Test 26 higher nervous activity of a person. Tests in the section of higher nervous activity. A14. The main sign of unconditioned reflexes

Higher nervous activity

Questions with a choice of one correct answer.

A1. Unconditioned reflexes of humans and animals provide:

    adaptation of the organism to constant environmental conditions,

    adaptation of the organism to a changing external world,

    the development of new motor skills by the body,

    recognition by animals of the trainer's commands.

A2. The centers of conditioned reflexes, unlike unconditioned ones, are located in a person in:

    cerebral cortex,

    medulla oblongata,



A3. A person's reaction to a green traffic light is a reflex:





A4. Salivation in a person at the sight of a lemon is a reflex:





A5. The extinction of a conditioned reflex when it is not reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus is:

    unconditional inhibition,

    conditional braking,

    rational action,

    conscious act.

A6. The conditioned reflex will be strong if the conditioned stimulus:

    constantly reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus,

    irregularly reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus,

    not reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus

    reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus at long intervals.

A7. A person, unlike animals, upon hearing a familiar word, perceives:

    tone of sounds

    sound wave direction

    sound intensity,

    its meaning.

A8. A crying baby was given a toy in his hands that rang. The child stopped crying as a result:

    unconditioned reflex,

    intellectual activity,

    excitation process,

    braking process.

A9. A child who in the first years of life was isolated from human society:

    can learn to talk, but not walk on two legs,

    not very different from a normal child of the same age,

    not able to fully master speech and "human" behavior,

    continues to behave like a baby in the first months of life.

A10. A child's ability to learn speech is primarily related to:

    his race,

    food quality,

A11. A monkey can use a stick to get a fetus that is outside the cage, as it has:

    unconditioned food reflexes

    conditioned food reflexes

    orienting reflexes,

    rational activity.

A12. External inhibition occurs:

    under the action of external strong new foci of excitation,

    with the gradual extinction of the existing conditioned reflex,

    regardless of the action of an external stimulus,

    after a certain time for all conditioned reflexes.

A13. The formation of higher nervous activity in vertebrates is mainly associated with the development of:

    medulla oblongata,



    cerebral cortex.

A14. The main sign of unconditioned reflexes:





A15. Emotional reactions in animals are most clearly manifested when irritated:

    medulla oblongata,




Multiple choice questions .

IN 1. Call from class:

A) children of all ages react in the same way,

B) children react similarly school age,

C) a reflex is acquired in the process of life,

D) the reflex is inherited,

D) the reflex is innate,

E) the reflex is not inherited.

AT 2. A baby's reaction to a bottle of formula is an example of a reflex:

A) congenital

B) acquired during life,

B) present in all infants,

D) present in children with artificial or mixed feeding,

D) inherited

E) not inherited.

AT 3. Signs characterizing the specific higher nervous activity of a person.

A) unconditioned reflexes are realized,

B) the ability to think abstractly,

B) the ability to learn

D) communication by signs, symbols, concepts,

E) formed conditioned reflex behavior.

Compliance tasks.

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the reflex and its type.


    are inherited, A) conditional,

    are not inherited, B) unconditional.

    acquired during life


    characteristic of all individuals of the species,

    individual for each individual.

AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of inhibition of conditioned reflexes and its type.


    the conditioned reflex slowly fades away, A) external,

    in the cerebral cortex there is a new B) internal.

a focus of excitement

    the conditioned stimulus is not reinforced by the unconditioned stimulus

    temporary neural connection in the cerebral cortex is preserved.

AT 6. Establish a correspondence between physiological effects and sleep phases.


    increased breathing, A) paradoxical sleep,

    fast-wave electrical activity of the brain, B) slow sleep.

    drop in heart rate

    muscle relaxation,


    active contraction of mimic muscles.

The task of establishing the correct sequence .

AT 7. Establish the sequence of transmission of a nerve impulse along the arc of a conditioned salivary reflex in a person to a bell.

A) the auditory center of the cerebral cortex,

B) sensory neuron,

B) hearing receptors

D) temporary connection,

D) the center of salivation,

E) salivary glands

G) motor neuron.

AT 8. Establish the correct sequence of passage of the links of the reflex arc of the conditioned reflex by the nerve impulse.

A) salivation center

B) sensory neuron,

B) temporary connection

D) visual center,

D) salivary glands

E) eye receptors,

G) motor neuron,

H) subcortical formations.

Free response questions.

C1. What is the role of conditioned reflexes in the life of an animal?

C2. Why does a person in his own house unmistakably find the switch, and in someone else's house he looks for it for some time, even if he has already been there more than once?

Answers to the tasks of part A

Answers to the tasks of part B with the choice of several correct answers

job number

Answers to the tasks of part B for establishing compliance

job number

Answers to the tasks of part B for determining the sequence

job number


Answers to the tasks of part C

C1. The adaptation of the organism to specific conditions of existence is carried out.

Jan Strelyau, based on Pavlov's differential psychophysiological concept (theory of temperament), developed a test aimed at measuring three main characteristics of the type of nervous activity:

The level of excitation processes;
The level of braking processes;
Mobility level nervous processes(STL)

The Strelau test on the features of higher nervous activity contains three scales, consisting of 134 questions.

Strelau test: scales.

1. level of excitation processes

2. level of braking processes

3. level of mobility of nervous processes

Determination of the basic properties of higher nervous activity

Strelau test instructions:

You are invited to answer a series of questions relating to various aspects of your personality.

Questions should be answered: “YES”, “NO”, “Difficult to answer”

The text of the questionnaire of the properties of higher nervous activity.

1. Are you one of those people who make friends easily?

2. Can you refrain from doing the action until the appropriate order is given (permission obtained)?

3. Is a short rest enough for your fatigue caused by work to pass?

4. Can you work in adverse conditions?

5. Do you refrain from making emotional arguments that are irrelevant during an argument?

6. Is it easy for you to return to your previous job after a long break (vacation, vacation)?

7. Do you forget about your fatigue when you are absorbed in work?

8. Can you patiently wait for the completion of the work you have assigned to someone?

9. Do you fall asleep equally easily if you go to bed at different times?

10. Do you know how to keep a secret if you are asked about it?

11. Is it easy for you to resume work that you have not done for several weeks or months?

12. Can you patiently explain?

13. Do YOU ​​like work that requires mental effort?

14. Do you feel sleepy or bored when doing monotonous work?

15. Do you fall asleep easily after strong experiences?

16. Can you, if necessary, refrain from showing your superiority?

17. Do you behave normally in the presence of strangers?

18. Is it easy for you to hold back anger or anger?

19. Do you keep your presence of mind in case of failures?

20. Can you, if necessary, adapt your manner of behavior to the behavior of others?

21. Are you willing to take on responsible functions?

22. Does your mood change under the influence of the environment?

23. Do you keep faith in yourself in difficult times?

24. Do you speak as freely as you always do in the presence of a person whose opinion is important to you?

25. Do you get irritated when there are changes in your daily routine?

26. Do you quickly find the right answer?

27. Can you remain calm in anticipation of an important event for yourself (reception at educational institution, trip abroad, etc.)?

28. Is it easy for you to pass the first days of vacation, holidays?

29. Are you resourceful?

30. Do you easily adapt your walk or eating style to those who do it more slowly?

31. Do you fall asleep quickly when you lie down to rest?
32. Are you willing to speak at meetings, classes, i.e. publicly?

33. Do you easily spoil the mood?

34. Is it easy for you to interrupt the work you are doing?

35. Can you keep quiet so as not to disturb others?

36. Can you resist provocation?

37. Do you get along easily with other people?

38. Do you always weigh the pros and cons before making an important decision?

39. Can you follow the author's reasoning from beginning to end while reading a book?

40. Is it easy for you to strike up a conversation with random fellow travelers?

41. Can you refrain from getting into an argument if you know it won't lead to anything good?

42. Are you willing to take on work that requires great precision of movement?

43. Can you change decision if the opinion of others did not coincide with yours?

44. Do you quickly get used to new organization labor?

45. Can you work at night if you also worked during the day?

46. ​​Do you read fiction quickly?

47. Do you quickly abandon your plans because of obstacles?

48. Can you control yourself in those situations that require it?

49. Do you wake up easily?

50. Can you restrain an immediate impulsive reaction?

51. Can you work in noisy environments?

52. Can you, if necessary, not tell the whole truth in your face?

53. Do you know how to restrain your excitement before an exam, talking to your superiors, etc.?

54. Do you quickly get used to a new environment?

55. Do you like variety and frequent changes of scenery?

56. Do you get enough sleep at night to fully restore your strength if you did hard work during the day?

57. Do you avoid activities that require performing a variety of activities in a short time?

58. Do you manage most of the difficulties that arise on your own?

59. Do you wait for someone else to speak before you start talking yourself?

60. Would you jump into the water to save a drowning man if you could swim?

61. Are you capable of hard work, study?

62. Can you refrain from remarks if they are inappropriate?

63. Do you attach importance to a permanent workplace, a place at the table, at lectures, etc.?

64. Do you easily switch from one activity to another?

65. Do you always carefully weigh all the consequences before deciding on something important?

66. Do you easily cope with difficulties on your way?

67. Is it easy for you to resist not taking an interest in other people's affairs, not looking into other people's papers?

68. Do you get bored doing the same stereotyped actions?

69. Do you follow the rules of behavior in public places?

70. Do you know how to restrain yourself during a conversation, speech or response from unnecessary movements, gestures?

71. Do you like animation around you?

72. Do you like doing work that requires a lot of effort?

73. Are you able to concentrate your attention on the activity you are doing for a long time?

74. Do you like work (occupations) that require quick movements?

75. Do you control yourself in difficult moments of your life?

76. Do you get up immediately after waking up?

77. Can you, having completed the work assigned to you, patiently wait for others to finish their work?

78. Do you act as confidently as usual after seeing something unpleasant, annoying, offensive?

79. Do you skim the daily press quickly?

80. Do you sometimes speak so fast that it is difficult to understand you?

81. Can you work normally if you don't get enough sleep?

82. Can you work for a long time without a break?

83. Can you work if you have a headache, teeth, etc.?

84. Can you complete your work when you know that your comrades are waiting for you or having fun?

85. Are you quick to answer unexpected questions?

86. Do you speak fast?

87. Can you work calmly when you are expecting guests to arrive?

88. Do you easily change your point of view under the influence of convincing arguments?

89. Are you patient?

90. Can you adapt to the pace of a person who works much slower than you?

91. Can you organize your work in such a way that in the same period of time you can complete several tasks that are compatible with each other?

92. Does your gloomy mood change in a cheerful company?

93. Can you do several things at the same time without much effort?

94. Do you keep your presence of mind after witnessing an accident on the street?

95. Do you like work, the performance of which requires great precision of movements?

96. Do you keep your presence of mind when someone close to you suffers?

97. Do you rely on yourself in difficult situations?

98. Do you feel free in a large company or among strangers?

99. Can you immediately interrupt the conversation if the situation requires it (for example, the beginning of a session, meeting, lecture)?

100. Do you easily adapt to the way others work?

101. Do you like to change the type of activities often?

102. Do you tend to take the initiative if something unexpected happens?

103. Do you hold back from laughing at inopportune moments?

104. Do you immediately get fully engaged in work?

105. Do you oppose someone with whom you disagree?

106. Can you cope with temporary depression?

107. Do you fall asleep as usual if you are very tired from work?

108. Can you wait a long time without getting irritated?

109. Do you refrain from intervening if you know that it will not lead to anything good?

110. Can you calmly look for arguments during a heated argument?

111. Do you immediately find the right solution with an unexpected change in the situation?

112. Can you keep quiet if asked to do so?

113. Do you agree to be subjected to unpleasant medical procedures without much persuasion?

114. Can you work with great effort, intensively?

115. Do you willingly change the place of rest, entertainment?

116. Do you find it difficult to adapt to a new daily routine?

117. Do you rush with help in case of unexpected incidents?

118. Do you refrain from unnecessary gestures, exclamations when watching competitions, performing in a circus, etc.?

119. Do you like work, activities where you have to talk to many people?

120. Do you control your facial expression (grimaces, ironic smile, etc.)?

121. Do you like work that requires active physical movements?

122. Do you consider yourself a brave person?

124. Can you cope with the desire to quit everything in case of failure?

125. Do you know how to stand and sit quietly for a long time if you are asked to do so?

126. Are you able to restrain your laughter if you know that it can offend or offend someone?

127. Is your sad mood easily replaced by joyful?

128. Is it hard to get you off balance?

129. Is it easy for you to comply with all the conventions accepted in your environment?

130. Do you like speaking in public?

131. Do you start work right away, without lengthy preparation?

132. Are you ready to rush to help, putting your own life at risk?

133. Are your movements vigorous?

134. Are you willing to take on responsible work?

The key to the Strelau test: properties of higher nervous activity

for answers "YES": 3, 4, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 32, 39, 45, 56, 58, 60, 61, 66, 72, 73, 78, 81, 83, 94, 97, 98, 102, 105, 106, 113, 114, 117, 121, 122, 124, 130, 132, 133, 134 – plus 2 points.

for answers "NO": 47, 51, 107, 123 – plus 2 points.

for answers "YES": 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 27, 30, 35, 37, 38, 42, 48, 50, 52, 53, 59, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70, 75, 77, 84, 87, 89, 90, 96, 99, 103, 108, 109, 110, 112, 118, 120, 125, 126, 129 – plus 2 points.

for answers "NO": 18, 34, 36, 128 - plus 2 points.

The average level is 40 -42 points.

for answers "YES": 1, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 22, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 49, 54, 55, 64, 68, 71, 74, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 95, 100, 101, 104, 111, 115, 119, 127, 131 – plus 2 points.

for answers "NO": 25, 57, 63, 116 – plus 2 points.

The average level is 40 - 42 points.

I wish you all psychological well-being!

Testing on the topic "Higher nervous activity"

1. Unconditioned reflexes of humans and animals provide

1) adaptation of the body to constant environmental conditions

2) adaptation of the body to a changing external world

3) development of organisms of new motor skills

4) differentiation of the trainer's commands by animals

2. Human reaction to green color traffic light is a reflex

1) congenital

2) acquired

3) unconditional

4) inherited

3. Salivation in humans at the sight of a lemon

1) conditional

2) unconditional

3) protective

4) indicative

4. The extinction of a conditioned reflex when it is not reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus is

1) unconditional braking

2) conditional inhibition

3) rational action
4) a conscious act

5. The conditioned reflex will be strong if the conditioned stimulus

1) is constantly reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus

2) is irregularly reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus

3) is not reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus

4) is reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus at long intervals

6. The centers of conditioned reflexes, unlike unconditioned ones, are located in humans in

1) cerebral cortex

2) medulla oblongata

3) cerebellum

4) midbrain

7. Reflex is the foundation

1) transmission of altered traits from parents to offspring

2) heredity of organisms

3) nervous activity of humans and animals

4) evolution of animals and humans

8. External inhibition occurs

1) under the action of external strong new foci of excitation

2) with the gradual extinction of the existing conditioned reflex

4) after a certain time for all conditional


9. A crying baby was given a roly-poly doll, which rang, and the child stopped crying as a result.

1) unconditioned reflex

2) rational activity

3) excitation process

4) braking process

10. In response to the ringing of dishes, the smell of food, its appearance, a person has salivary reflexes:

1) inherited

2) congenital

3) conditional

4) unconditional

11. The dog's reaction to the owner's command is an example of a reflex:

1) unconditional 2) conditional

3) inherited 4) characteristic of all individuals of the species

12. The stimulus to which there is an innate reaction is called:

1) conditional 2) unconditional

3) defensive 4) indifferent

13. The method of imaginary feeding, applied by I.P. Pavlov, helped to establish:

1) the reflex nature of juice secretion in the stomach

2) amino acid composition of pepsin

3) the mechanism of food movement in the intestine

4) the structure of the digestive system

14. The main sign of unconditioned reflexes:

1) individual 2) short-term

3) hereditary 4) acquired

15. Conditioned reflexes:

1) are the same for all individuals of the species 2) are constant

3) individual 4) controlled by the spinal cord

16. The spinal reflexes of a spaniel puppy include:

1) protection of offspring 2) urination

3) building holes 4) awakening at a certain time

17. In case of serious damage to the occipital lobe of the dog's brain, it will not form a conditioned reflex to:

3) touch 4) smell

18. If a dog has a conditioned reflex to the command "Sit!", then it must:

1) sits down at the command of the owner

2) wait for a treat and then sit down

3) sit down at the command of any person

4) obey the command with a gesture

19. All unconditioned human reflexes are regulated by:

1) only the cerebral cortex

2) spinal cord

3) spinal cord and cerebral cortex

4) hormonally

20. The connection formed during the formation of a conditioned reflex is called

1) intermittent

2) constant

3) long


21. The theory of conditioned reflexes was created by:

1) I. Ts. Pavlov 3) I. M. Sechenov

2) A. A. Ukhtomsky 4) P. K. Anokhin

22. In humans, unconditional inhibition occurs

1) under the action of stronger stimuli

2) due to the gradual extinction of the conditioned reflex

3) regardless of the action of an external stimulus

4) when conditioned reflexes are not reinforced by unconditioned stimuli

IN 1. A baby's reaction to a bottle of formula is an example of a reflex

1) congenital

2) acquired during life

3) present in all infants

4) present in children with artificial or mixed


5) inherited

6) not inherited

AT 2. Unconditioned reflexes:

A) species-specific

B) are not inherited

C) changeable, i.e. constantly forming and fading

D) persist after removal of the cerebral cortex

D) are congenital

E) close at the level of the cerebral cortex

AT 2. Conditioned reflexes:

A) are inherited

B) stable, i.e. persist throughout life

B) individual

D) contribute to survival in changing environmental conditions

D) are not produced when the cerebral cortex is damaged

E) species-specific

AT 3. Find a correspondence between physiological effects and sleep phases:

1) increased breathing

2) fast-wave electrical activity of the brain

3) drop in heart rate

4) muscle relaxation

5) dreams

6) active contraction of mimic muscles

AT 4. Which of the reflexes are not inherited:

A) the dog's command to lie down

B) cough when bread crumbs enter the respiratory tract

C) salivation at certain times of the day

D) temporary cessation of breathing when entering cold water

D) cycling

E) feeling hungry

AT 5. Which of the reflexes are unconditioned:

B) saliva for the smell of food

B) knee jerk

D) blinking when a grain of sand enters the eye

D) turn on the light when entering the room

E) feeling hungry

AT 6. Select the signs that characterize the specific higher nervous activity of a person:

A) unconditioned reflexes are realized

B) the ability to think abstractly

B) the ability to learn

D) communication by signs, symbols, concepts

E) formed conditioned reflex behavior

AT 7. Which of the following reflexes are not inherited?

A) Execution by the dog of the command "Down"

B) Cough when bread crumbs enter the respiratory tract

B) Salivation at certain times of the day

D) Temporary cessation of breathing when entering cold water

D) cycling


AT 8. In which case can animal behavior be classified as instincts?

A) spawning migrations of fish

B) reactions of ciliates to table salt

C) collection of pollen and nectar by bees

D) movement of green euglena to a lighted place

E) the reactions of aquarium fish to the tapping of the feeder

E) cuckoo laying eggs in the nests of other birds

B. 9. Match

Signs of reflexes


2 (formed in the process of individual development

3) congenital

4) facilitate adaptation to environmental conditions

5) vital, ensure the existence of organisms

6) do not require special conditions for their occurrence

AT 10. Man, unlike the higher apes,

A) has abstract thinking
B) has a second signal system

B) has a cerebral cortex

D) creates an artificial habitat

D) is characterized by behavior based on unconditioned reflexes

E) adapts to new living conditions by developing conditioned reflexes

C.1. What elements does the reflex arc of the unconditioned reflex consist of?

C2. How are conditioned reflexes developed?

From 3. Why does a person unmistakably find the switch in his own house, and look for it in someone else's for some time, even if he has already been there more than once?

Tests will reveal students' knowledge about innate and acquired programs of behavior, thinking, memory, the meaning of speech and labor activity. Determine the significance of the work of domestic scientists in the development of the doctrine of higher nervous activity.



Option I

1. Which of the following reflexes is unconditioned?

2. If in the room where the dog develops a salivary reflex to light a light bulb, the receiver suddenly turns on, then its sound ...

3. The conditioned reflex will be strong if the conditioned stimulus.

A. Constantly reinforce with unconditional

B. Reinforce unconditional irregularly

C. Do not reinforce with unconditional

D. Either reinforce with unconditional, then do not reinforce for a long time

4. What sign is characteristic of the unconditioned reflex?

B. Not inherited

G. Produced by each individual of the species

5. Higher nervous activity includes:

A. Thinking, speech activity and memory

B. A group of orienting reflexes

B. Instincts

D. Reflexes that provide organic needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

6. What is a need?

A. A complex set of adaptive motor acts aimed at satisfying the body's needs

B. The need for something necessary for the maintenance of life and development of the body

IN. Inner world human

D. The main form of activity of the nervous system.

7. What form of higher nervous activity is characteristic of a person?

A. Conditioned reflexes

B. Unconditioned reflexes

B. Thinking

D. Elementary rationality

8. A great contribution to the doctrine of higher nervous activity was made by

A.I.I. Mechnikov

B.I.P. Pavlov

W. Louis Pasteur

G.N.A. Semashko

B. Doesn't change at all

10 . Instinct is:

A. Genetically fixed behavior

B. Lifetime experiences

B. Behavior driven by purposeful learning

11. What, according to I.P. Pavlov, is "an extraordinary addition to the mechanisms of the brain?

A. Reasoning activity

B. Emotions:

B. Speech

12. First signal system:

A. Analyzes the sign signals coming intothe form of symbols (words, signs, images) B. Analyzes signals coming from the external environment

13. The most important function of speech is:

A. Generalization and abstract thinking

B. Notation of specific examples

B. Expression of emotions

14. Dreams occur during

A. Slow sleep

B. REM sleep

B. In both cases

15. Cat courting kittens is:

A. Conditioned reflex

B. A complex chain of unconditioned reflexes

C. Combination of skills and unconditioned reflexes

16. The concentration of consciousness on a particular type of activity, object:

A. Emotions

B. Attention

B. Memory

17 . Which of the forms of inhibition is inherited?

A. External

B. Internal

B. There are none

18. What can not be seen in dreams?

A. Past

B. Present

To the future

  1. How is a conditioned reflex different from an unconditioned reflex?
  2. What is the importance of sleep for the body?
  3. What is the difference between human thinking and the rational activity of animals?

Option I

  1. 1 - B; 2 - G; 3 - A; 4 - A; 5 - A; 6 - B; 7 - B; 8 - B; 9 -G; 10-A; 11 - B; 12 - B;
  2. 13 -A; 14-A; 15 -B; 16 - B; 17 - B; 18 - B; 19 - unconditioned reflexes are inherited, and conditioned reflexes are developed after birth in the process of life; 20 - rest of the brain, active restructuring of its work, necessary to streamline the information received during wakefulness; 21 - thinking is a way, based on known knowledge, to extract new information, to generalize known facts. Reasoning activity is the highest form of adaptation to environmental conditions.


Option II

1. Which of the following reflexes is conditional?

A. Salivation when showing food

B. Pulling the hand away from a hot object

2. If the dog develops a conditioned salivary reflex to the ignition of an electriclight bulbs, then food in this case...

A. Is a conditioned stimulus

B. Is an indifferent stimulus

B. Is an unconditioned stimulus

G. Causes inhibition of the reflex

3. What forms of higher nervous activity are observed in animals?

A. Only unconditioned and conditioned reflexes

B. Unconditioned and conditioned reflexes and elementary rational activity

B. Thinking

D. Only elementary rational activity

4. Conditioned reflex...

A. Characteristic for all individuals of this species

B. Acquired during life

B. Is inherited

G. Is congenital

5 . Which of the forms of higher nervous activity correlates with the ability to solve mathematical problems?

A. Conditioned reflexes

B. Unconditioned reflexes

B. Abstract thinking

D. Elementary intellectual activity

6. In the room where the dog develops a salivary reflex to light a light bulb, the radio is constantly on. The radio in this case acts as...

A. Conditioned stimulus

B. Indifferent stimulus

B. Unconditioned stimulus

G. Factor that causes inhibition of the reflex

7. During REM sleep

A. The temperature drops

B. Breathing slows down

B. There is a movement of the eyeballs under the closed eyelids

D. Blood pressure drops

8. Response of the body to irritation of receptors with participation and control nervous system called:

A. Humoral regulation

B. Reflex

B. automatism

D. Conscious activity

9. During sleep, brain activity:

A. Stops for the duration of sleep

B. Stops during slow sleep

B. Doesn't change at all

D. Rebuilds, cyclically changing throughout sleep

10. Right in front of the student, a car suddenly passed at high speed. He stopped dead in his tracks. Poch to him ?

A. External brake activated

B. The conditioned reflex worked

B. Internal brake activated

11. Second signal system:

A. Analyzes sign signals coming in the form of symbols (words, signs, images) B. Analyzes signals coming from the external environment

B. Analyzes both types of signals

12. Reasoning activity is...

A. The highest form of adaptation to environmental conditions

B. Ability to speak

B. Ability to use tools

13. Dreams occur during the period

A. Slow sleep

B. REM sleep

B. In both cases

14. Falling asleep of a person occurs:

A. Only reflexively

B. Under the influence of humoral processes

B. Under the influence of humoral and reflex processes

15. Who was the first to explain the reflex principle of the brain?

A. I. P. Plodov

B. A. L. Ukhtomsky

V.I.M. Sechenov

G. II.I. Anokhin

16. What I.P. Pavlov understood by the name "signals of signals"?

A. The first signaling system

B. Second signaling system

B. Reflex

17. Experiences in which people's attitudes to the world around them and to themselves are manifested are called:

A. Learning

B. Memory

B. Emotions

18. What is the biological significance of the inhibition of conditioned reflexes?

19. What is more difficult to form: knowledge, skills or skills?

20. How else can you call a chain of conditioned reflexes?

Option II

1 - B; 2 - B; 3 - B; 4 - B; 5 - B; 6 - G; 7 - B; 8 - B; 9 -G; 10-A; 11-A; 12 -A; 13 - B; 14 -B; 15 -B; 16 - B; 17 - B; 18 - allows you to adapt to specific conditions of existence; 19 - skills; 20 - dynamic stereotype.

  • Sergei Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere