The origin and unity of the human races. Mongoloid, Equatorial and Caucasoid races. All races belong to the same species

Anthropology It is the science of the origin and development of man. The formation of human races, their properties and characteristics studies its branch - racial science.

Mankind develops within one species of Homo sapiens, but over millennia under the influence of climate, environmental conditions, geographical location areas, separate groups of people were endowed with features that began to distinguish them from each other. This is how races were formed. The differences between people are in the different color of the skin, the iris of the eyes, the shape of the nose, lips, hair structure, etc.

The main evidence of the unity of human races

The kinship and unity of human races is based on a number of features:

  • similarity of origin;
  • the presence of the same morphological structure of organs and tissues;
  • the possibility of interbreeding between races and the birth of normal offspring;
  • the identity of the development of mental and physical abilities in the process of evolution.

Also, with the development of medicine and science, a number of studies have been carried out with the genetic material of people of different races. Scientists have found that the genetic nature of all peoples is the same. Distinctive is only the number that encodes signs. These characteristics serve as proof of the unity of the human races.

Large and small racial group

Scientists divide the population into racial groups: large and small.

large group

The large group consists of three races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Equatorial (Negroid).

People who enter caucasian race(Eurasian, Caucasian) inhabit European region, South Asian territory, North Africa, it represents 50% of the earth's population. Recognizable features: the skin is light in color (in the northern part) and has a swarthy hue in the south, hair is smooth or slightly curled, soft to the touch, the nose protrudes, the forehead is straight. The male half has thick hair, mustache, beard.

Mongoloid race(Asian, American) is represented by the indigenous people of the central part of Asia, Indonesia, America (Indians). Distinctive characteristics: dark skin, crease on the upper eyelid, slanting (the inner corner of the eyeball is lower than the outer one), narrow eyes, mostly black or brown. Thickened nostrils, a wide nose, developed cheekbones, a large face, straight, hard hair are signs of a Mongoloid.

There is a hypothesis about the origin of the Mongoloids, which says that a large Mongoloid group originated in the steppes of central Asia, in desert places where winds, dust storms, and a sharp change in temperature were a constant phenomenon. The habitat determined the external characteristics of the Mongoloids: narrow, squinted eyes, epicanthus - the fold of the upper eyelid (protective mechanisms).

equatorial race(African, Australian) lives near the equator, on the islands Pacific Ocean. The equatorial group is characterized by: dark skin color (protection from the scorching sun), curly, curly hair, with a rough structure, full lips, a flat and wide nose (they allow you to regulate the temperature in a burning climate). The hairline is poorly developed in the front part and on the body.

External signs

small group

The formation of small races occurred due to the genetic merger between the peoples of large races and the resettlement of people in all corners of the Earth, where new signs appeared for people to adapt.

The Caucasoid race includes the following subraces:

  • Atlantic;
  • Baltic;
  • White Sea-Baltic;
  • Central European (predominant in numbers);
  • mediterranean.

The Mongoloid race is divided into:

  • South Asian;
  • northern Chinese;
  • East Asian;
  • arctic;
  • American (some authors classify it as large).

The Chinese, the Korean population, the Japanese, who are included in the East Asian subrace, predominate among the Mongoloids.

The Negroid race is divided into:

  • negro;
  • Bushman;
  • Australian;
  • Melanesian.
Offshoot of minor races

Origin of races

The beginning of the formation of modern racial characteristics originated long before our era (80-100 thousand years ago), then the Earth was inhabited by two racial groups - Negroid and Caucasoid-Mongoloid. The collapse of the latter into Mongoloid and Caucasoid occurred 45 thousand years ago.

Due to the impact of climate, the influence of society during the Neolithic period, each group of people began to acquire characteristic features. For a long period there were isolated pure races. Since the population on the planet was small, and the territory was quite large, there was no relationship between the representatives of the races.

In the process of development, evolutionary growth, the emergence of communication links, people migrated, resulting in the emergence of small races. The children born of people with different races had the characteristics of both groups and were named accordingly.

  • Mulattos- this is a mixture of the Negroid race and the Caucasian;
  • mestizos- children of Mongoloids and Caucasians;
  • sambo- offspring of Mongoloids and Negroids.

Theories on the origin of human races

Among scientists, two theories about the origin of human races dominate: polycentric and monocentric.

Supporters polycentric theory origins say that humanity originated in different parts of the world and developed independently, independently on its own territory. Races formed in parallel over many decades.

Monocentric theory considers the origin of races as the resettlement of the primitive ancestors of mankind, who lived in East Africa in all parts of the Earth. Most scientists question this version.

On present stage development gradually erased the line between the differences in species groups of people. Constant mixing, migration, modern adaptation of people to bad weather conditions, lack of isolation of peoples - the path to the disappearance of racial differences. People are increasingly realizing that the human races are one, a person is the same, despite the color of the skin, the shape of the eyes, and race does not make any sense.


Formation hallmarks related to their habitat and environmental conditions.

Dark skin Protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays coarse, curly hair create an air cushion - it prevents overheating, wide nostrils cool the inhaled air, and bright skin the inhabitants of the north need them to produce vitamin D, which is synthesized under the action of sunlight.

These signs are necessary for people for normal functioning and survival, and do not serve as criteria for the superiority, mental advantage of a particular race. Humanity is at the same stage of development and differences in economic level and cultural achievements are not related to race.

The racists who put forward theories about the superiority of some races over others used this to their advantage. The displacement of indigenous people from their habitats, the outbreak of wars, the seizure of territory are the main reasons for the development of racism in the 19th century.

Anthropology has presented much evidence in favor of the species unity of mankind: for example, the fact that all races, when mixed, produce fertile offspring. Thus, on the Cape Verde Islands, there are approximately 100,000 mestizos per 150,000 people. In Brazil, according to approximate estimates, the number of "pure" Indians is 2% of the total population, and the number of mestizos from whites and Indians, whites and blacks is 33%. All human races are intimately related to each other through transitional forms. The confusion of modern humanity makes in many cases to draw boundaries, both between the areas of races and between their morphological types, only very conditionally. Artificially erected social barriers and measures taken to preserve the “purity” of the race could never completely stop the process of racial mixing (Fig. 6.20.).

The biological unity of human races is confirmed by the identity of the structure of vital organs in representatives of different races, primarily in terms of a set of properties associated with upright walking and the performance of labor processes.

The position of the foramen magnum, which is typical for man as an erect walking creature, sharply distinguishes him from all anthropomorphic apes, and is very similar in all human races. The balance of the head, balancing on the cervical spine, is ensured in humans by a larger mass of the brain and a relatively small mass of the facial region.

Proximity is also noted by the structure of the foot and hand. So, the greater length of the first ray of the brush in relation to the rest is present in all representatives of the races. This property is very essential for the labor activity of a person, as it is associated with the grasping ability of his hand. For Australians, this figure is 61%, Africans - 62%, Eskimos - 62%, Europeans - 64% - racial differences are negligible in this regard.

The grasping ability of their legs was very widely used to prove the closeness of the dark-skinned races to monkeys. For example, among the Papuans, the big toe has greater mobility than among other races, so they widely use this property when performing various jobs. But even Miklukho-Maclay showed that the Papuans did not always possess this ability, it was acquired as a result of the peculiarities of their culture and way of life.

When doing crafts, the use of the foot as an organ of work was also used in ancient Egypt, India and Japan. At the same time, it was morphologically proved that the freedom of movement thumb foot is limited by the transverse metatarsal ligament and the structure of the joint, both in the Papuans and in any other representative of the human races. The foot of the monkey has a different structure. The dexterity of the natives of Australia when running up the smooth trunks of eucalyptus trees has nothing to do with monkey climbing, since they use a special ax and loops to do so.

The similarity and unity of races in the structure of the brain is also an argument in favor of the biological unity of mankind. Supporters of the polyphyletic origin of human races and racial inequality tried to prove that the brain of the European race has a more perfect structure than the brain of any other race. It has been especially often claimed that Europeans have heavier brains. However, anatomical studies have shown that the average brain weight of a Japanese is 1374 g, a Russian is 1380 g, a Ukrainian is 1366 g, an African is 1316 g, and an Eskimo is 1563 g. their brains varied from 1359 to 1402. Thus, the differences obtained by comparing the brains of Europeans and Africans are no more than the differences between different groups Japanese. Therefore, they cannot be taken into account as significant indicators of racial characteristics.

Some researchers have tried to prove the presence of a "lower" type of structure of the furrows and convolutions of the brain in races of non-European origin. One of the characteristic features of the furrows human brain is the presence of two anterior branches extending from the Sylvian furrow. However, sometimes only one branch is observed. This feature was found in 20% of Poles, 28% of Estonians, 18% of Dutch, 10% of Chinese, and 27% of Africans. It is obvious that there is no need to talk about any persistent and significant racial differences in the frequency of this feature.

Back in 1870, the Russian anatomist Betz confirmed the position that the distribution of convolutions on the brains of African Negroes is the same as that of Europeans.

Data on the cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex indicate that racial differences do not concern the subtle structures of the central nervous system.

There are no superior and inferior races in terms of the intellectual and moral characteristics of people.

All modern people belong to the same species, called Homo sapiens, and come from the same root, have common essential qualities: consciousness, speech, labor activity, individuality, freedom to choose the meaning of life and behavior.

Rice. 6.20. Representatives of various peoples and ethnic groups.

Between populations - races living in different parts the globe, only differences in the average values ​​of secondary physical signs: hair shape, skin color, etc., therefore, from a biological point of view, these differences cannot create superiority or inferiority of a race.

In humans, the genetic composition of each population is subject to the influence of various factors natural selection, acting in the direction of adaptation to the geographical environment, random mutations, which consist in changing genes, DNA molecules, and finally, random changes in the frequency of qualitative hereditary traits, the probability of which depends on the size of the population and on the composition of families within this population.

Large races occupy vast territories, covering peoples differing in language, culture, economy, etc. No national, religious, geographic, linguistic or cultural group constitutes a race by itself. The concept of race refers only to biological properties, not to psychological or cultural properties.

On the basis of one race, hundreds of different peoples and ethnic groups are formed. The most detailed classifications of anthropological types of the entire population of the Earth do not exceed one hundred morphological variants. The number of ethnic groups is much larger - over 2000. Hence the general conclusion: many ethnic groups have a similar anthropological composition.

The factual data accumulated by the social and natural sciences prove the patterns of the formation of races and peoples, which in turn show the complete failure of racist concepts.

In the UNESCO Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice of October 26, 1967, one of the final points reads: “Racial prejudice and racial discrimination in modern world stem from historical and social phenomena and are falsely covered by the authority of science. Therefore, biologists, sociologists, philosophers and scientists of related branches of science should do everything possible to ensure that the results of their research are not misused by those who intend to propagate racial prejudice and encourage discrimination. Fight against racism - the most important task the entire progressive community of the world.

Questions and tasks for self-control

Give answers to Control questions

1. By what signs can humanity be classified, which of them are racial?

2. How is a race different from a nation?

3. Can different races be integral part one nation? Explain.

4. What factors of racial genesis do you know?

5. What classifications of races exist?

6. Is it possible to determine the race of a particular person?

7. Name the time of the birth of the first racial theories, give arguments.

8. What is racism?

9. What is the geographical distribution of the main racial divisions of mankind?

10. Do you think race is a myth or a reality?

Choose the correct answer

1. What physical features people can be considered racial

Prove that all human races belong to the same species - Homo sapiens.


Please refer to the disk. Study the material of the lesson and complete the suggested tasks. htm (Every fifth person is mestizo)

A race is a historically established group of people united by a common origin, territory of residence, common morphological and physiological hereditary characteristics, as well as customs and traditions. At present, three large races are distinguished: equatorial, Eurasian, Asian-American. All races make up one species - Homo sapiens.


Man has always sought to know his body. The origins of anatomy go back to prehistoric times. Rock paintings show that primitive hunters already knew about the location of vital organs. and them meaning for the body.

Information about the structure of the heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs is contained in ancient books that have come down to us: the Chinese "Neijing" (XI-VII centuries BC e.), the Hindu "Ayur-Veda" (IX-111 centuries BC).

Among the first famous history scientists should first of all name the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates(460-377 BC). He formulated the doctrine of four types of physique and temperament. In his works, he summarized all the scattered information about the structure of the human body obtained by his predecessors.

in the countries of the East. However, the Muslim religion, like the Christian one, forbade the opening of corpses, so anatomy was studied from the books of Hippocrates, Aristotle, Galen.

Scientist and doctor Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna)(980-1037) wrote the encyclopedic work "The Canon of Medicine", which contained a lot of medical information of that time. One of the chapters of this work is devoted to human anatomy. It gives a general

Another famous scientist - Greek Aristotle(384-322 BC) gave the name to the main blood vessel - "aorta", from methyl common features in the structure of man and animals. Aristotle claimed that blood is formed in the liver and from there it goes to the heart - the source of feelings, where it warms up and flows through the veins to all organs of the body.

ancient roman doctor Claudius Galen(131-201) was the first to become interested in the functions of organs. Because of the then existing ban on autopsy of human corpses, Galen studied human anatomy, dissecting animals - pigs, dogs, sheep, monkeys: he was sure of the similarity in the structure of the bodies of animals and humans. For fourteen centuries his work was the main source of anatomical and medical knowledge.

In the era of early feudalism (5th-10th centuries), the dominance of the church hindered the development of the natural sciences in European countries. At the same time, these sciences developed rapidly

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a description of the structure and functions of the human body, provides information about the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, the structure of the teeth, skull and nerves.

At the beginning of the 11th millennium, the rapid development of trade, culture, cities began to grow, sciences developed, among them biology and medicine. The first medical schools appear in Europe. The development of anatomy was facilitated by the discovery in Europe in XII-XIV centuries first universities. IN XIV-XV centuries Universities were given the right by special order to dissect one or two human corpses a year for educational purposes.

In 1326 Mondino da Luzzi(1275-1327) published the first textbook on anatomy.

Anatomy, like other sciences, achieved particular success during the Renaissance. Particularly significant contribution to the development of anatomy was made by Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) and Andreas Vesalius(1514-

The remarkable artist, mathematician, engineer Leonardo da Vinci studied the proportions of the body, for the first time compiled a classification of muscles, made about 800 accurate drawings of bones, muscles, heart and other organs, scientifically described them. These drawings were in various private collections for a long time, and only in late XIX V. became aware of the anatomical work of Leonardo. These drawings have not lost their cognitive significance even today.

A. Vesalius in his work “On the structure of the human body” was the first to describe the systematic anatomy of a person (according to systems - bones, muscles, entrails, etc.), based on his own experience of dissecting corpses. It is no coincidence therefore

A. Vesalius is called the founder of modern systematic anatomy. At that time, anatomy was banned, and A. Vesalius was forced to secretly

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but, with the danger to life, to get corpses, removing them at night from the graves in the cemetery. In his anatomical works, A. Vesalius pointed out the anatomical errors of his predecessors, for which he was persecuted by opponents and ill-wishers. Because of this, he left the University of Padua, where he taught anatomy and surgery, A. Vesalius took the post of court physician.

Pupils and followers of A. Vesalius in the XVI-XVII centuries. many have been made important discoveries, previous errors have been corrected. So, G. Fallopius(1523-1562) in "Anatomical Observations" for the first time carefully described the structure of many bones, muscles, organs of hearing, and vision. B. Eustachius(1510-1574) studied the anatomy of teeth, kidneys, veins, the organ of hearing, and was engaged in comparative anatomy. I. Fabricius(1537-1619) studied the structure of the esophagus, larynx, described venous valves. The organs described by them were named after these researchers: fallopian (uterine) tube, Eustachian (auditory) tube, Fabricius bag.

In the XVII-XIX centuries. anatomy was enriched with new facts and discoveries. In 1628 the English scientist W. Harvey(1578-1657) in his book "Anatomical Studies on the Movement of the Heart and Blood in Animals" proved that blood moves in a vicious circle: through the arteries from the heart, through the veins - to the heart. His works served to form an independent science of the work of organs - physiology.

Thanks to the improvement of the microscope A. van Leeuwenhoek(1632-1723) it became possible to study the microscopic structure of organs and tissues.

In 1661 M. Malpighi(1628-1694), studying the lungs, discovered al

veoli and capillaries, which are the connecting link between the arteries and veins of the lungs. In 1685 G. Bidloo(1649-1713) proved that the nerves are composed of an accumulation of thin nerve fibers. K. M. Baer(1792-1876) discovered the human egg.

In Russia, the first anatomical information can be found already in ancient manuscripts of the 10th-11th centuries. The first medical schools (academies) were opened in our country in the 17th-17th centuries. In 1658 Epiphanius Slavinetsky translated into Russian the works of Vesalius. A great contribution to the development of the science of the structure of the human body was made by the first Russian anatomists. A. P. Protasov(1724-1796) - the author of many Russian anatomical terms, works on the physique of a person, the structure and functions of the stomach. WITH. G. Zybelin(1735-1802) published the book "A word about the composition of the human body and about the ways how to protect it from diseases", in his writings

expressed the idea of ​​a common origin of animals and humans. Doctor K. I. Shchepin(1728-1770) was the first to teach anatomy and other sciences in Russian.

The first textbooks on anatomy in Russia appeared at the beginning of the 19th century: a manual P. A. Za Gorsky(1764-1846) "Toward a knowledge of the structure of the human body", "Course of Anatomy" E. ABOUT. Mukhina(1766-1850) and

translated M. I. Shein(1712-1762) into Russian work on Geister's anatomy.

The creator of a new branch of science - topographic anatomy, which describes the relative position of the internal organs relative to each other and in relation to the bones of the skeleton, and the doctrine of the location of the main blood vessels and nerve trunks was N. I. Pirogov(1810-1881).

P. F. Lesgaft(1837-1909) - the author of many works on theoretical anatomy, in which he studied the relationship between the functions of organs and their structure.

A major role in the development of anatomy belongs to the professor of Moscow University D. N. Zernov(1843-1917). He studied the individual variability of the sulci and convolutions of the brain, the sense organs, published a textbook on human anatomy, which was reprinted 14 times. Kharkov anatomist V. P. Vorobyov(1876-1937) developed new methods for studying the nerves of the heart, stomach, created a five-volume Atlas of Human Anatomy. Vorobyov invented new method embalming, which was used to preserve the body of V. I. Lenin. A well-known anatomist worked in St. Petersburg - Leningrad V. N. Tankov(1872-1954), who studied the roundabout ways of blood flow, the nerves of many organs. He is the author of a famous textbook on human anatomy.

In a small section it is impossible to describe the contribution that scientists have made to the development of knowledge about the structure of the human body.

Of all the sciences that study the human body, we single out the most important ones.

human anatomy(from the Greek "anatomy" - opening, dissection) - the science of the structure of the human body.

human physiology(from the Greek "physis" - nature) - the science of functions human body and his organs.

Hygiene(from the Greek "hygienos" - healthy) - a science that studies the effect natural environment, work and life on the human body in order to develop measures to protect health.

Prove that all human races belong to the same species - Homo sapiens. Explain the failure of racism. and got the best answer

Answer from Igor Zolotarev[guru]
so no one has proved, and some even vice versa. I will try to explain: if you cross a donkey with a horse, you get a mule that is incapable of reproduction, a rabbit and a hare will not give offspring at all, and you can still give a number of examples, but the point, I think, is clear. Negroids, Caucasians, Asians, when mixing races, give quite viable offspring capable of reproduction, and there are enough fools, lazy people in all races. although I personally don’t like blacks or Asians much.

Answer from Marina Karpukhina (Masko)[guru]
The failure of racism is presumed. It is the racists who must prove their position.

Answer from Alex[guru]
Homo sapiens, as a biological species, arose about 200 thousand years ago in Africa.
The division into races began about 40 thousand years ago and is associated with the colonization of new territories by humans.
Australian Aborigines, Bushmen and Indians branched off from the common trunk a little earlier and can be considered independent small races.
All races belong to the same species and are biologically and intellectually equivalent.
It is possible to predict a tendency to smooth out interracial differences due to the ever-increasing panmixia in human society.

Answer from Leonid Dolinskiy[guru]
Einstein, Mendeleev, Martin Luther King, Chaplin, Kurosawa, Dante... What is there to explain?

Answer from Yörgey[active]
Of course, I’m not a racist, but I can say that people live in different climatic zones, and this greatly affects mental abilities, and not necessarily in the whole world, just take our country

Answer from Bobruisky Sergey[guru]
All people are brothers! It's just that at some stage of evolution, some races went along a progressive path of development, others - along a regressive one. And there is nothing offensive in stating this fact.
And the fact that the fact itself is undeniable is an objective reality.
After all, no one argues that all the achievements of mankind in the field of science, culture and technology are the merit of the white race. That the bloodiest bacchanalia of our time is the merit of adherents of the radical branch of Islam. That in Africa you can’t even force anyone to work, and that the most efficient and enterprising people are representatives of the white race, and not black and yellow. I think we will not go down to examples? Again, not to offend anyone...

Answer from Ddddddd[active]
1. Lack of genetic isolation
2. The existence of intermediate races
3. Morpho-functional similarity among representatives of different races
4. The same level of development

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Prove that all human races belong to the same species - Homo sapiens. Explain the failure of racism.

We are all different: we differ from each other in eye color, hair, skin tones, height, body weight, facial features. All of these are individual differences. But there are signs that distinguish entire communities of people - races. A race is a historically formed group of people united by a common origin, territory of residence, common morphological and physiological hereditary characteristics, as well as traditions and customs.

The question of the origin and classification of races has long history. The first attempt to describe the human races was made in the 17th century. French Bernier. Later, K. Linnaeus singled out four races: American, European, Asian and African.

At present, most scientists distinguish three large races and several dozen small ones. Large races - equatorial (Australian-Negroid), Eurasian (Caucasoid) and Asian-American (Mongoloid).

Representatives of the equatorial race live mainly in the tropical regions of the Old World. They are characterized by dark skin, wavy or curly hair, a wide flattened nose with large nostrils, and thick lips.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of the Eurasian race is Europe, part of Asia, North Africa, America. Its representatives are characterized by light, sometimes swarthy skin, straight, sometimes wavy soft hair, a long nose, thin lips, and usually well-developed facial hair (mustache, beard).

The Asian-American race is common in America, Central and East Asia. Representatives of this race have straight, black, coarse hair, and mustaches and beards grow weakly. The skin is more dark than fair. The nose of the Mongols is of medium width, protrudes little, while the nose of the American Indians is long, strongly protruding. The most characteristic features of this race are a broad face, protruding cheekbones, a narrow palpebral fissure, lips of medium thickness, a fold of skin at the inner corner of the eye, formed by the skin of the upper eyelid (epicanthus).

However, even within the same race there are groups of people who differ from each other. For example, a Malay does not outwardly look too much like a Buryat or an Evenk. The Negroid Pygmies of the Congo River are different from the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. Caucasoids Northern Europe(Norwegians, Swedes) - light-eyed, fair-haired, fair-skinned - bear little resemblance to southerners, mostly brown-eyed and dark-skinned. Therefore, scientists distinguish several dozen smaller races - the second and third order.

Currently, people are actively moving around the world, moving from place to place. For example, Caucasians live on all continents. Representatives of different races intermarry. Scientists believe that in Russia at present 45 million people belong to the transitional Caucasoid-Mongolian type.

Races have been around for a very long time. The first division into two large trunks, the Mongoloid and the Caucasoid-Negroid races, apparently occurred 90-92 thousand years ago. It is believed that the separation of Caucasians and Negroids occurred 50 thousand years ago.

Scientists are still arguing about the mechanism of formation of races. Many characteristics of races are clearly adaptive in nature. So, the dark skin of Negroids better protects them from ultraviolet rays than the light skin of Caucasians. Curly hair is a good heat insulator in the sun. However, the final role of these traits remains unproven, since representatives of other races currently live in the same conditions.

An important factor in the formation of races could be their isolation. It is easy to imagine that in some groups of people living in isolation from the rest of the world, some new signs arose - the shape of the nose, lips, etc. People - carriers of this sign married only within their group. Their offspring also intermarried within this group. Over time, the new sign became the property of all members of this group.

Despite the differences between races, all modern humanity is represented by one species - Homo sapiens. This is confirmed primarily by the fact that fertile offspring are born among representatives of different races entering into marriage.

For a long time, some scientists (and some still) directly linked the biological characteristics of representatives of different races with the level of their culture, tried to compare peoples at different stages of development, people of different social status. These errors formed the basis of the theory of racism. Its supporters asserted that there are higher and lower races, and by this they justified the domination of some peoples over others.

Test your knowledge

  1. What is a race? How many races did K. Linnaeus identify?
  2. What races are distinguished by modern scientists?
  3. What distinguishes representatives of the equatorial race?
  4. Where do representatives of the Eurasian race live?
  5. Representatives of what race have a well-developed epicanthus?
  6. What is the difference between representatives of the Eurasian race?
  7. What race are American Indians?
  8. Try to describe the mechanism of race formation.
  9. How many types of humanity are represented?


Prove that all human races belong to the same species - Homo sapiens

A race is a historically formed group of people united by a common origin, territory of residence, common morphological and physiological hereditary characteristics, as well as customs and traditions. Currently, there are three large races: equatorial, Eurasian, Asian-American. All races make up one species - Homo sapiens.

  • Sergei Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere