Test in experimental psychology. Examination test in experimental psychology with the basics of psychodiagnostics Final test in the discipline of experimental psychology

State educational institution of higher professional education

"Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development» (GOU VPO NSMU Roszdrav)

Faculty of Clinical Psychology

Department of Clinical Psychology


Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology

Lasovskaya T.Yu. _______________________


"___" ________________________ 2008




By specialty "CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY" 030302.65

Full-time form of education

Semester 5

Test Structure

The volume of the bank of test tasks

open form

closed form

for streamlining

for compliance

Control test (tasks)

Estimated testing time (min)

Novosibirsk - 2008

The test was developed on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation "On Education", "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements", "On Standardization normative documents Gosstandart of Russia and international standards IMS, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2007 No. 116 “On approval of the Rules for the implementation of control and supervision in the field of education. The basic requirements for the content of tests are the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty 030302.65 "Clinical Psychology", working programm discipline "Experimental Psychology" GPD.F.13, approved ____(date) by the Academic Council of the Faculty of "Social Psychology", recommendations for developers of test items OKO NSMU.

Surname I.O.

developer(s) of test


Job title

Academic degree,

academic title

Mark of training in the OKO

(protocol number, date)

Sycheva T.Yu.

Clinical Psychology

Protocol No. 4 dated 08.10.08.

The test was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department ___ Clinical Psychology________________

(name of the department)

Minutes No. 66 dated October 23, 2008 department Lasovskaya T.Yu. cand. honey. Sciences Associate Professor



Surname I.O.

OKO expert

Job title


(No. of certificate, diploma)

academic degree

academic title

The test passed the technical examination for compliance with the established requirements in the OKO

Protocol No. ______ dated "___" _________________ 200__ Head of the OKO _____________________

(Surname I.O.)

Surname I.O.


Job title

Academic degree,

academic title

SP NSMU / other educational institution

The test was reviewed, agreed upon and approved at a meeting of the CMC __________________________________________________________________ (CMC name)

Minutes No. ______ dated "___" ________ 200__ Chairman of the CMC ___________________________

(Surname I.O., academic degree, title)



V1: Methodology, theory and methodology of experimental research

V2: Subject and tasks of experimental psychology

S: The first information about psychological experiments appeared

+: in the 16th century

- in the 17th century

- in the 14th century

- in the 18th century

S:Experimental psychology is understood as

-: a branch of psychology that has its own special subject of study, which is the study of mental phenomena

+: system scientific methods and methods by which mental phenomena are studied

-: a set of psychological knowledge that is revealed through experiment

psychological theory of W. Wundt

S: The field of psychology that develops a system of principles, methods and procedures for planning, conducting, processing and interpreting the results of a psychological examination is

-: social Psychology

+: experimental psychology

-: general psychology

-: mathematical methods in psychology

S: The founder of the first psychological laboratory is

-: G. Ebbinghaus

+: W. Wundt

-: F. Galton

-: N. Lange

S: Genetic and biological approaches were first introduced into experimental psychology

+: N. Lange

-: W. Wundt

-: W. James

S: The path to the experimental study of skills was first opened.

Some abstracts from the work on the topic Experimental psychology
1. Science is:
1. the sphere of human activity, the result of which is the acquisition of new knowledge about reality;

2. conducting experiments in the laboratory;

3. discussion various problems with somebody;

4. observation of human behavior.

2. The stages of scientific research do not include:
1. problem statement;

2. formulation of the hypothesis;

3. hypothesis testing;

4. experiment;

5. interpretation of the results of the study.

3. The type of scientific research is not:
1. pilot study;

2. experimental study;

3. critical study;

4. clarifying research;

5. reproducing study.

4. Research methods are divided into:
1. theoretical and empirical;

2. theoretical, empirical and descriptive;

3. theoretical, empirical, descriptive and experimental;

4. theoretical, empirical, descriptive, experimental and speculative.

5. Theoretical methods do not include:
1. deduction;

2. induction;

3. transcendence;

4. modeling.

6. Empirical methods do not include:
1. non-experimental;

2. experiment;

3. measurement;

4. structural and functional modeling.

7. Observation is:
1. non-experimental method;

2. method of structural-functional modeling;

3. measurement method;

4. does not belong to any of the listed groups.

8. Observation is different from experiment:
1. immediacy of perception of the object under study;

2. greater passivity of the observer;

3. greater passivity of the experimenter;

4. is no different.

9. A variety of conversation as a research method is not:
1. clinical conversation;

2. interview;

3. testing;

4. Questioning.

10. Content analysis is:
1. standardized survey method;

2. a standardized method for studying texts;

3. standard statistical method for analyzing the results of the experiment;

4. The correct definition of content analysis is not given here.

11. The measurement scale is:
1. graduated ruler;

2. numerical axis;

3. range of changes in the studied trait;

4. the rule on the basis of which a symbol (number) is assigned to the object under study.

12. Arithmetic operations cannot be produced with data received at the level:
1. nominal scale;

2. ordinal scale;

3. interval scales;

4. relationship scales.

13. The independent variable is:

14. The dependent variable is:
1. the conditions for the existence of the object under study, which the experimenter cannot influence in any way;

2. conditions for the existence of the object under study, which fundamentally remain unchanged during the entire experiment;

3. conditions for the existence of the object under study, varied by the experimenter;

4. fixed behavior of the studied object.

15. If temperament is an independent variable, then it has levels of significance:
1. 1;

16. An external variable is:
1. conditions that undesirably affect the behavior of the independent variable;

2. conditions that undesirably affect the behavior of the dependent variable;

3. conditions that do not affect the behavior of the variables studied in the experiment;

4. none of the given definitions is suitable.

17. In an experimental study of the effect of gender on aggressiveness, gender acts as:
1. external variable;

2. internal variable;

3. independent variable;

4. dependent variable.

18. The internal validity of an experiment is:
1. the absence in the experiment of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable;

2. absence of distorting effects of external variables in the experiment;

3. the impact in the experiment of only the dependent variable on the independent;

4. absence of distorting effects of internal variables in the experiment.

19. The external validity of an experiment is:
1. the possibility of extrapolating the results of the experiment into the future;

2. the possibility of statistical processing of the results of the experiment;

3. the possibility of a meaningful interpretation of the results of the experiment;

4. the possibility of transferring the results of the experiment to the behavior of real objects.

20. One of the methods to increase internal validity is:
1. elimination;

2. exaltation;

3. illumination;

4. segregation.

21. The idea of ​​the method of constant conditions, which is used to increase the internal validity of the experiment, is:
1. in the invariance of the impact of the external variable during the transition from one level of influence of the independent variable to another;

2. in the invariance of the influence of the independent variable during the transition from one level of influence of the external variable to another;

3. in the invariance of the influence of the independent variable when moving from one level of influence of the dependent variable to another;

4. in the invariance of the influence of the dependent variable when moving from one level of influence of the external variable to another.

22. The balancing method to increase the internal validity of the experiment is used when:

4. in the experiment, the number of external variables is less than the number of independent variables.

23. The counterbalancing method to increase the internal validity of the experiment is used when:
1. in the experiment, the number of external variables exceeds the number of independent variables;

2. in the experiment it is impossible to select all external variables and control them;

3. in the experiment it is necessary to overcome the effect of sequence;

4. in the experiment, the number of external variables is less than the number of independent variables.

24. A sample is:
1. general population;

2. the set of those objects that can potentially be included in the experimental study;

3. a group of objects to which the results of the experimental study are transferred;

4. a random group of objects on which the experimental study is carried out.

25. The main condition external validity experiment is:
1. equivalence of the experimental sample to the control sample;

2. representativeness of the experimental sample;

3. the vastness of the general population;

4. narrowness of the general population.

26. Methods for increasing the external validity of an experiment do not include:
1. randomization method;

2. certification method;

3. stratometric method;

4. the first and second of the indicated methods.

27. Experiment planning is:
1. drawing up a schedule for the implementation of research work;

2. organization of the experiment in order to facilitate research work the experimenter and the work of the subjects;

3. organization of the experiment in order to increase its external and internal validity;

4. work on financial, organizational and logistical support of the experiment.

28. Factorial designs are used for experiments:
1. with several independent variables;

2. with one independent variable;

3. both are true;

4. there are no correct answers.

29. In factorial experiments, hypotheses are tested:
1. only about the interaction of independent variables with the dependent one;

2. only about the interaction of independent variables with each other;

3. only about the interaction of independent variables with the dependent one and about the interaction of independent variables among themselves;

4. there are no correct answers.

30. The types of interaction of independent variables in a factorial experiment do not include:
1. converging interaction;

2. divergent interaction;

3. zero interaction;

4. diagonal interaction.

31. Standard optimal factorial designs do not include:
1. latin square;

2. Greek-Latin square;

3. Greek square;

4. first and second plans.

32. The method of positional equalization in experiments with one subject is used in order to overcome:
1. placebo effect;

2. sequence effect;

3. illusory effect;

4. facade effect.

33. Specific factors affecting the validity of a psychological experiment and related to the personality of the subject do not include:
1. placebo effect;

2. Pygmalion effect;

3. audience effect;

4. Hawthorne effect.

34. An optional introduction to a scientific article describing the results of an experiment is:
1. substantiation of the relevance of the research topic;

2. statement of the research problem;

3. formulation of the research hypothesis;

4. description of the results obtained in the study.


State educational institution

"Far Eastern State University for the Humanities"

Test tasks

in "Experimental Psychology"

specialty 020400 - "Psychology"

Khabarovsk 2008


Job title: Art. Teacher

Chair: Psychology signature ____________

Test tasks are reviewed and approved at the meeting of the department _______________________

Protocol No. _______

Test tasks

020400 "Psychology"

"OPD. F.3 "" Experimental psychology ", 180 hours

federal component,


1. Compliant with GOS

2. Purpose to acquaint the student with the norms of scientific thinking, which involves knowledge of the methods of reasoning of a psychologist when testing hypotheses, changes in the criteria of scientific thinking and modern approaches to the organization of empirical research.

Discipline tasks:

· Consider the principles and structure of scientific research;

Empirical methods in psychology psychology

psychological experiment;

The procedure and main characteristics of the experiment, its types and

psychological measurements;

· Presentation of results.

3. These test materials are intended for 3rd year students of the specialty "Psychology"

4. 44 test tasks, 60 - 90 minutes

5. The following types of test tasks are presented: closed, open, for compliance

6. Tasks of all degrees of difficulty are presented

7. up to 50% of completed tasks - unsatisfactory, 50% - 60% - satisfactory, 61% - 80% - good, 81% - 100% - excellent.

8. Compliance of test tasks with didactic units

Name of didactic units of SES

test task

Task topic

Theoretical and empirical knowledge in psychology.

Basic concepts of experimental psychology. Scientific research, principles and structure.

Methodology of the experimental psychological research.

Theory and its structure. Types of theories. Construction methods. scientific problem. Dependent and independent variables.

Classification of research methods in psychology.

Classification of research methods.

Theory of psychological experiment.

Experiment as a method of psychological research

Design of the experiment and control of variables.

18 – 21

Organizing and conducting a pilot study


22 – 25


Correlation studies.

26 – 29

Correlation studies.

Measurement in psychology.

30 – 33

Specificity of measurements in psychology.

Systematization and specificity experimental studies in various areas of psychology (sensory, perceptual, mnemonic processes, attention).

34 – 38

Procedure and main characteristics of species psychological experiments

Analysis and presentation of the results of psychological research.

1 option

1. An independent scientific discipline that develops the theory and practice of psychological research and has as its main subject the study of the system psychological methods, among which the focus is on empirical method- This ………

2. Establish a correspondence between the types of research by nature and their definition:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P



Conducted in order to obtain knowledge that should be used to solve a specific practical problem


Conducted using a system of methods and techniques by which scientists seek to cover the maximum possible number of significant parameters of the studied reality


Aimed at identifying one, the most significant aspect of reality according to the researcher


Aimed at the knowledge of reality without taking into account the practical effect of the application of knowledge

Single factor

Conducted within the framework of a separate science

3. This study is carried out in order to refute the existing theory, model, hypothesis, law, or to check which of the two hypotheses more accurately predicts reality - this is ...

4. The classification of studies by purpose includes:

A. Search Engine

B. Critical

C. Interdisciplinary

D. Clarifying

E. Multifactorial

F. Reproducing

G. Applied

5. The highest form of scientific knowledge is ……………………

6. The structure of the theory includes:

B. Patterns

C. Initial empirical basis

H. Hypotheses

J. Postulates

K. The logic of the theory

L. Approvals

M. Axioms

7. Highlight ways to build theories:

A. Axiomatic

B. Hypothetico-deductive

C. Hypothetical

D. Deductive

E. Inductive

8. Establish a correspondence between the types of theories and their definition:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P



D. Reliability of results

E. Structural failure

26. Specify the main characteristics of a real experiment:

A. Control of the independent variable, the dependent variable remains unchanged

B. Control dependent variable independent remains unchanged

C. Internal validity

D. Reliability of results

E. External validity

F. Generalization of the obtained results

G. Representativeness of results

H. Reliability of findings

27. What elements does Campbell refer to the group of sampling factors:

A. Breeding

C. Experimental screening

D. Natural development

E. Group equivalence

F. Subject's condition

G. External validity

H. Internal validity

28. What elements does Campbell refer to the group of factors side elements:

A. Story effect

B. Testing effect

C. Instrumental error

D. Interaction of factors

E. Properties of the individual

F. Test Reliability

29. Establish a correspondence between the concept and its definition:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P



This is part of the general population


A set of units with some common properties essential for their characterization

The set of units about which it is necessary to draw a conclusion based on the sample

30. Indicate what types of samples are distinguished:

A. With one subject

B. With two subjects

C. With two groups

D. With one group

E. With groups of - pair design

F. As many groups as you want

31. What types of sampling criteria are distinguished:

B. Equivalence test

C. Randomization

D. Stratometric selection

E. Pair selection

F. Operational Validity Criteria

32. The object of study is ………………

A. Fragment of the real world

B. The form of the given objective reality to the subject

C. Actual issue to be resolved

33. The subject of the study is …………….

A. Aspect of the study of the selected object

B. Study Specifics

C. The form of the cognizable object being given to the cognizing subject

34. P. Fress highlights such a concept as a “good” hypothesis and highlights its features. Specify these signs.

A. Relevance to the problem

B. Presence of elements of new knowledge

C. Credibility

D. Consistency with scientific evidence

E. Verifiability

35. The image of the future result to which the research should lead is……….

36. Establish a correspondence between the concept of types of goals and their definitions:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P


Description of the new fact


Ordering knowledge

Revealing the relationship

The study of development in ontogenetic (age-related changes) and phylogenetic (evolutionary) plans

Study of genetic dynamics

Isolation of the most significant in the totality of phenomena


Detection of a correlation between mental phenomena


Description or discovery of properties, characteristics of mental phenomena

Development and improvement

methods and techniques

A fact is discovered unexpectedly when solving problems or hypothesis testing

37. Highlight the grounds for classifying data:

  • Sergei Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere