What is more important spiritual or material values. Material and spiritual values ​​in the life of society. What are material and spiritual values ​​for a person

WITH thief rich today only the lazy do not dream. There is nothing wrong with this desire. For some God Attstvo - this is material wealth, for others - SPIRITUAL realization. The bottom line is that neither one nor the other separately brings happiness to a person. Spiritual and material are two sides of the same coin..

I believe that the whole point is in balance, when material and SPIRITUAL WEALTH are harmoniously combined.

Most people have a word wealth gives rise to controversy. Meaning of the word God atststvo is written in every dictionary, but what is not written there is that at the root of this word is the word " God". Let's look at the origin of this word. We see that the ancient Slavic root GOD in a word God atstvo means "giving God atstvo”, “giving well-being”. It is these characteristics that must be endowed with true God tho man!

Most people are often tormented by the question: “Well, why is the world so unfair? There are people who have a home expensive car, a yacht - all the best and most expensive, and someone lives from penny to penny, barely reaching the salary! We live in the material world and it is natural that we want a certain set of material goods for ourselves. And it's NORMAL! But, the fact is that each of us determines for himself how he feels more comfortable in life; poor or God atom. It is our consciousness leads either to prosperity or to poverty.

Of course you didn't choose consciously be poor or be in a constant struggle for existence, but your beliefs, deeply rooted in the unconscious, again and again create the same picture of your reality in life.

As children, we simply believed everything we saw and heard, considering it to be a fact. We learned and created our reality by observing our immediate surroundings. We adopted the faith of our family, school, friends, only by being constantly in this environment and perceiving their beliefs. If you got the reality that money is never enough, what God ate - dishonest and greedy, then this reality begins to reproduce and repeat situations with a lack of money.

God The poor people choose the philosophy of the master of life - the creator and giver, and the poor - the philosophy of the slave - the performer and consumer. God Attitude reflects the internal state of a person, his values ​​and beliefs. It is only a mirror of what lives in it. inner world. We create our world based on our inner values ​​and preferences.

A person who has a lot of money, but does not have a spiritual core, or a person who is spiritually educated, but has serious material difficulties, cannot equally be considered God atimi.

A person who has a lot of financial resources is not yet God a man, but only a collector of money.

And a millionaire who is disappointed in his personal life, and a major businessman suffering from a serious physical illness, and a banker whose children are degrading, unfortunately, God you can’t call them aths either.

I want you to learn once and for all a simple truth that I repeat over and over again: the outside is a reflection of the inside. In other words, money is an external form of spiritual matter. God Wealth is not a cause, but a consequence of how you live and what desires guide you through life. For real God atym - materially and spiritually - you will become only when you fully reveal your personal potential.

Anna Del

Elizabeth Babanova

Have you noticed that, basically, people are divided into two categories: some strive for realization in the material world, they think about apartments / cars / holidays in Mallorca, and most of these people. For others, the main thing is spiritual development, and most often they remain unfulfilled in a financial sense.

Only a few are able to combine these two forces - spiritual development and material success, harmoniously moving in both directions.

What can help us balance these opposing energies in ourselves and balance our entire life?

The answer is personal development.

For many people, the concepts personal growth and "spiritual development" are interchangeable. Is there any difference between them for you?

What category would you classify, for example, prayer? And to what - work on their weak qualities of character?

Is reading spiritual literature "spiritual" or "personal"? Does the study of books on leadership based on spiritual principles (for example, Stephen Covey or John Maxwell) contribute to the development of the personality or soul? But both of these books also talk about material success.

Well, now the most complex issue. Building a successful business, realizing in your profession, earning substantial capital - is this spiritually characteristic? developed people Or is it the lot of materialists?

In this article, we will find out what personal and spiritual development is, and whether it is possible to combine work on oneself with the desire for material success.


For me, as for many spiritually developing people, the meaning of life lies in the evolution of the soul.

The animal kingdom is governed by an internal natural mechanism that is not amenable to conscious choice.

Man was given free will to determine the speed and trajectory of his path of development.

By studying the spiritual teachings and lives of the prophets, we see what our lives can and should be. We acquire a goal that sets the vector of development for us.

Most often, this vector depends on the geography and traditions inherent in this place. In every developed culture there has lived or lives a teacher, a visionary, whose life serves as an example for his followers.

Enlightened masters of different eras and traditions show us the destination that each of us will come to sooner or later, regardless of which path we choose for this path. We all will become enlightened sooner or later. But for some it will take a lot longer.


If spiritual development answers the question “What to be?” and “Why?”, then personal development answers the question “How to do it?”.

Tools such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, creating harmonious relationships with other people, and responsibly fulfilling our duties at work help us develop in the right direction.


If a person develops spiritually, but at the same time he ignores the material world, then one of two things happens:

1. A person begins to live in the "clouds". Most often this applies to people studying esoteric sciences.

In contact with the subtle worlds, they are so detached from the earth that their families break up, they leave work, lose friends, and their whole life is “bursting at the seams”.

Passionate about esotericism, people think that they have made a significant breakthrough in the knowledge of the spiritual world, and that the material world is now indebted to them for this.

The material world, on the other hand, lives according to its own laws and does not seek to satisfy those who have become more “advanced” spiritually, but continues to ignore material laws.

2. The second option - a person falls into apathy or, even worse, depression. Having come into contact with spiritual knowledge, he realizes that he and the whole world around him are very far from perfection.

He ceases to believe that his life can again become joyful and fulfilling, he gives up, and for many years he does not see the “light at the end of the tunnel”.


The way out of both states is to start doing something for other people, to start benefiting society. Even modern scientists have proven the therapeutic effect of charitable work.

Our task is to develop spiritually, to use the talents with which we came to this earth as efficiently as possible.

What do you like to do for other people? You can blog, feed the homeless people or treat animals, help the person who has become a teacher for you in educational activities.

You can also build your own business that will create jobs and provide an opportunity for several (or hundreds and thousands) families to earn money.

Opportunities to make this world a better place are endless, the main thing is to choose what the soul lies in, otherwise charity will turn into an obligation.

After all, it is sincere concern for the world around us that allows our soul to manifest itself in matter. When we work for the benefit of other people and enjoy it, our lives are filled with meaning and happiness.


Spiritual development is always primary. As you know, the “soul” leaves the body, and not vice versa.

Without a spiritual vector, people can succeed in achieving goals, in developing their business, but without establishing a connection with their soul, they, having achieved all their material goals, become unhappy.

Surely you know the stories of multimillionaires who committed suicide. They became successful, but having forgotten about the spiritual root, they lost the meaning of existence.


If we consider our whole life from the point of view of receiving and giving energy, then everything becomes extremely clear.

We get energy from life: food, sun, air, exercise, friends, etc. so that we can give it away in work, in caring for our family and other people.

Spiritual development - when we receive energy from above, through study, awareness, meditation.

Personal development - when we give energy, working on ourselves and contributing to the development of society.

Material success is the result of a correct interchange of energy with the outside world.


Today, more than ever, each of us needs to strive for a balance between the spiritual and the material.

In India, it is almost impossible not to catch some kind of disease while making a pilgrimage or meditating in its ashrams, because people are too deeply immersed in the spiritual and have forgotten about materiality - cleanliness, order, prosperity.

In the US, the opposite is true: power and money have become the meaning of life, and society has become deeply unhappy in the pursuit of these values.

On the example of these countries, we see that a bias in one direction or another leads to the degradation of society as a whole. The task of leaders today is to combine and balance these two energies in themselves and then pass on knowledge to everyone else.

Learn to live in harmony with yourself, making the most of your talents for the benefit of people, simultaneously receiving decent financial compensation for their work, and wherein to be focused on a higher goal - this is a harmonious combination of spiritual and material, yin and yang.

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Good luck in your spiritual and personal development!

  • Oddly enough, it has become quite fashionable to talk about what values ​​are more important for a person. There is such a thin line between the two "fires" that it is sometimes difficult to put one or the other in the first place. To prioritize, you will have to understand and study in depth what are the main differences between spiritual values ​​and material ones. Often people are confused, characterizing their actions as done for the good, but in fact they are driven by the material side.

    What are material and spiritual values ​​for a person

    Without material and spiritual values ​​it is impossible to imagine any human life. No matter how someone chases after money and expensive things, he will always need understanding, care, own importance in relationships, mental peace, love. And with the loss of material significance, existence becomes unbearable, the spiritual side ceases to bring happiness.

    Material values ​​are everything that can be bought, created, built. In other words, that there is an opportunity to see, touch, use. Bought - clothes, cars, medicines. Companies, factories, industry are being created. Houses, shops, schools are being built. Everything that is in the office or apartment also refers to material values.

    Spiritual values ​​are something that cannot be seen, felt tactilely, sold or bought. These values ​​are within every person. For someone they have more, but for someone smallest value. These include: freedom, joy, justice, dignity, creativity, harmony, respect. The list can continue indefinitely, everyone determines for himself what is most significant.

    For a clearer understanding, you should study examples of material values.

    1. No man can survive without food, water, comfortable conditions residence. To secure this for yourself, you will have to earn and spend money.
    2. Books, paintings, sculptures are more of spiritual values, but in order to possess them, you need to pay.
    3. Clothes, medicines, cars are also integral parts of the material world. Without them, a person does not feel happy, becomes doomed (in case of illness), alienated (dressing in rags, having unsuitable transport).

    Examples of spiritual values

    1. No matter how strong the satisfaction from material life is, the soul will be drawn to mutual understanding, the search for true happiness, love.
    2. Without love, even a strong, steely nature will eventually wither away and lose the meaning of life. Procreation, raising children, become one of the most important spiritual values.
    3. A creative nature, not being able to do what they love, loses its purpose, doing unloved work only to satisfy primary needs.

    How to understand what is more important for a particular person? This will become clear, having learned what goals he sets for himself. But there is a catch in that the achievement of one value always leads to the completion of another.

    For example, a person sets as his goal the creation of a solid bank account, building a large business, gaining fame. He goes to his dreams, not sparing and closing his eyes to the feelings of other people. The priority is only material wealth. Having come to your goal, there is a lack of something else very important. Of course, the spiritual component. During the races, he did not think about creating a family, he forgot about his parents. And suddenly having lost all his fortune, he is left with nothing at all. No friends, no money, no happiness.

    Why is it that one person values ​​only money, while the other is content with little. The root of all problems or successes is education. The ability of the child to find a balance between the material and the spiritual depends on how educated the parents are. Buying everything that the child desires for every whim, he becomes sure that everything in life gets just like that. As an adult, he will need a job where he will wait for someone to work in his place.

    Therefore, gifts should not be given to stop whims, but to give the child the opportunity to receive them, for example, for good behavior or appreciation. Pocket money should also be obtained for certain actions. And when there is a desire to spend them, the child will remember how hard he earned them, and what work he will have to do to get them again.

    What to answer if you are suddenly asked to formulate the main differences between spiritual values ​​and material ones?

    For each person, one is more important than the other. This is due to what he lacks in a particular period of life. If everything is in order in his family and relationships, but bad with money, the emphasis will be on the latter. The desire for peace of mind, good deeds, respect for others, speaks of the usefulness of the spiritual state. Such people are not chasing fame and big money, they are happy here and now. Of course, education also plays a huge role here.

    As a rule, a person becomes happy by learning to maintain a balance between materiality and spirituality. This may take years, or even whole life. The world dictates its own rules - overtake others, go over the heads, become the most popular. A person lights up, seeing other people's successes. It makes its way, forgetting about morality and morality. It is important to understand what is really necessary and what you can do without, while remaining cheerful and ambitious. But they say correctly, what kind of attitude you want to yourself, so do with others.

    Own realization, respect for people, observance of public morality is a combination of material and spiritual values. The main thing is that the realization of your most significant desires comes as soon as possible. Without losing the most fleeting - time.

    The main differences between spiritual values ​​and material was last modified: December 17th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

    The spiritual values ​​of a person are a set of concepts and principles that a person adheres to and is ready to defend. The first concepts are formed in childhood under the influence of loved ones. The family forms the concept of the world around the child and teaches good or bad behavior.

    What are the principles

    Values ​​are divided into material and spiritual:

    • money, a set of expensive goods, jewelry, luxury items, etc. are considered material;
    • spiritual values ​​- the union of moral, moral, ethical and religious concepts that are important for the individual. These include love, respect, friendship, creativity, honesty, devotion, peacefulness, understanding. The concept of "spiritual" comes from the words "spirit", "soul". This is evidence that you need to appreciate the spiritual qualities of people.

    Every individual to some extent depends on material goods. But you can not put material well-being above spiritual principles.

    With age, priorities change. This happens under the influence of the people around and the events that have occurred. IN preschool age children value friendship, parental love, and they do not care what material objects surround them and whether their friends are rich. At school and adolescence boys and girls pay attention to the level of prosperity of their own and other parents. Often spiritual and moral principles go by the wayside. At an older age comes the realization that money cannot buy trust, love, honesty, and moral values ​​become a priority. important with early years to instill in children kindness, the ability to understand and sympathize.

    Types of moral ideals

    Types of spiritual and moral values:

    1. Meaningful. They reflect the worldview of the people and their attitude to their culture. They also form a personality and help determine the attitude towards other people and the whole world.
    2. Moral. These values ​​govern human relationships. These include the concepts of kindness, courtesy, mutual assistance, honor, loyalty, patriotism. Thanks to moral concepts appeared famous saying: "Do to people the way you want them to do to you."
    3. Aesthetic. This kind of value implies peace of mind. It comes when the individual has realized himself and is in harmony with himself and the world around him. Aesthetic values ​​include the concepts of the sublime, the beautiful, the tragic and the comic.

    Basic spiritual concepts

    Kind people are happier than others, because by doing good, they bring joy and benefit to the world, help others. Good deeds are based on compassion, selflessness and a desire to help. Such people are respected and loved.


    Only a talented person is capable of seeing beauty in the surrounding world and conveying it to others. Beauty inspires creative people to create works of art. Many artists, poets, artists and musicians try to find this important landmark.


    This value leads to self-knowledge and the search for answers to important moral questions. Truth helps people to separate good from evil, to understand relationships, to analyze their actions. Thanks to the truth, how humanity has created a code of moral laws and rules of conduct.


    Art makes a huge contribution to the development of personality. It encourages you to think outside the box and unleash your inner potential. Thanks to art, the circle of interests of the individual expands and allows one to develop spiritually, to see beauty. Artists throughout history have contributed to culture and daily life.


    This spiritual need helps the individual to realize individual talents, develop and strive for the highest. Creativity contributes to the manifestation of abilities for the benefit of society. Creative people tend to transform the world, they go to the new, think wider and more productively, leaving behind:

    • cultural monuments;
    • literature;
    • painting.

    All these things together affect society and encourage other people to develop and not stand still. IN Everyday life creative individuals help progress to transform the world around.


    This is one of the first moral guidelines that a person encounters. Parental, friendly love, love for the opposite sex gives rise to many emotions. Under the influence of love, other values ​​are formed:

    • empathy;
    • loyalty;
    • respect.

    Without it existence is impossible.

    Spiritual values ​​and concepts play an important role in the life of each individual and the people as a whole, accompanying them throughout their lives.

    Now is the time when people are basically divided into two camps: those who pursue only material goals, without thinking about the soul, and those who are only concerned with the soul, without thinking about material wealth.
    Both of these camps are in confrontation.
    Those who earn money are busy obtaining material values. They run through life without noticing anything around. They are driven forward by another material goal or several such goals at once. And this chain of material goals that they set for themselves never ends. Achieved one goal, ran to achieve another. They have no time to think about why they have Bad mood many days have not passed, why it turned into depression, and the world ceased to please the soul. Why did the child get out of hand. Why tortured headaches, and constantly aching back. Why the gastrointestinal tract can not cope with the digestion of food without drugs. Why does allergy bother you? And there is no way to understand the reasons why they are haunted by trouble, because the pace of life does not allow it. And only some serious trouble, such as a traffic accident with injuries or a stroke at a fairly young age, makes them stop and think.
    Those who are exclusively occupied with the soul are constantly looking for themselves, chasing happiness, engaging in spiritual practices, moving away from the realities of life. They live in a fantasy world. They despise money, so money does not go to them. And only when faced with serious financial difficulties, they begin to think about what they did wrong. After all, it would seem that they were striving for happiness, for harmony in the soul, but they got a bunch of material troubles, from which health also suffers.
    And the trick is that the desire for purification of the soul, fortunately, should not be divorced from reality. And the reality of our life is such that it is necessary to improve all its aspects. Of course, if we want to be happy. It is clear that a person will never achieve perfection. Since perfection is an ideal, and a person’s life cannot be completely ideal. But in order for life to satisfy us in general, we must at least strive for the ideal.

    Therefore, spiritual quests should not be divorced from reality, that is, they should help us create our new life which will bring us joy and satisfaction. So that increasing self-love frees us from restrictions and prohibitions, awareness allows us to find and do what we really want, what we like, and get decent money for it. Like it or not, a full-fledged life of a person without money is not possible. You just need to treat them right. This means that you need to understand that it is stupid to ruin your soul, health and life in general for the sake of money. And for those who have them as a priority, this is exactly what happens. I haven't seen any exceptions to this rule yet. But to strive to be happy without money is also a utopia. After all, money allows a person to make his life comfortable, convenient and interesting. spiritual man- this is a prosperous person in all respects.
    Personally, I love money and perceive it as my devoted friends, who help me make my life healthy and allow me to paint it with bright colors.
    I wish you to unite the spiritual and material worlds in your soul and try to maintain harmony between them.

    • Sergei Savenkov

      some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere