Geographic coordinates of the earth's magnetic poles. Where does the magnetic pole go? What will the shift of the magnetic poles lead to

Did you know that the Earth has 4 poles: two geographic and two magnetic? And the geographic poles don't match the magnetic ones. Do you want to know where the magnetic

Poles of the Earth? At the end of the 20th century, in accordance with their names, they were: the northern one was in the depths of the northern coast of Canada, and the southern one was a hundred kilometers from the edge of Antarctica.

Where are the earth's magnetic poles now? They are constantly moving. For example, the northern one in 1831 (at the time of its discovery) was at 70 degrees N. sh. In Canada. After 70 years, the polar explorer R. Amundsen found it already 50 km to the north. Scientists became interested in this and began to follow. It turned out that the pole "travels" with increasing speed. Initially, its speed was slow, but in last years increased to 40 km/year. At such rates, by 2050 the north magnetic pole will be “registered” in Russia. And this will bring not only beautiful pictures of the northern lights, which will be visible to almost all of Siberia, but also problems in using the compass. There will also be an increase in the level of exposure to space

and rays, because near the poles the Earth's magnetic field is much smaller than at the equator. Measurements showed that over 150 years the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 10%. And it is a very effective means of protecting all living things from harsh solar and cosmic radiation. American astronauts flying to the Moon got out from under the cover of the Earth's magnetic field and received a mild form of radiation sickness. And no matter how they looked from the moon, they could not see where the magnetic poles of the Earth were.

Land in Antarctica

Antarctica is the part of the Earth near the South Pole. She received the name "Anti-Arctic" or Ant-Arctic, as the antagonist of the Arctic. The name of the latter comes from the ancient Greek arktos - Ursa. So the ancient Greeks called it with the North Star, known to all travelers.

Antarctica consists of the mainland Antarctica, adjacent parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and Ross, the Commonwealth, Weddell, Amundsen, and others. . etc. Thus, Antarctica occupies the region of the 50th-60th south parallels.

Antarctica - the most, most, most ...

Antarctica is the largest and driest desert - precipitation is less than 100 mm per year: from 40-50 mm in the center to 600 mm in the north of the Antarctic Peninsula. The most famous in narrow circles are the Dry Valleys. Rain has not been seen here for 2,000,000 years. Neighbor of the Dry Valleys - where there was no rain for only 400 years. The lakes of this valley are the most saline in the world. compared to them - almost bland.

Antarctica is the most severe in terms of climate, the minimum temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet Antarctic station Vostok on July 21, 1983 - minus 89.6 ° C.

Antarctica is the place with the strongest winds. Dashing glory have katabatic winds. When air comes into contact with glaciers at an altitude of 1000 to 4500 m, it cools down, condenses and begins, accelerating, to flow to the coast, sometimes reaching a speed of 320 km/h.

Antarctica is the iciest place on earth. Only 0.2-0.3% of its surface is not covered with ice - in the western part of the continent, as well as parts of the coast or individual ridges and peaks (nunataks).

In summer, south of the Arctic Circle, these areas get very warm, and then the air above them heats up. For example, in the Dry Valley on Victoria Land in December 1961 it was + 23.9 ° C.

Now you also know where the Earth's magnetic poles are.

At the beginning of the year, foreign media showed extraordinary interest in the movement of the Earth's magnetic poles and simply burst into fantasies about the "incomprehensible jumps" of the planet's North Magnetic Pole. As it turned out, they were given food for thought by Canadian Geological Survey professor Larry Newit, who, in his own words, gave an interview to a reporter who wanted to hear "how soon the pole would leave Canadian territory." The story of the professor with distortions was placed on the site "National news service", which fans of sensations came across.
In March, the story of the poles stirred up the Russian media in the capital. Domestic correspondents referred to the information of Yevgeny Shalamberidze, an employee of the Central Institute of Military-Technical Information. In this institute, as reported by many journalists, "an unexpected shift of the North magnetic pole by 200 kilometers" was allegedly recorded. This phenomenon was immediately called "polarity reversal" in the mass press.

So, with the sources that sowed so many rumors, we figured it out. It remains to understand what is really happening with the magnetic poles? Does their movement obey the generally accepted theories of pole drift? Is their polarity reversal possible in the near future, and what should earthlings expect if it does happen? With these questions, we turned to the Deputy Director of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Professor Vadim Golovkov and the leading researcher of the Central Institute for Military-Technical Information (CIFTI) of the RF Ministry of Defense Evgeny Shalamberidze.


V. Golovkov was not surprised by the questions asked, the scientist, on the contrary, wanted to dispel the misunderstandings that had arisen. He explained that over the past 150 years, the position of the magnetic poles relative to geographical coordinates clearly tracked. Thus, the position of the North Magnetic Pole (NMP) for 2001 was determined by the coordinates of 81.3 degrees north latitude and 110.8 degrees west longitude (the northern island part of Canada, see map).

Really, soonaxis of the NSR not constant. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was only a few kilometers a year, in the 70s it accelerated to 10 kilometers a year, and now is about 40 kilometers per year. That "jump" of 200 kilometers, which was reported with horror by the media, the magnetic pole did not overnight, but over the past ten years. The magnetic pole is moving almost to the north, and if this speed is maintained, the NSR will go beyond the 200-mile Canadian zone in 3 years, and in 50 years it will reach Severnaya Zemlya.


From the school bench we know that the Earth's magnetic field in the first approximation is a dipole, a permanent magnet. But besides the main dipole, the planet has so-called local magnetic anomalies, "scattered" unevenly over its surface (Canadian, Siberian, Brazilian, etc.). Each anomaly leads its own specific way of life - they move, intensify, weaken, disintegrate.

The compass needle, which is also a magnet, is oriented relative to the total field of our planet and with one tip points to the North magnetic pole, the other - to the South. So the location of the first is greatly influenced by the Canadian magnetic anomaly, which currently occupies the entire territory of Canada, part of the Arctic Ocean, Alaska and the north of the United States. The anomaly "pulls" the position of the North geomagnetic pole by several degrees. Therefore, the real, total magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographic one, and the north-south compass orientation turns out to be not perfectly accurate, but only approximate.
Under the inversion of the Earth's field understand the phenomenon when the magnetic poles change their sign to the opposite. The compass needle after inversion should be oriented diametrically opposite. V. Golovkov said that on the basis of paleomagnetic data (studies of ancient deposits of lava layers with iron-bearing inclusions), it was shown that pole inversion on the Earth's geological time scale is a fairly common phenomenon. However, the polarity reversal does not have any pronounced periodicity, it occurs every few million years, and the last time it took place was about 700 thousand years ago.

Exhaustive explanation of inversion modern science cannot give. Nevertheless, it was revealed that the intensity of the Earth's dipole field changes twice with a period of about 10 thousand years. For example, at the beginning of our era, its value was 1.5 times greater than now. It is also known that at times when the dipole weakens, the local fields increase.

Modern models of polarity reversal suggest that if the strength of the main field weakens sufficiently and reaches a value of 0.2 - 0.3 of its average value, then the magnetic poles will begin to "shake" under the influence of enhanced anomalous regions, not knowing where to stumble. So, the north pole can "jump" to middle latitudes, to the equatorial ones, and if the equator "jumps over", then an inversion will occur.

V. Golovkov believes that the accelerated movement of the North Magnetic Pole observed today is fully described by modern mathematical models. The scientist is convinced that the pole will not reach Severnaya Zemlya - the Canadian anomaly will simply “not let it in”, and it will drift in the same area without going beyond the anomaly. Inversion, according to V. Golovkov, is really possible at any moment, but this "moment" will not happen sooner than in several millennia.


Now let's talk about the information expressed by Yevgeny Shalamberidze, a leading researcher at the Central Institute for Military-Technical Information (CIVTI) of the Russian Defense Ministry, at a round table devoted to the problem of the growth of aviation accidents and catastrophes.

As E. Shalamberidze said in an interview to a correspondent of the Interfax VREMYA weekly, this organization conducts a comprehensive analysis of the results of dozens and even hundreds of domestic and foreign studies of various profiles. They show that one of the main sources of the accelerating drift of the planet's magnetic poles is the entry solar system into a certain energy-saturated zone of our Galaxy (as NASA experts put it, the system "plunged" into a hydrogen "bubble"). This area of ​​increased concentration of atomic hydrogen began to fundamentally change the "energy order" of the development and interaction of all bodies of the solar system.

So, according to official data from NASA (including those obtained with the help of the Ullis space probe) and the Joint Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Power electromagnetic radiation Jupiter has increased since the beginning of the 90s by 2 times, and Neptune only in the late 90s - by 30 times,

The energy intensity of the basic electromagnetic frame of the solar system, which forms a bunch of the Sun - Jupiter, has increased by 2 times,

On Uranus, Neptune and the Earth, ongoing processes of drift of the magnetic poles are growing.

Thus, the accelerating drift of the poles on our planet is only an element of the global processes taking place in the Solar and Galactic systems and exerting various influences on all phases of the development of the biosphere and the life of mankind.


Registration data from satellite systems show that since 1994 there has been an inversion of ocean surface temperature, almost the entire system of world ocean currents. Over the past 2 years in America, Canada, Western Europe winter temperature records were broken. The temperature of the water at the equator rises, and this leads to intensive evaporation of moisture. At the same time, the ice of the North Pole is melting. Few people know that the land area in the Arctic and Antarctica is currently undergoing rapid development flora. And our taiga is advancing to the north. The base of the Earth's radiation belt has shifted, the lower edge of the ionosphere has descended from a height of 300-310 km to 98-100 km. The number of all kinds of catastrophes is constantly increasing.

Total number of disasters\ With damage over 1% of the gross\ With the number of victims\ With the number of deaths

1963-67 16 39 89

1968-72 15 54 98

1973-77 31 56 95

1978-82 55 99 138

1983-87 58 116 153

1988-92 66 139 205

As Professor A.Dmitriev from the Joint Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences testifies, the space that now surrounds the Earth is in constant magnetoelectric "flicker", i.e. we have a magnetoelectric instability. There are conditions for sharp fluctuations in temperature, the emergence of typhoons, hurricanes. The constant introduction of additional energy and matter into the state of the Earth causes complex adaptive processes in the planet itself, it is forced to constantly adapt to new conditions. And that is exactly what we are seeing at the moment.

In order for us to be able to effectively predict the prospects for the drift of the magnetic poles and other basic geophysical forecasts on Earth, it is necessary, as the specialists of the Center for Information and Intervention Technologies emphasize, to create specialized state institutions that would begin to coordinate and integrate numerous narrow-industry studies of various organizations, so far completely unrelated between themselves. Only on this basis will it be possible to reasonably foresee what awaits us tomorrow ...


At the same time, studies of the TsIVTI of the RF Ministry of Defense indicate that the US ruling circles received primary information about the growing planetary destruction by the middle of the 20th century and began to comprehensively and covertly take them into account in their long-term geostrategy.

Even in the open version of the 1980 government report to the President of the United States "On the state of the world by the year 2000" (where one of the 4 volumes was completely devoted to a detailed and multivariate forecast of the natural situation on the planet after 20 years) it was clearly indicated that the aggravation of the natural situation in the region of the year 2000 could be caused by: "... a change in the Earth's orbit and its rotation", "...these changes will have consequences for our future...", "...the duration of the consequences (reaction time) can stretch from several days to several millennia".

In 1998, under the Congress, and since 1999 under the US government, special committees were organized to prepare the country for emergency activities in the period up to 2030. Moreover, the leading scientific and government authorities of the United States strictly block the public dissemination of any objective and systemic information about the growing fluctuations of the earth's poles and cataclysms of the planet.

So why does the US geostrategy take into account the latest knowledge in the sciences, while ours, the domestic one, does not? One of the important factors in the uncontrollability of the processes taking place today on Earth is the ignorance or denial by humanity of the very fact of these processes. But even when a person gets their hands on such data, they often do not find a wide audience, or are distorted. Is it not time for us to boldly face the truth and make a difference?

Elena NIKIFOROVA, Columnist for the weekly Interfax TIME

Experts point out that Earth's magnetic poles are shifting at a high rate of increase, and the magnetic field weakens. What dangers does this pose, how can this phenomenon threaten humanity, and maybe the whole nature and fauna?
Let's try to briefly understand this issue, calling for help from domestic and foreign sources. After all, the compass needle points to the north - this is how children are taught in geography lessons.

Was there a pole shift earlier in Earth's history?

Yes, it was, scientists say. 786,000 years ago, the Earth's magnetic field changed its direction by 180 degrees. The reversal, apparently, lasted only a hundred years, but looking ahead, we can assume that people then could still be in a certain danger.
Moreover, the Earth's magnetic field repeatedly changed direction - on average every 250,000 years. At that time, if there was a compass, then its arrow, indicating north, would actually show south.

The last long-term reversal of the magnetic poles, called the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal, occurred almost 800,000 years ago. And it happened surprisingly much faster than previously known reversals of the Earth's magnetic field, according to the International Geophysical Journal.
Almost as quickly there was a brief change in the magnetic field 41,000 years ago. At that time, the north magnetic pole went 200 years to the south pole, stayed there for 440 years, and then returned to the north. Such short-term excursions are even more frequent than long-term reversals.

The exact date of the last long-term reversal of the magnetic poles

To analyze the magnetic pole shift, the scientists analyzed the deposits of a former lake in the Apennines east of Rome. The dominant directions of the magnetic field of their deposit materials were found and restored. In this study, scientists were able to determine the timing of the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal much more accurately than previously possible. The ratio of two different argon isotopes was used to calculate the age of the deposited layers. It turned out that this event happened only 786 thousand years ago.

Why the Earth's magnetic field changes its direction, researchers can not finally explain until now. "This is due to changes in the planet's outer core," says Maxwell Braun of the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam. There, probably, the Earth's magnetic field is generated. "However, we don't know what controls its long-term behavior."

However, there is such an understanding of the nature of the Earth's magnetic field. The reasons for the formation of the magnetic field are hidden deep in the hot bowels of the Earth: there is a layer of liquid iron that rotates around the 2500 km powerful core of the Earth, which consists of solid metal - iron and nickel. This rotation moves metals about ten kilometers a year and creates a current, which in turn generates a magnetic field around the Earth.
“But the iron masses in the bowels of the earth behave chaotically, a slight turbulence and convection currents form everywhere, which manifests itself on earth in the form of fluctuations in the magnetic field, both weakening the magnetic field and slightly strengthening it in other places. Thus, the magnetic field has already weakened by 5%, and even more in the Atlantic and Brazil.

There is at least circumstantial evidence that the next pole reversal could take place within a few thousand years. The Earth's magnetic field has been weakening for 150 years. IN Lately the decrease in the intensity of the field even accelerated. And the North Magnetic Pole, for example, has already gone from its original value of 1300 km in the direction of Siberia, overcoming about 90 km per day.

What dangers, threats to all living things are the switching of the Earth's magnetic field

For life on Earth, orbiting satellites, and for electrical infrastructure, the Earth's magnetic field is extremely important because it protects them from harmful cosmic radiation. During the turn, the magnetic field becomes much weaker. Reduced protection from cosmic radiation and this can increase the risk of cancer for humans and animals. The impact on satellites will occur in much the same way as during solar storms. Experts fear disruptions in the functioning of the power grid.

Moreover, the magnetic field does not allow molecules to be carried into space. gas envelope Earth, otherwise it would have left what is now observed on Mars.

However, geologists are comfortable with the polarity reversal because the atmosphere is a real shield against high energy radiation towards the earth. In addition, the protective magnetic field does not completely disappear even during a reversal. There is some optimism that the human race has experienced several short-term reversals of the magnetic field, like the one that took place 41,000 years ago.

Researchers are currently engaged in intensive research polar ice, which keeps the age-old secrets of the response of materials to changes in the planet's magnetic field. Many believe that earthlings have a glaring lack of knowledge in this matter, which must be quickly eliminated. Maybe that's why, in the Earth's orbit for more than a year, three European satellites began to fly close to each other, which, with their magnetometers, are carefully monitoring changes in the magnetic field of our planet. And they noted a decrease in the intensity of field weakening in a number of places. True, in other places these changes have increased somewhat.

But astrophysicist Harald Lescha from Munich, who has run computer simulations of the problem, offers unexpected hope to humanity. He says that if the magnetic field of the planet is greatly weakened, then the missing energy can be replaced by the energy of people facing the magnetic field.

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"The probability of changing the Earth's magnetic poles in the near future. Research into the detailed physical causes of this process.

Somehow I watched a popular science film on this issue, shot 6-7 years ago.
It provided data on the appearance of an anomalous region in the southern part Atlantic Ocean- polarity reversal and weak tension. It seems like when satellites fly over this territory, they have to be turned off so that the electronics do not deteriorate.

Yes, and in time, it seems, how this process should occur.It also talked about plans by the European Space Agency to launch a series of satellites to study in detail the strength of the Earth's magnetic field. Maybe they have already published the data of this study, if the satellites were launched on this occasion?

The Earth's magnetic poles are part of our planet's magnetic (geomagnetic) field, which is generated by flows of molten iron and nickel surrounding the Earth's inner core (in other words, turbulent convection in the Earth's outer core generates a geomagnetic field). The behavior of the Earth's magnetic field is explained by the flow of liquid metals at the boundary of the earth's core with the mantle.

In 1600, the English scientist William Gilbert in his book On the Magnet, Magnetic Bodies, and the Great Magnet, the Earth. presented the Earth as a giant permanent magnet, the axis of which does not coincide with the axis of rotation of the Earth (the angle between these axes is called magnetic declination).

In 1702, E. Halley creates the first magnetic maps of the Earth. The main reason for the presence of the Earth's magnetic field is that the Earth's core consists of red-hot iron (a good conductor of electrical currents that occur inside the Earth).

The Earth's magnetic field forms a magnetosphere extending for 70-80 thousand km in the direction of the Sun. It shields the Earth's surface, protects against the harmful effects of charged particles, high energies and cosmic rays determines the nature of the weather.

Back in 1635, Gellibrand established that the Earth's magnetic field was changing. Later it was found that there are permanent and short-term changes in the Earth's magnetic field.

The reason for the constant change is the presence of mineral deposits. There are territories on Earth where its own magnetic field is strongly distorted by the occurrence of iron ores. For example, the Kursk magnetic anomaly, located in the Kursk region.

The cause of short-term changes in the Earth's magnetic field is the action " solar wind", i.e. the action of a stream of charged particles ejected by the Sun. The magnetic field of this stream interacts with the Earth's magnetic field, there are " magnetic storms". The frequency and strength of magnetic storms is affected by solar activity.

During the years of maximum solar activity (once every 11.5 years), such magnetic storms arise that radio communication is disrupted, and compass needles begin to “dance” unpredictably.

The result of the interaction of charged particles of the "solar wind" with the Earth's atmosphere in the northern latitudes is such a phenomenon as "polar lights".

The change of the Earth's magnetic poles (magnetic field inversion, English geomagnetic reversal) occurs every 11.5-12.5 thousand years. Other figures are also mentioned - 13,000 years and even 500 thousand years or more, and the last inversion occurred 780,000 years ago. Apparently, the polarity reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field is a non-periodic phenomenon. Throughout the geological history of our planet, the earth's magnetic field has changed its polarity more than 100 times.

The cycle of changing the poles of the Earth (associated with the planet Earth itself) can be attributed to global cycles (along with, for example, the cycle of fluctuation of the precession axis), which affects everything that happens on Earth...

A legitimate question arises: when to expect a change in the Earth's magnetic poles (an inversion of the planet's magnetic field), or a shift of the poles to a “critical” angle (according to some theories, to the equator)?..

The process of shifting the magnetic poles has been recorded for more than a century. The North and South magnetic poles (NMP and SMP) are constantly “migrating”, moving away from the geographic poles of the Earth (the “error” angle is now about 8 degrees in latitude for the NMP and 27 degrees for the SMP). By the way, it was found that the geographic poles of the Earth are also moving: the axis of the planet deviates at a speed of about 10 cm per year.

The north magnetic pole was first discovered in 1831. In 1904, when scientists took measurements a second time, it was found that the pole had moved 31 miles. The compass needle points to the magnetic pole, not the geographic one. The study showed that over the past thousand years, the magnetic pole has moved over considerable distances in the direction from Canada to Siberia, but sometimes in other directions.

The north magnetic pole of the Earth does not sit still. However, like the south. The northern one “wandered” across Arctic Canada for a long time, but since the 70s of the last century, its movement has acquired a clear direction. With a growing speed, now reaching 46 km per year, the pole rushed almost in a straight line into the Russian Arctic. According to the forecast of the Canadian Geomagnetic Service, by 2050 it will be in the area of ​​the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago.

The fact of the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field near the poles, which was established in 2002 by the French professor of geophysics Gauthier Hulot, indicates a quick change of poles. By the way, the Earth's magnetic field has weakened by almost 10% since it was first measured in the 30s of the 19th century. Fact: in 1989, the inhabitants of Quebec (Canada), as a result of the fact that the solar winds broke through a weak magnetic shield and caused severe breakdowns in electrical networks, were left without electricity for 9 hours.

We know from the school physics course that electricity heats the conductor through which it flows. In this case, the movement of charges will heat the ionosphere. Particles will penetrate into the neutral atmosphere, this will affect the wind system at an altitude of 200-400 km, and hence the climate as a whole. The shift of the magnetic pole will also affect the operation of the equipment. For example, in the middle latitudes during the summer months it will not be possible to use shortwave radio communications. The work of satellite navigation systems will also be disrupted, since they use ionospheric models that will not be applicable in the new conditions. Geophysicists also warn that the approach of the north magnetic pole will increase the induced induced currents in Russian power lines and power grids.

However, all this may not happen. The north magnetic pole can change direction or stop at any moment, and this cannot be foreseen. And for the South Pole, there is no forecast for 2050 at all. Until 1986, he moved very cheerfully, but then his speed dropped.

So, here are four facts that indicate an approaching or already begun reversal of the geomagnetic field:
1. Reduction over the past 2.5 thousand years of the intensity of the geomagnetic field;
2. Acceleration of the drop in field strength in recent decades;
3. Sharp acceleration of the displacement of the magnetic pole;
4. Features of the distribution of magnetic field lines, which becomes similar to the picture corresponding to the stage of preparation of the inversion.

ABOUT possible consequences reversal of geomagnetic poles is an extensive discussion. There are various points of view - from quite optimistic to extremely disturbing. Optimists refer to the fact that hundreds of inversions have occurred in the geological history of the Earth, but it has not been possible to establish a connection between mass extinctions and natural disasters with these events. In addition, the biosphere has considerable adaptive capacity, and the inversion process can take quite a long time, so there is more than enough time to prepare for change.

The opposite point of view does not exclude the possibility that the inversion may occur during the lifetime of the next generations and turn out to be a catastrophe for human civilization. It must be said that this point of view is largely compromised by a large number of unscientific and simply anti-scientific statements. As an example, one can cite the opinion that during the inversion human brains will experience a reboot, similar to what happens with computers, with the complete erasure of the information contained in them. Despite such statements, the optimistic point of view is very superficial.

The modern world is far from what it was hundreds of thousands of years ago: man has created many problems that have made this world fragile, easily vulnerable and extremely unstable. There is reason to believe that the consequences of the inversion will indeed be truly catastrophic for world civilization. And the complete loss of the functionality of the World Wide Web due to the destruction of radio communication systems (and it will certainly come at the time of the loss of radiation belts) is just one example of a global catastrophe. For example, due to the destruction of radio communication systems, all satellites will fail.

An interesting aspect of the impact of geomagnetic inversion on our planet, associated with a change in the configuration of the magnetosphere, is considered in his recent works by Professor V.P. Shcherbakov from the Borok Geophysical Observatory. In the normal state, due to the fact that the axis of the geomagnetic dipole is oriented approximately along the axis of rotation of the Earth, the magnetosphere serves as an effective screen for high-energy streams of charged particles moving from the Sun. In the case of inversion, it is quite probable that a funnel is formed in the frontal subsolar part of the magnetosphere in the region of low latitudes, through which the solar plasma can reach the Earth's surface. Due to the rotation of the Earth in each specific place of low and partly temperate latitudes, this situation will be repeated every day for several hours. That is, a significant part of the planet's surface every 24 hours will experience a strong radiation shock.

However, scientists from NASA suggest that the assertion that the reversal of the poles can briefly deprive the Earth of a magnetic field that protects us from solar flares and other space hazards. However, the magnetic field may weaken or strengthen over time, but there is no indication that it can completely disappear. A weaker field will of course result in a slight increase in solar radiation on Earth, as well as beautiful auroras at lower latitudes. But nothing fatal will happen, and the dense atmosphere perfectly protects the Earth from dangerous solar particles.

Science proves that the reversal of the poles - from the point of view of the geological history of the Earth - is a common phenomenon that occurs gradually, over millennia.

The geographic poles are also constantly shifting across the surface of the Earth. But these shifts occur slowly and are natural. The axis of our planet, rotating like a top, describes a cone around the pole of the ecliptic with a period of about 26 thousand years, in accordance with the migration of geographical poles, gradual climatic changes also occur. They are caused mainly by the displacement of ocean currents that carry heat to the continents. Another thing is unexpected, sharp "tumbles" of the poles. But the rotating Earth is a gyroscope with a very impressive intrinsic moment of momentum, in other words, it is an inertial object. resisting attempts to change the characteristics of his movement. A sudden change in the inclination of the Earth's axis, and even more so its "somersault" cannot be caused by internal slow movements of magma or gravitational interaction with any passing space body.

Such an overturning moment can only occur during a tangential impact of an asteroid with a diameter of at least 1000 kilometers, approaching the Earth at a speed of 100 km/sec. The magnetic field of our planet, which is observed today, is very similar to that which would be created by a giant bar magnet placed in the center of the Earth, oriented along a north-south line. More precisely, it must be installed so that its North magnetic pole is directed to the South geographic pole, and the South magnetic pole is directed to the North geographic.

However, this situation is not permanent. Research over the past four hundred years has shown that the magnetic poles revolve around their geographic counterparts, shifting about twelve degrees every century. This value corresponds to the velocities of currents in the upper core of ten to thirty kilometers per year. In addition to the gradual shifts of the magnetic poles, approximately every five hundred thousand years, the Earth's magnetic poles change places. The study of the paleomagnetic characteristics of rocks of different ages allowed scientists to conclude that the time of such reversals of the magnetic poles took at least five thousand years. A complete surprise for scientists studying the life of the Earth were the results of an analysis of the magnetic properties of a lava flow about a kilometer thick, which erupted 16.2 million years ago and was recently found in the east of the Oregon desert.

Her research, led by Rob Cowie of the University of California at Santa Cruz and Michel Privota of the University of Montpelier, created a real sensation in geophysics. The obtained results of the magnetic properties of the volcanic rock objectively showed that the lower layer froze at one position of the pole, the core of the flow - when the pole moved, and, finally, the upper layer - at the opposite pole. And all this happened in thirteen days. The Oregon find suggests that the Earth's magnetic poles may change places not within a few thousand years, but in just two weeks. The last time it happened was about 780,000 years ago. But how does this threaten all of us? Now the magnetosphere envelops the Earth at an altitude of sixty thousand kilometers and serves as a kind of shield in the path of the solar wind. If there is a change of poles, then the magnetic field during the inversion will decrease by 80-90%. Such a drastic change will certainly affect various technical devices, the animal world and, of course, humans.

True, the inhabitants of the Earth should be somewhat reassured by the fact that during the change of the poles of the Sun, which occurred in March 2001, the disappearance of the magnetic field was not recorded.

Consequently, the complete disappearance of the protective layer of the Earth, most likely, will not happen. The reversal of the magnetic poles cannot become a global catastrophe. The very existence of life on Earth, which has experienced inversion many times, confirms this, although the absence of a magnetic field is an unfavorable factor for the animal world. This was clearly demonstrated by the experiments of American scientists, who built two experimental chambers back in the sixties. One of them was surrounded by a powerful metal screen, which reduced the strength of the earth's magnetic field hundreds of times. Earth conditions were preserved in the other chamber. They were placed mice and seeds of clover, wheat. A few months later, it turned out that the mice in the shielded chamber lost their hair faster and died earlier than the control ones. Their skin was thicker than that of the animals of the other group. And she, swelling, displaced the root sacs of the hair, which caused early baldness. Changes were also noted in plants in a non-magnetic chamber.

It will also be difficult for those representatives of the animal kingdom, for example migratory birds, who have a kind of built-in compass and use magnetic poles for orientation. But, judging by the deposits, the mass extinction of species during the reversal of the magnetic poles did not occur before. It probably won't happen in the future either. Indeed, even despite the enormous speed of movement of the poles, the birds cannot keep up with them. Moreover, many animals, such as bees, navigate by the Sun, and marine migratory animals use more of the magnetic field of rocks on the ocean floor than the global one. Navigation systems, communication systems created by people, will be subjected to severe tests that can put them out of action. It will be very bad for numerous compasses - they will simply have to be thrown away. But with the reversal of the poles, there may also be “positive” effects - huge northern lights will be observed all over the Earth - however, for only two weeks.

Well, now a few theories of the mysteries of civilizations :-) Someone takes this quite seriously ...

According to another hypothesis, we live in a unique time: there is a change of poles on the Earth and a quantum transition of our planet to its twin located in parallel world four-dimensional space. Higher civilizations (HC) to reduce the consequences of a planetary catastrophe carry out this transition smoothly in order to create favorable conditions for the emergence of a new branch of the Supercivilization of God-humanity. Representatives of the EC believe that the old branch of Humanity is not intelligent, since over the past decades it could have destroyed all life on the planet at least five times if it were not for the timely intervention of the EC.

Today, among scientists, there is no consensus as to how long the process of reversal of poles can last. According to one version, this will take several thousand years, during which the Earth will be defenseless against solar radiation. According to another, it will take only a few weeks to change the poles. But the date of the Apocalypse, according to some scientists, is suggested to us by the ancient peoples of the Maya and the Atlanteans - 2050.

In 1996, the American popularizer of science S. Runcorn concluded that the axis of rotation moved more than once in the geological history of the Earth along with the magnetic field. He suggests that the last geomagnetic reversal occurred around 10,450 BC. e. This is what the Atlanteans, who survived after the flood, told us about, sending their message to the future. They knew about the regular periodic reversal of the Earth's polarity approximately every 12,500 years. If by 10450 BC. e. add 12,500 years, then again you get 2050 AD. e. - the year of the nearest giant natural cataclysm. Experts calculated this date in the course of unraveling the location of three Egyptian pyramids in the Nile Valley - Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin.

Russian scientists believe that the wisest Atlanteans led us to the knowledge of the periodic change in the polarity of the Earth's poles through the knowledge of the laws of precession, which are embedded in the location of these three pyramids. The Atlanteans, apparently, were completely sure that sometime in the distant future for them, a new highly developed civilization would appear on Earth, and its representatives would rediscover the precessional laws.

According to one hypothesis, it was the Atlanteans who most likely led the construction of the three largest pyramids in the Nile Valley. All of them are built on the 30th degree of northern latitude and are oriented to the cardinal points. Each face of the structure faces north, south, west, or east. No other structure on Earth is known that would be so accurately oriented to the cardinal points with an error of only 0.015 degrees. Since the ancient builders achieved their goal, it means that they had the appropriate qualifications, knowledge, first-class equipment and instruments.

We go further. The pyramids are set on the cardinal points with a deviation of three minutes and six seconds from the meridian. And the numbers 30 and 36 are signs of the precession code! 30 degrees of the celestial horizon correspond to one sign of the Zodiac, 36 - the number of years for which the picture of the sky shifts by half a degree.

Scientists also established certain patterns and coincidences associated with the size of the pyramid, the angles of inclination of their internal galleries, the angle of increase of the spiral staircase of the DNA molecule, twisted helix, etc., etc. Therefore, the scientists decided that the Atlanteans were all available to them ways pointed us to a strictly defined date, which coincided with an extremely rare astronomical phenomenon. It repeats once every 25,921 years. At that moment, the three stars of Orion's Belt were in their lowest precessional position above the horizon on the day of the vernal equinox. This is byo in 10,450 BC. e. This is how the ancient sages intensively brought humanity to this date through mythological codes, through a map of a section of the starry sky, drawn in the Nile Valley with the help of three pyramids.

And in 1993, the Belgian scientist R. Buvell used the laws of precession. Through computer analysis, he found that the three largest Egyptian pyramids installed on the ground as the three stars of Orion's Belt were located in the sky in 10,450 BC. e., when they were at the bottom, that is, the starting point of their precessional movement across the sky.

Modern geomagnetic studies have shown that around 10450 BC. e. there was an instant change in the polarity of the Earth's poles and the eye shifted 30 degrees relative to its axis of rotation. As a result, a planetary global instantaneous cataclysm occurred. Geomagnetic studies conducted in the late 1980s by American, British and Japanese scientists showed something else. These nightmarish cataclysms have been constantly occurring in the geological history of the Earth with a regularity of about 12,500 years! It is they, obviously, who killed the dinosaurs, and mammoths, and Atlantis.

The survivors of the previous flood in 10450 B.C. e. and the Atlanteans who sent us their message through the pyramids hoped very much that a new highly developed civilization would appear on Earth long before the total horror and the end of the world. And maybe he will have time to prepare to meet the disaster fully armed. According to one of the hypotheses, their science failed to make a discovery about the obligatory “somersault” of the planet by 30 degrees at the time of the polarity reversal. As a result, all the continents of the Earth shifted exactly by 30 degrees and Atlantis found itself at the South Pole. And then all its population instantly froze, as mammoths instantly froze at the same moment on the other side of the planet. Only those representatives of a highly developed Atlantic civilization survived who were at that time on other continents of the planet in highlands. They were lucky to avoid the Flood. And so they decided to warn us, people of a distant future for them, that each change of poles is accompanied by a "tumble" of the planet and irreparable consequences.

In 1995, new additional studies were carried out using modern instruments designed specifically for this kind of research. Scientists managed to make the most important clarification in the forecast of the upcoming polarity reversal and more accurately indicate the date of the terrible event - 2030.

The American scientist G. Hancock calls the date of the universal end of the world even closer - 2012. He bases his assumption on one of the calendars of the South American Mayan civilization. According to the scientist, the calendar may have been inherited by the Indians from the Atlanteans.

So, according to the Mayan Long Count, our world is cyclically created and destroyed with a period of 13 baktuns (or approximately 5120 years). The current cycle began on August 11, 3113 BC. e. ( and will end on December 21, 2012 AD. e. ( The Maya believed that the end of the world would come on that day. And after that, according to them, the beginning of a new cycle and the beginning of a new World will come.

According to other paleomagnetologists, the change of the Earth's magnetic poles is about to happen. But not in the philistine sense - tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Some researchers call one thousand years, others - two thousand. That's when the End of the World will come, the Last Judgment, the Flood, which is described in the Apocalypse.

But mankind has already predicted the end of the world in 2000. And life still goes on - and it's beautiful!


Earth's magnetic poles

You pick up a compass, pull the lever towards you so that the magnetic needle falls on the tip of the needle. When the arrow calms down, try to position it in a different direction. And you won't get anything. No matter how much you deviate the arrow from its original position, after it calms down, it will always point north with one end, and south with the other.

What force causes the compass needle to stubbornly return to its original position? Everyone asks himself a similar question, looking at a slightly oscillating, as if alive, magnetic needle.

From the history of discoveries

At first, people believed that such a force was the magnetic attraction of the North Star. Subsequently, it was found that the compass needle is controlled by the Earth, since our planet is a huge magnet.

Adygea, Crimea. Mountains, waterfalls, herbs of alpine meadows, healing mountain air, absolute silence, snowfields in the middle of summer, the murmur of mountain streams and rivers, stunning landscapes, songs around the fires, the spirit of romance and adventure, the wind of freedom are waiting for you! And at the end of the route, the gentle waves of the Black Sea.

  • Sergei Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere