  • Already already in a puddle.
  • Nina did not finish her melon.

Task 2 "Riddles"

Leading: Dear experts of the Russian language. You need to guess the riddle, put the correct stress in the guess words, determine the number of syllables in the guess word.

Riddles for teams:
It grows on our melon,
As you cut it, the juice flows.
It tastes fresh and sweet
It's called... ( watermelon).

Don't touch this green
It hurts like fire
Ugly, ugly
It's called... ( nettle)

At six in the morning
I crack:
- It's time to get up! ( Alarm)

We always walk together
Similar as brothers.
We are at dinner - under the table,
And at night - under the bed. ( Boots)

Didn't look out the window
There was only one Antoshka,
Looked out the window
There is a second Antoshka!
What is this window
Where was Antoshka looking? ( Mirror)

Task 3 "The art of communication"

Leading: We will now show you how some students communicate with each other.

(Two students in grade 1 play a scene for teams).

Student 1: Are you going to the cinema today?
Student 2: Yep!
Student 1: Have you bought tickets yet?
Student 2: Yep!
Student 1: If you buy, buy for me.
Student 2: Yep!
Student 1: Come after you?
Student 2: Yep!

Leading: What you heard is a snippet of a telephone conversation. I invite 2 participants from each team in order to act out the “correct” dialogue, using kind, polite words. The team with the most lively and interesting dialogue will win.

Task 4 "Hurry up - do not yawn"

Leading: And now a small blitz poll. Each team must answer a question.

How many sounds are in the word YAMA? ( 4 )
- What color is LONGINGNESS, BOREDOM? ( Green)
– How to write MOUSETRAP with five letters? ( Cat)

Task 5 "Compliment"

Leading: Learning to give compliments is essential. After all, as one of the French writers said: one word can make a person happy.
So, let's try to "make happy" our rivals. Let's pick up the ball and throw it - catch it! - to the one who sits opposite from the opposing team. And he, in turn, will throw to the next from the opposing team, i.e. throws in a broken line, back and forth, so that everyone says their compliment. We say compliments about appearance, pleasant, kind words. For example: “Your eyes are like the blue sky!”, “You have wonderful hair!” etc.

Task 6 "Composing the menu"

Leading: Dear participants, you need to make up the names of dishes from all the letters included in the words:

Command words:

  • Mole + porridge = (potato)
  • Beaver + redoubt = (sandwich)
  • Judgment + shadow = (jelly)

Task 6 "Solve the crossword puzzle"

Leading: Dear participants, you need to solve the crossword puzzle:


2) On the ground, like a snake, winds,
People don't get their hands on it
Far away runs from afar -
This is blue ... ( river)

5) The blue bell is hanging,
He never calls. ( Bell)

6) They brought a box to the kitchen -
White-white and shiny
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold. ( Fridge)

7) They put it on the finger,
And it decorates the hand. ( Ring)

8) I walk in the field,
I fly free
I twist, I grumble,
I don't want to know anyone.
I run along the village
I'm making snowdrifts. ( Wind)

9) Pop-eyed mouse-eater
Dressed in a gray coat. ( Owl)


1) I lived in the middle of the yard,
Where children play
But from the sun
I have become a stream. ( Snowman)

3) He himself is thin,
Head - with pounds,
How to hit -
It will become strong. ( Hammer)

4) When April takes its toll
And the streams run, ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me. ( jump rope)

Closing of the Week. Summing up, awarding the winners.

Student 1:

If you want to fight fate
If you are looking for the joy of a flower garden,
If you need solid support
Learn Russian language!

Student 2:

He is your mentor - great, mighty,
He is a translator, he is a conductor,
If you storm steep knowledge,
Learn Russian language!

Student 3:

The Russian word lives on the pages
The world of inspiring Pushkin's books.
The Russian word is freedom lightning,
Learn Russian language!

Student 4:

Gorky's vigilance, Tolstoy's boundlessness,
Pushkin's lyrics are a pure spring,
Shines with specularity Russian word
Learn Russian language!

Student 5:

The world of the disunited is joylessly small,
The soldered world is immensely large,
My son, work, be useful to people,
Learn Russian language!

Leading: Dear participants, our Russian Language Week has come to an end. We propose to start the ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners. The word is given ... .

So, the victory in the individual championship among students of the 2nd grade was won by ... and so on.
So, the victory in the team competition among students of the 2nd grade was won by ... class.
II place is awarded to students ... class. etc.
most best job in the collage competition "Interesting facts about the Russian language" was the work of students ... class. Congratulations on your victory!
The results of the Best Calligrapher contest were also summed up. A well-deserved victory was won by students of ... classes.

We thank all the winners, prize-winners, participants of the Russian Language Week!
You did an excellent job with all the tasks! And helped you in this - the Russian language is an amazing and unique miracle that allows you to express your thoughts, feelings, mood, convey what you see and hear.
We wish you success in your further language learning!



fostering in students a careful attitude to the native word;

development of interest in the deep study of the Russian language, both in the classroom and outside of school hours.


posters with statements about the Russian language, wall newspapers,

words with tablets: Morphology, Syntax, Punctuation, Word formation, Phonetics, Spelling, Graphics;

cards with words for task No. 1 for grades 1-2;

cards for task No. 2 "Grammatic arithmetic" for 1-2 cells.

punctuation cards;

grammar tickets with answers for an intellectual game for grades 3-4;

medals "Connoisseur of the Russian language";

blanks for calligraphy by class;

collage letters;

Event progress

Note: each incoming student grades 3-4. a grammar ticket is issued. The answers for the intellectual game that will take place at the end of the event are written on it. Leading: - Hello, guys! - Look carefully around you and say for what purpose we have gathered here today in the hall. (Students read the entry on the front of the wall)

"Opening of the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE WEEK in elementary school".

Right. Starting today, the "Week of the Russian Language" will reign in our gymnasium. This week you have to show all your knowledge in the field of the Russian language.

Today's event dedicated to the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE WEEK will be considered open.

This event includes 2 parts: theoretical and practical.

In Part 1, together we recall the statements of Soviet and foreign writers and poets about the Russian language, the guys will read poems, and also show you small dramatizations about ridiculous situations that arise due to ignorance of the Russian language or because of the unwillingness to learn it. - And in part 2, practical, we will identify experts in the Russian language among the participants our meeting.

So let's get started!

Reader 1 (reads A. Yashin's poem "Russian language"):

I love my mother tongue!

It is clear to everyone

He is melodious

He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,

As our power, mighty.

He is the language of the moon and planets,

Our satellites and rockets.

On council for round table

Speak it:

unambiguous and direct,

It is like the truth itself.

Reader 2 (reads a poem by G. Zumakulova, a Kabardino-Balkarian poetess):

Native language!

He has known me since childhood.

On it for the first time I said "mom",

On it I swore stubborn fidelity,

And every breath is clear to me on it.

Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in our foothills,

It was the first time I heard

Birds babble to me in green at times.

But like a native.

I love Russian language

I need him like heaven

Every moment.

On it live, quivering feelings

They opened up to me.

And the world opened up in them.

I understood the Russian word "happiness",

Great happiness to live in a big country,

With him I'm not afraid of grief and bad weather,

With him I will not burn in any fire.

Two rivers flow in the heart, without shallowing,

Become one river...

Forgetting my native language, I will become numb.

Having lost Russian, I will become deaf.

Leading: - Famous masters of the Russian word M.V. Lomonosov, A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev, M. Gorky highly valued the Russian language as the language of a great, talented people. - In their beautiful poem in the prose "Russian language" by I.S. Turgenev calls our language "great, powerful, truthful and free."

In letters to young readers, he bequeaths to treat his native language with care: “One more last piece of advice to young writers and one last request. And my request is this, he said:

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property, passed on to us by our predecessors.” Treat this mighty weapon with respect. In the hands of the skilful, it is able to perform miracles! ..».

Yes, guys, if in capable hands, then miracles really do happen. Probably, everyone knows the case when a person's life depended on a comma.

Remember the famous phrase “You can’t execute, pardon!”.

Our artists will now remind you of this case.

(acting out a scene)

(The Courtier and Queen Punctuation enter the stage)

Courtier: - Your Majesty, Queen Punctuation! A stranger has entered the kingdom! Uncombed, shaggy! And most importantly, he does not recognize us, punctuation marks, he goes ahead ahead.

Queen: -Nothing, we will teach him a lesson, we will teach him to reckon with us.

(Fedya enters)

Fedya: -There's something strange here. Where am I? And who else is stopping me from going through? Here is a pea miracle! (Turns to the queen) -Hey cuttlefish, what's on your head?

Queen: (Adjusts her crown) - How dare you talk to me, to the queen herself, and not to a simple queen, but to the queen of Punctuation! For this you will be punished. What's your name, cheeky?

Fedya: - Fedya.

Queen: - So, Fedya, if you are so impudent, then maybe you have a different mind? Now we will decide your fate. Here's an offer for you. If you put a comma correctly, you will live; if you put a comma incorrectly, you will die.

Fedya: -Give your sentence and a comma.

Queen: -Exercise. Put a comma in the right place.

Fedya: (put a comma after the word)

Queen: -Read what you got.

Queen: -Servants, execute him. He sealed his fate.

(servants run out and drag him aside)

Fedya:- Oh wait, let me think. Teachers at school and then allowed to think. And in the game "What? Where? When?" so they say: "A minute to think." And then life is decided.

Queen: - Okay, think about it. But look, if you make a mistake, you won't get home.

Fedya: -Well, where to blurt it out. Think, Fedya, think. ABOUT! I guessed: You can’t execute, pardon! Now you, the word to execute, you can’t run away from the word, the comma blocks your path.

Queen: - Well, Fedya, well done. Servants, a treat for a stranger!

Fedya: - No need. To my home, if possible.

Queen : Is it necessary or not necessary, and what is not necessary? In our kingdom, accuracy is loved. Where do you put commas in a sentence?

I don't need to go home if possible. ,

(the proposal is written on the blackboard)

Fedya (puts commas): - No need, I'm home, if possible.

Queen: - Well, it's clear now. Run, Fedya. You have completed the task. And never be so cocky again. That's the role played by such a small comma. And other punctuation marks that came with me today play an equally big role in sentences.

I ask you to! Come on! Introduce youreself!

(The punctuation marks enter the stage in black suits and with signs on their chests)

1 student (?): different questions I ask everyone:

How many?


That's what I'm a master, Question mark!

(A. Shibaev)

2 students (!):

Usually in a sentence

I stand for

To highlight the excitement

Anxiety, admiration, victory, triumph ...

I'm born right

The grammar says:

Where am I, then the sentence

With special expression

Should be spoken!

(A. Tetivkin)

3 students (.):

I have a special post

In the smallest line.

If the point is

The conclusion is simple:

This means -

The sentence should end

If the dot is nearby.

Point must be respected.

Dot needs to be heard.

And though I am a stronghold

In a book and in a notebook

Without much work

Gotta get along with me

If only thoughts

Get rid of the water

If Point

Not forget

Put on time.

(F. Krivin)

4 students (...):

I am a dot. (pause)

The following lines are written about me:

There are three gossips in a row,

They are talking, but in secret,

Some kind of distant

Cloudy hints...

(A. Shibaev)

5 students (:):

I am a colon.

They say this about me:

Colon big-eyed

Walks, boasting of knowledge:

That's how he wants

Explain to us

What is what...

(A. Shibaev)

6 students (-):

I am dash. (pause)

I'll lie down with a stick on the line:

Walk across the bridge.

(According to A. Shibaev)

7-8 students ("") - 2 students:

We are quotes. About us there are such verses:

Always eavesdrop

What others say...

(A. Shibaev)

9-10 students (()) - 2 students:

We are brackets.

We open our arms to words:

We are waiting for you,

Dear brothers!

(According to A. Shibaev)

Leading: - That's all our guests. Please sit down. (He gestures for them to sit on chairs at the back of the stage.)

Fedya (noisily runs onto the stage): - What is it?! Are all the punctuation marks on stage? Another punctuation mark did not introduce itself, and you say: “That's all our guests. That's how it always is! After all, many guys forget about him in their essays, dictations.

Leading: - Who have we forgotten? Who wasn't invited?

11 mask (looks out from behind the scenes): - Ah, you didn’t invite the one they are talking about:

"Get out on the track,

It will give everyone a leg up."

(A. Shibaev.)

Fedya: Guys, have you guessed what this is about?

Children: - It's about about the comma!

Fedya:- After all, it helps people read. Where she stands, you need to make a short pause. Many polite words like to stand next to her: please, thank you, hello, goodbye.

And how she saved me. You yourself have just confirmed this. Also guys?

Leading:- Thank you Fedya for reminding us of our important guest who saved you from death.

Come in and sit down, dear guests.

And our holiday continues. There are many sections in modern Russian:

Morphology, Syntax, Punctuation, Word formation, Phonetics, Spelling, Graphics

Complicated titles. But these sections are even more difficult to learn. But we still have many years ahead of us! And do not be lazy to study them all. But there are times when children are too lazy to learn new knowledge. And here are the stories.

Listen to what the boy thought from Graubin's poem, which was called "The Lazy Case."

Lezhebokin was asked:

Come on, tell me

Why do you hate so much

Don't like cases?

A long time ago, all schoolchildren

They are known by heart.

Due to two years to learn

Only you couldn't.

He answered angrily:

That's not my fault.

Let them, first, scientists

Names will change.

After all, I'm creative

I do not study on purpose:


And even more so

I don't want.

Such a case as Dative,

I have not been patient since childhood.

give, share something

I don't like with friends.

Prepositional I hate:

Not to learn a lesson

Have to invent

Any suggestion.

And in the accusative case

And I'm completely angry.

Father in every prank

Always blames me.

Yes, the remake seems to be

Serious need.

And he himself could something new

Come up with names?

Long time ago I thought:



lying down,



And finally, Forgivable!

Leading:- That's how lazy Lezhebokin was.

Guys, why was this boy nicknamed Lezhebokin.

And yet, guys, I believe that there are few such Lezhebokins in our country.

Back in the early thirties, wonderful Soviet writer A.N. Tolstoy, admiring the richness of the Russian language, argued: “The Russian language should become a world language. The time will come (and it is not far off) - they will begin to study the Russian language along all meridians the globe».

Today, the writer's prediction has come true: the Russian language has become one of the widely known world languages. - With this, we conclude the first part of our meeting and move on to the second.

Tasks for students in grades 1-2

Task 1. The game "Word in word"

I will show you the written words, and your task is to find the hidden words in these words.

Cobra (bark), paint (helmet, beauty), livestock (cat), food (com), bumps (glasses),

Shrub (bush, shooting gallery, crust), jelly (spruce, village), shelter (ditch, thief), nettle (willow, cancer), mole (cat, mouth, current), maple (flax), screen (faucet).

Task 2. Grammatical arithmetic

Skull-ep + yo + fly \u003d (cherry)

Clean-th+o+tel= (celandine)

Part-b + ear-o + a = (chastushka)

Cap + rice = (fruit)

Fat-l \u003d (insect)

Task 3. Solving puzzles . Tasks for students in grades 3-4

I suggest you play intellectual game. I will ask you questions, and you will find answers on your tickets. Show your knowledge and ingenuity. For each correct answer you get a medal "Expert in the Russian language."

Questions for students in grades 3-4.

Note: (questions can be shortened)

What is a subject? (this is the main member of the sentence, which indicates who or what the sentence is talking about and answers the questions who? what?)

Words that designate objects and answer the questions: who? What? are called ... (nouns)

What words are called single-root? (words that have something in common in meaning and the same root: for example: autumn-autumn)

How many sounds do the vowels E, E, Yu, I represent after consonants? (1 vowel)

How do you translate a word with double consonants? (one consonant remains on the line, and the other is transferred)

What is the name of a sentence in which something is reported (narrated)? (narrative)

How is the word with the letters b and y transferred? (when transferring a word, they cannot be separated from the letter in front: letter, build).

Words that designate a sign of an object and answer the questions: Which one? Which? Which? Which? (adjectives)

Name the main members of the sentence. (subject predicate)

What is a word root? (this is the common part of single-root words, in which their main meaning is conveyed)

What is a predicate? (member of the sentence, which means that the subject is being spoken of. Answers the questions: What did you do? What does you do? What did you do? Etc.)

What are endings and prepositions for? (to link words in a sentence)

What is an attachment? (this is the part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new words: for example, suburb)

Name the words that denote the action of objects and answer the questions: What to do? What to do? (Verbs)

What is our speech? (from sentences, and sentences from words)

What is the name of a sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling? (exclamation: e.g.: (hooray!))

What is an ending? (this is a variable part of the word. For example: school desk - desks.)

How is the root spelled in single-root words? (same).

How to determine how many syllables are in a word? (How many vowels in a word, so many syllables. Each of the students knows this)

How to check the vowels A, O, E, I, I in unstressed syllables? (you need to change the word so that the unstressed vowel becomes stressed: grass-herbs)

What is a suffix? (this is the part of the word that comes after the root and serves to form new words)

Which pair of consonants are voiceless? (P, F, K, T, W, S.)

What is an offer? (this is a word or several words that express a complete thought)

How are prepositions written with other words in a sentence? (apart).

What are prepositions for? (to link words in a sentence)

Which pair of consonants are voiced? (B, C, D, E, G, 3)

What does phonetics study? (section of the science of language, which studies the sounds of the language, stress, syllables)

What letters are written after W, W, H, W? (I, A, U)

What is the name of the part of the word that stands before the root and serves to form new words? (prefix. For example: roadside)

What is the name of a sentence that asks for something? (Interrogative. For example: What kind of mushroom is this?).

Name the vowels that give softness to consonants? (E, Yo, I, Yu, I. For example: wind, mint, people.)

How to find a prefix in a word? (you need to choose a single-root word without a prefix or with a different prefix: For example: saying - dialect, contract)

What is an exclamatory sentence? (a sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling.)

What is an adjective? (this is a part of speech that answers the questions: What? What? What? What?)

How to check words with two unstressed vowels in the root? (two test words: for example: ear, ears - spikelet)

What is the name of the common part of single-root words in which their main meaning is conveyed? (root of the word)

What does Graphics study? (a branch of the science of writing that studies all those special characters, with the help of which oral speech is transmitted in writing: these are letters, a hyphen, a space, a dash and punctuation marks)

In what cases is a solid sign written? (after prefixes that end in a consonant letter, before a root that starts with the vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya: For example: drove in)

What questions does the genitive case have? (Who? What?)

What gender do nouns have, to which the words “he”, “my” can be put? (masculine: For example: house, garden)

Is the b sign written after the hissing of masculine or feminine nouns? (a feminine noun. For example: daughter, night)

What does spelling study? (a branch of the science of language that studies spelling, that is, a system of rules that establish a single spelling of words, their forms and combinations)

What is a pronoun? (this is a part of speech that does not name the subject, but only points to it: I, you, he, they, you, etc.)

How to distinguish a prefix from a preposition? (between the preposition and the word before which it stands, you can insert another word or raise a question: Flew (over what?) Above the clouds)

What questions does the instrumental case have? (Who? What?)

What is the name of the change in the endings of nouns on questions? (Change in cases or declension.)

What are the names of words that indicate the number of objects or the order of objects when counting? (numerals, they answer the questions: How much? Which?)

What sounds in some word roots are not pronounced, but letters are written? (V, D, L, T. For example: feeling, sun, holiday.)

What gender do nouns have, to which you can put the words "she", "mine"? (feminine: cat, pen)

What questions do verbs in the indefinite form answer? (What to do? What to do?)

What does the section in Russian study - WORD FORMATION? (A section of the science of language that studies the laws of word formation and the composition of words, that is, what parts they consist of)

What does MORPHOLOGY study? (a branch of linguistics that studies the grouping of words into parts of speech)

What questions does the dative case have? (To whom; to what?)

What does syntax study? (a section of linguistics that studies the meaning and structure of a sentence and combinations of words in a sentence)

What particle gives the verb a negative meaning and how is it spelled with verbs? (particle not, written separately).

What nouns answer the question "Who?"? (which denote animate objects - people, animals, etc.)

What questions does the prepositional case have? (About who about what?)

What question do neuter adjectives answer and which ones have singular endings? (What? Endings -th, -ee.)

What does punctuation study? (all rules about punctuation in handwritten or printed text)

What gender do nouns have, to which the words “it”, “mine” can be put? (neuter: feather, tree.)

What questions does the nominative case have? (Who what?)

What part of speech is not part of a sentence? (A preposition is not a member of a sentence. It is used together with nouns or pronouns and serves to connect words in a sentence. For example: The cat is sleeping on the rug.)

What are the parts of a narrative text? (beginning, main body, ending)

What question do feminine adjectives in the singular answer and what endings do they have? (What? Endings -th, -th.)

How many grammatical bases does a simple sentence have? (one grammatical basis)

Which word assistant has an accusative case and what questions does it answer? (helper word - I SEE and answers questions - Whom? What?)

Does the predicate need to be underlined with one or two lines? (two lines)

What questions does the verb in the past tense answer? (What did you do? What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?)

What are the names of the words that most often denote a sign of action and answer the questions: Where? When? Where? How? (adverb: For example: How? Loudly. From where? From afar)

What question do plural adjectives answer and what endings do they have? (What? Endings -s, -s)

What are the sounds in writing? (in letters)

How many vowels are there in Russian? (10 vowels: a, i, o, e, u, u, s, i, e, e)

Leading: - Today, our event dedicated to the WEEK OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, we conclude with a wonderful poem, which is called ...

The poem "Learn the Russian language!".

If you want to fight fate

If you are looking for the joy of a flower garden,

If you need solid support

Learn Russian language!

He is your mentor - great, mighty,

He is a translator, he is a conductor,

If you storm steep knowledge,

Learn Russian language!

The Russian word lives on the pages

The world of inspiring Pushkin's books.

The Russian word is freedom lightning,

Learn Russian language!

Gorky's vigilance, Tolstoy's boundlessness,

Pushkin's lyrics are a pure spring,

The Russian word shines with a mirror -

Learn Russian language!

The world of the disunited is joylessly small,

The soldered world is immensely large.

My son, work, be useful to people,

Learn Russian language!

Week of the Russian language in elementary school development

- inculcate love for the native language;
- consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom;
- to educate students in respect for the native word;
- develop interest in learning the Russian language;
- to expand the vocabulary of children.
- formation of interest in the Russian language as a subject;
- increasing the general language culture.
- statements of writers about the Russian language;
- task cards.

Event progress

Answer: falcon, magpie, crow, nightingale, sparrow, corncrake, nuthatch, linnet, flycatcher, lark.
Task 2. Name as many words as possible that contain any number.
1- unity, unity, lonely, once
2- Tuesday, deuce, double, double, twins, double, shotgun
3- three, tee, trio, trident, tripod
4- thursday, quarter, quadrilateral
5- Friday, five days, piglet, five-year plan, pentagon
6- hexagon, hexagon, six, six-year-old,
7 - seven, seven-sided, seven-stringed (guitar, seven-color
8- octopus, figure eight
9 - "ninth shaft", nine years old, nine floors
10 - tithe, ten

Task 3. Word drop game. On a piece of paper (board) the words are given: build, run, see, decide, draw, write. First you need to find the only word with which to start the game:
1) run - the only verb in the indefinite form;
2) painted - only this verb has a plural;
3) decided - of the remaining only this verb in the past tense, the rest in the present;
4) writes - verb 1 conjugation, the rest of the second conjugation;
5) sees - an exception verb.
6) the verb "builds" remains.
2nd option.
Famous, honest, danger, cheerful, beautiful, sad.
1) danger is a noun, and all other names are adjectives;
2) beautiful - the only feminine adjective;
3) cheerful - an adjective that does not contain an unpronounceable consonant;
4) famous - there is a prefix;
5) honest, sad - remain.
Task 3. Make words from syllables.
Task 4. Call it in one word:
1) Deaf noise from friction. (Rustle)
2) The junction of different pieces. (The seam)
3) Made from canvas. (Canvas).
4) A baby sheep. (Lamb).
5) Master in the manufacture of belt harness. (Saddler).
6) Rod for cleaning the barrel of a weapon. (Ramrod).
7) Burning sensation in the esophagus. (Heartburn).
8) Prickly shrub with sweet and sour berries. (Gooseberry).
9) Car driver. (Chauffeur).
11) Paved gravel or asphalt road. (Highway).
12) A contemptuous name for an insatiable person. (Glutton).
13) Circus artist. (Juggler).
14) Rider at the races, races. (Jockey).
Task 5. Competition "Halves". The first part of the proverb is given. Students must name (write down, find) the second part.
Cause time - fun hour.
Easily you can't even pull a fish out of a pond.
life is given for good deeds.
Measure seven times cut one.
Do you like to ride love to carry sleds.
Don't rush your tongue hurry up.
They do not write with a pen but with the mind.
Teaching - path to skill.
Take the book in hand there will be no boredom.
Not knowing is not scary scary - do not know.
small business better than a big mess.
Task 6. Blitz-tournament "Questions - Answers".
1 class
1. If a sentence tells about something, then what kind of punctuation mark is needed at the end of such a sentence? (dot)
2. How many vowels are in the word "school"? (3)
3. Find the mistake: the word "mouse" has 4 letters and 4 sounds. (4 letters, 3 sounds)
4. How many syllables are in the word "berry"? (three)
5. Add a letter to the word "table" to make a new word. (pillar)
6. What word is hidden in "threat"? (thunderstorm, rose)
7. Remove the letter from the word "paint" and get a new word. Which? (helmet)
8. Which word is misspelled: “A rose has grown in the garden of a rose”? (at Rosa)
9. Think of what you can do with the word "forest" so that it has 2 syllables, 3 syllables. (wood, wood)
10. In which word is the second syllable stressed: chicken, cucumber, orange, nest? (nest)

Grade 2
1. Find the mistake: "Stasik gave his Puppy the nickname Sharik." (puppy)
2. The letters ran away, it is necessary to return them: “In the, the st.yala m. (e, o, o, e, o)
3. Paired consonants are confused, which of them should be put into words: aly.ka, bere.ka, pyro., swan.b, bula.ka, book.ka,. (b, h, d, e, c, g)
4. What word got lost: frost, frosty, freeze, overseas, freezer, frost? (overseas)
5. Where is the prefix in the word? (before root)
6. Are there words without a root? (No)
7. Find the hidden word. To search, you will need the questions “who?” and “what?”: teacher, nightingale, seller, Katya, cornflower, cat. (cornflower)
8. You need to pick up such adjectives for the word "raspberry" so that you immediately want to eat it. (Ripe, juicy, sweet, tasty, scarlet.)
9. It is necessary to be a little magician and turn the names of entities. into verbs: cart, saw, feeder, pilot, drawing, letter. (carry, saw, feed, fly, draw, write)
10. Can a sentence consist of one word? (Yes)

3rd grade
1. What is the name of the small piece of text between the 2 red lines?
2. Is there a phrase in which the word "crystal" has a direct meaning: crystal sound; crystal goblet; crystal water?
3. Choose the punctuation marks that are placed after the appeal: dash, comma, colon, exclamation point, semicolon.
4. From a common sentence, make a non-common one: "Nimble sparrows love birch seeds."
5. What part of the word can increase or decrease the subject?
6. Name a new word if the root is from “mountain”, the prefix is ​​from “jumped”, the suffix is ​​from “snowball”, the ending is from “house”.
7. Which word is not related: brownie, home, home, house, home.
8. Which of the signs: "b" or "b" is written after prefixes?
9. Which words do not have prefixes: smell, dispute, hike, cook, watchman, threshold, inspection.
10. Prefixes and prepositions are mixed up. We need to put things in order. “Kolya followed a friend. They went to school together."
Answers: 1. Paragraph. 2. Crystal goblet. 3. ",", "!". 4. Sparrows love. 5. Suffix. 6. Hillock. 7. At home. 8. "b". 9. Dispute, watchman, threshold. 10. I went in, let's go to school.

4th grade
1. Identify the parts of the word that include double consonants: equestrian, ton, fake, quarrel.
2. How does the prepositional case differ from other cases?
3. Change the nouns of the 1st declension so that they become the 3rd declension; mom, mouse, tree, bone, notebook, carrot.
4. What is an "infinitive"?
5. What person and number is the pronoun "you"?
6. Should homogeneous members of the proposal answer the same question?
7. What is the conjugation of the verb "breathe"?
8. Where is the “sit” and where is the “sit”: I’m going to take a walk, the house is being built, the children are having fun, do I need to hurry?
9. Questions: where? How? when where? what part of speech?
10. Do all words have endings?
Answers: 1. Root + suffix; root; prefix + root; root. 2. Can only be used with prepositions.3. Mother, mouse, spruce, bone, notebook, carrot. 4. Indefinite form of the verb. 5. Mn. h., 2nd l. 6. Yes. 7. To the second. 8. "to be", "to be", "to be", "to be". 9. To the adverb. 10. No. For example, with adverbs.
Dictation is carried out by class. In each parallel, the most literate student is identified.
The "Week of the Russian Language" ends with a solemn line, at which the results are summed up and certificates are awarded to the winners in various nominations.

Zarechkova Natalya Vladimirovna
Subject week of the Russian language in elementary school

Subject week of the Russian language in elementary school


instill love for Russian language, arouse interest in it as an educational subject;

Raise the overall language culture;

Deepen and expand the knowledge gained in the lessons.

Develop an interest in deep learning Russian language both in class and outside of class.

Increase interest in visiting libraries;

Implementation plan:

The first day:

1. Announcement of early subject week Russian language

2. Communication on the plan for carrying out activities within the framework of Russian language weeks.

3. Competition "Best calligrapher" (grades 2-4 at 14:00)

Second day:

1. Competition "I love books." (grades 2-4 in the library at 13:00)

2. Competition of readers

Day three:

1. Competition for students in grades 2-4 "Merry Grammar"

2. Competition "Grammar Fight" (2-4 cells at 13-50)

Day four:

1. Competition "Jolly typist" for 2nd grade students

2. Competition "Puzzles" for 3rd grade students

3. Competition. "Compliment" for 4th grade students (at 14:00)

Day five:

1. Completion announcement subject week.

2. "Best Notebook"

3. "I'm writing a dictation."

4. Photo - report on a slide - presentation and website schools.

5. Compiled: Zarechkova N. V

Opening weeks. Introduction to the calendar weeks

Leading. Do you love magic and transformations? If you love, then we invite you to an extraordinary Russian language week.

We invite Queen Grammar to visit us.

Grammar, grammar -

Science is very strict!

Grammar textbook

I always take it with concern.

Let it be difficult, but without it

Life would be bad.

II student.

I love you grammar

You are smart and strict.

You my grammar

I'll get by a little.

III student.

We must be friends with grammar,

Learn the rules, and if you're not lazy,

You can learn anything and everything.

Grammar Queen. Guys, learn native language is difficult. I hope that you are not afraid of difficulties on the way to knowledge. Our a week will help you achieve that wonderful and mysterious that is hidden behind words « Russian language» . Russian language is an extraordinary language and we will make sure of it.

How will our a week? (The host explains the work plan)

And let the struggle boil stronger

Sharpen the competition

Success is not fate

But only our knowledge.

And competing with you

We will remain friends.

Let the fight boil sharper

Our friendship grows stronger with her!


Well done! From today we have school will reign« Russian language week» . In this weeks you must show all your knowledge in the field Russian language.

"Best calligrapher"

(The first day)

Last name, first name ___

Fields and forests were covered with white snow. Moose footprints in the snow. He has strong legs and big horns. This is a beautiful animal.

3rd grade «___»

Last name, first name ___

I walk quietly along the path. A squirrel jumped from a tree. The woodpecker knocks on the pine bark. An owl's nest in the hollow of an oak tree. Near the birch there is a mole mink. A crossbill is circling over the tree.

4th grade «___»

Last name, first name ___

First winter day.

Everything was covered with snow. Soft fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. Low clouds crawled over the very earth and clung to the tops of the fir trees. The sun almost did not shine. The fluffs of snow continued to circle in the air. They silently fell to the frozen ground.

Contest "I love books."

(Second day.)

1 Excursion to the library.

(Rules of conduct in the library.)

2 Passing exams.

Children take an exam: find the right book (Author of the book and title.)

3. In the reading room, they are preparing for an expressive reading of poems.

4. Competition of readers.

Contest "Grammar Fight"

(Day three.)

1. Underline the hard consonants in patter:


2. Decipher the words, underline "superfluous" word:


3. Do the math and write down the result word:

DISPUTE + A - DEW + AR + TA \u003d ___

WINTER + HERE - TOMA + OH - AND + OK \u003d ___

SOM + TI - SIM + BROOM - LA + KA = ___

4. Add one letter to the beginning of a word to get new words:

COTTAGE - ___, PORT - ___,

FIG - ___, TREASURE -.

5. Divide the text into offers. Put a dot where it is necessary:



2. Emphasize soft consonants in words:


3. Separate the words for transfer:

Bird - ___,

big - ___,

amazing - ___,

careful - ___ .

4. Put the words in the plural number:

Sparrow - ___

Creek - ___

Wing - ___

Ant - ___

5. Underline only single-root words:



6. Understand the words composition:

Asterisk, sailors, coppice, birch.

7. What spelling in the word should be checked? Select and write down test words:

Fur coat - ___

Sad - ___

Bow - ___

Rainy - ___

Rare - ___

8. Define parts of speech and write them above the words in offer:

The forest edges are buried in pink foam.

9. Underline the main terms in offer:

Muddy streams ran water to the river.

10. Define the number of letters and sounds in each word:

Ship - ___

Entrance - ___

Amber - ___

Berry - ___

1. Correct the mistakes in the words that are written wrong:


2. Underline the words in which the letter I stands for two sounds:


3. In which word should an unpronounceable consonant be inserted?


4. Write down antonyms (words opposite in meaning) to data words:

Young - ___

Happiness - ___

Up - ___

Bad - ___

Daytime - ___

5. Write down a chain of 8 dictionary words so that the first letter of each next word was the same as the last previous word.

6. Find among the words the same root. Select the root. Cross out extra words.


7. Underline the words in which 6 sounds:


8. Explain in one word the meaning of phraseological revolutions:






9. Do I need a comma in offer? Insert missing characters if needed. punctuation:

In the blue sky, the stars are shining in the blue sea, the waves are whipping.

10. Guess what it is?

He's in the head frivolous person; he is advised to search in the field when someone has disappeared without a trace; words and money are thrown at him by those who do not appreciate them. ___

Contest "Merry Grammar"

(Day three)

Guess riddles, write next clues:

Coloration - greyish,

Habit - thieving,

hoarse screamer -

Famous person. Who is she? ___

I'm not an alarm clock, but I wake up

I have a beard and spurs.

I walk with great importance

And quick-tempered, like gunpowder. ___

Russian beauty

Standing in the meadow

In a green sweatshirt

In a white dress. ___

He writes when they dictate

He draws and draws.

And tonight

He will color the album for me. ___

red dairy

Day chews and night chews T:

After all, the grass is not so easy

Convert to milk. ___

Friendly with the owner

The house guards

Lives under the porch

Ring tail. ___

Red nose stuck to the ground

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose. ___

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window. ___

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch:

adults love me

And little kids. ___

I was born to fame

The head is white, curly.

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me in them. ___

Teacher material:

Answers for the competition "Merry Grammar" for 2 class:

4. Pencil

7. Carrot

10. Cabbage

In this square with letters, 13 inhabitants of the seas and rivers hid. Find them. Keep in mind that words can be written horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. One word - crab - has already been found.











Teacher material:

Answers for the competition "Merry Grammar" for 3 class:

1. Dolphin

11. Medusa

12. Octopus

13. Herring.

14 names of sweets are hidden in this square with letters. Words can be searched horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. One word - cake - we have already found for you.

K Yu V A F L I M Sh T










Teacher material:

Answers for the competition "Merry Grammar" for 4 class:

2. Marmalade

3. Candy

6. Jam

7. Pastila

8. Lollipop

14. Chocolate.

Contest "Jolly typist" for 2nd grade students

(Day four)


The work is organized on a big break. Within 5 minutes, the participants need to use the letters that make up the word METROPOLITAN to come up with as many words as possible, nouns in units. hours (floor, sweat, mot, lot, sea, world, tol, metro, meter, chalk, field, methyl, net, tempo, ax, body, heat, sea, liter, rum, etc.)


When time runs out, the participant with the fewest words says the first word, if the word is repeated by other participants, they cross it out. So, according to the increasing number of words, all words are read. The winner is the one who has more uncrossed out words.

Contest "Puzzles" for 3rd grade students


Dear connoisseurs Russian language. You need to guess the riddle, put the correct stress in the words - riddles, define the number of syllables in the guess word.


It grows on our melon,

As you cut it, the juice flows.

It tastes fresh and sweet

called (watermelon)

Don't touch this green:

It hurts like fire

Ugly, ugly

called (nettle)


At six in the morning

I crack:

It's time to get up (alarm)

We always walk together

Similar as brothers.

We are at dinner - under the table,

And at night, under the bed. (boots)

He runs on wires

Say here

And they hear it. (telephone)

Didn't look out the window

There was only one Antoshka,

Looked out the window

There is a second Antoshka!

What is this window

Where was Antoshka looking? (mirror)

At our Katyushka

Right on top

Not bugs, not birds

Hold two pigtails. (bows)

Contest. "Compliment" for 4th grade students

Notes: Playing on one of the changes. For a good compliment, the student is awarded a token. The winner is the one with the most tokens. Information about the winners is transferred to the jury on the day of the game.


Learning to give compliments is essential. After all, as one of the French writers: One word can make a person happy.

Yes, let's try "make happy" their rivals. Let's take the ball in our hands and throw it - catch it! - to the one who is sitting opposite. And he, in turn, will throw to the next, that is, throws with a broken line, back and forth, so that everyone says his compliment. We say compliments about appearance, pleasant, kind words. For example: "Your eyes are like blue skies!", "You have wonderful hair!" etc.

Final stage

(Day five)

Today's event dedicated to RUSSIAN LANGUAGE WEEK, we conclude with a wonderful poem, which is called ...

Poem "Learn Russian language.

1st student:

If you want to fight fate

If you are looking for the joy of a flower garden,

If you need solid support

Learn Russian language!

2nd student:

He is your mentor - great, mighty,

He is a translator, he is a conductor,

If you storm steep knowledge,

Learn Russian language!

3rd student:

Russian the word lives on the pages

The world of inspiring Pushkin's books.

Russian word - freedom lightning,

Learn Russian language!

4th student:

Gorky's vigilance, Tolstoy's boundlessness,

Pushkin's lyrics are a pure spring,

Shines with specularity Russian word -

Learn Russian language!

5th student:

The world of the disunited is joylessly small,

The soldered world is immensely large.

My son, work, be useful to people,

Learn Russian language!

2. Exhibition of workbooks for students in grades 2-4.

3. Writing a dictation "In winter"

4. Summing up the whole weeks. Presentation of medals and certificates.

5. View presentation.

  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere