Tests experimental psychology. Experimental psychology Experimental psychology tasks in a test form

State educational institution of higher professional education

"Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development» (GOU VPO NSMU Roszdrav)

Faculty of Clinical Psychology

Department of Clinical Psychology


Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology

Lasovskaya T.Yu. _______________________


"___" ________________________ 2008




By specialty "CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY" 030302.65

Full-time form of education

Semester 5

Test Structure

The volume of the bank of test tasks

open form

closed form

for streamlining

for compliance

Control test (tasks)

Estimated testing time (min)

Novosibirsk - 2008

The test was developed on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation "On Education", "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements", "On Standardization normative documents Gosstandart of Russia and international standards IMS, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2007 No. 116 “On approval of the Rules for the implementation of control and supervision in the field of education. The basic requirements for the content of tests are the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty 030302.65 "Clinical Psychology", working programm discipline "Experimental Psychology" GPD.F.13, approved ____(date) by the Academic Council of the Faculty of "Social Psychology", recommendations for developers of test items OKO NSMU.

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Mark of training in the OKO

(protocol number, date)

Sycheva T.Yu.

Clinical Psychology

Protocol No. 4 dated 08.10.08.

The test was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department ___ Clinical Psychology________________

(name of the department)

Minutes No. 66 dated October 23, 2008 department Lasovskaya T.Yu. cand. honey. Sciences Associate Professor



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The test passed the technical examination for compliance with the established requirements in the OKO

Protocol No. ______ dated "___" _________________ 200__ Head of the OKO _____________________

(Surname I.O.)

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SP NSMU / other educational institution

The test was reviewed, agreed upon and approved at a meeting of the CMC __________________________________________________________________ (CMC name)

Minutes No. ______ dated "___" ________ 200__ Chairman of the CMC ___________________________

(Surname I.O., academic degree, title)



V1: Methodology, theory and methodology pilot study

V2: Subject and tasks experimental psychology

S: The first information about psychological experiments appeared

+: in the 16th century

- in the 17th century

- in the 14th century

- in the 18th century

S:Experimental psychology is understood as

-: a branch of psychology that has its own special subject of study, which is the study of mental phenomena

+: system scientific methods and methods by which mental phenomena are studied

-: a set of psychological knowledge that is revealed through experiment

psychological theory of W. Wundt

S: The field of psychology that develops a system of principles, methods and procedures for planning, conducting, processing and interpreting the results of a psychological examination is

-: social Psychology

+: experimental psychology

-: general psychology

-: mathematical methods in psychology

S: The founder of the first psychological laboratory is

-: G. Ebbinghaus

+: W. Wundt

-: F. Galton

-: N. Lange

S: Genetic and biological approaches were first introduced into experimental psychology

+: N. Lange

-: W. Wundt

-: W. James

S: The path to the experimental study of skills was first opened.

Tests of 15 minutes and an exam of 20 minutes Questions for the exam 1. Definition of the subject of experimental psychology. 2. Features and problems of experimental psychology. 3. Main directions of methodology scientific research. 4. Science as a specific type of human activity. 5. Principles of scientific research. 6. Scientific research and its characteristics. 7. Types of scientific research by nature. 8. Types of scientific research by purpose. 9. Ideal scientific research, and its characteristics. 10. Real scientific research, and its characteristics. 11. Scientific paradigm and its main components. 12. Concept scientific problem, its characteristics and main levels. 13. Problem statement and hypotheses. 14. Types of experimental hypotheses and their characteristics. 15. Classification of research methods. 16. empirical methods V psychological research. 17. Features of the experimental research method. 18. Concept scientific theory. Structure and components of scientific theory. 19. Psychological experiment as a joint activity of the subject and the experimenter. 20. Experimental communication, its features. 21. Experimental effects manifested at the level of the subjects. 22. The influence of the personality of the experimenter on the result (the Pygmalion effect). 23. Common Mistakes experimenter, methods of their control. 24. Methods for controlling experimental effects manifested at the level of the subjects. 25. Methods for controlling experimental effects manifested at the level of the experimenter's personality. 26. Types of subjects, their motivation to participate in the experiment. 27. The norm of the experiment. Instruction. 28. Description of the experimental situation. 29. Types of experimental situations. 30. Types of experimental research. 31. Stages of conducting a holistic experimental study. 32. The main structural components of scientific research. 33. Validity: external, internal, operational. 34. Experimental sample and methods of its creation. 35. The concept of experimental and control groups. 36. Planning an experiment on one subject. 37. Pre-experimental plans and their specificity. 38. Main experimental plans, their specifics and schemes. 39. Basic quasi-experimental plans. 40. Correlation research and its planning. 41. Theory of psychological measurements. 42. Types of scales and types of admissible transformations. 43. Types of scale transformations. 44. The main types of psychological measurements and their classification. 45. Results empirical research and their presentation. 46. ​​Generalization of experimental results. 47. Presentation of the results of the study: tabular, graphic, symbolic, verbal. 48. Requirements for scientific text.

Some abstracts from the work on the topic Experimental psychology
1. Science is:
1. the sphere of human activity, the result of which is the acquisition of new knowledge about reality;

2. conducting experiments in the laboratory;

3. discussion various problems with somebody;

4. observation of human behavior.

2. The stages of scientific research do not include:
1. problem statement;

2. formulation of the hypothesis;

3. hypothesis testing;

4. experiment;

5. interpretation of the results of the study.

3. The type of scientific research is not:
1. pilot study;

2. experimental study;

3. critical study;

4. clarifying research;

5. reproducing study.

4. Research methods are divided into:
1. theoretical and empirical;

2. theoretical, empirical and descriptive;

3. theoretical, empirical, descriptive and experimental;

4. theoretical, empirical, descriptive, experimental and speculative.

5. Theoretical methods do not include:
1. deduction;

2. induction;

3. transcendence;

4. modeling.

6. Empirical methods do not include:
1. non-experimental;

2. experiment;

3. measurement;

4. structural and functional modeling.

7. Observation is:
1. non-experimental method;

2. method of structural-functional modeling;

3. measurement method;

4. does not belong to any of the listed groups.

8. Observation is different from experiment:
1. immediacy of perception of the object under study;

2. greater passivity of the observer;

3. greater passivity of the experimenter;

4. is no different.

9. A variety of conversation as a research method is not:
1. clinical conversation;

2. interview;

3. testing;

4. Questioning.

10. Content analysis is:
1. standardized survey method;

2. a standardized method for studying texts;

3. standard statistical method for analyzing the results of the experiment;

4. The correct definition of content analysis is not given here.

11. The measurement scale is:
1. graduated ruler;

2. numerical axis;

3. range of changes in the studied trait;

4. the rule on the basis of which a symbol (number) is assigned to the object under study.

12. Arithmetic operations cannot be produced with data received at the level:
1. nominal scale;

2. ordinal scale;

3. interval scales;

4. relationship scales.

13. The independent variable is:

14. The dependent variable is:
1. the conditions for the existence of the object under study, which the experimenter cannot influence in any way;

2. conditions for the existence of the object under study, which fundamentally remain unchanged during the entire experiment;

3. conditions for the existence of the object under study, varied by the experimenter;

4. fixed behavior of the studied object.

15. If temperament is an independent variable, then it has levels of significance:
1. 1;

16. An external variable is:
1. conditions that undesirably affect the behavior of the independent variable;

2. conditions that undesirably affect the behavior of the dependent variable;

3. conditions that do not affect the behavior of the variables studied in the experiment;

4. none of the given definitions is suitable.

17. In an experimental study of the effect of gender on aggressiveness, gender acts as:
1. external variable;

2. internal variable;

3. independent variable;

4. dependent variable.

18. The internal validity of an experiment is:
1. the absence in the experiment of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable;

2. absence of distorting effects of external variables in the experiment;

3. the impact in the experiment of only the dependent variable on the independent;

4. absence of distorting effects of internal variables in the experiment.

19. The external validity of an experiment is:
1. the possibility of extrapolating the results of the experiment into the future;

2. the possibility of statistical processing of the results of the experiment;

3. the possibility of a meaningful interpretation of the results of the experiment;

4. the possibility of transferring the results of the experiment to the behavior of real objects.

20. One of the methods to increase internal validity is:
1. elimination;

2. exaltation;

3. illumination;

4. segregation.

21. The idea of ​​the method of constant conditions, which is used to increase the internal validity of the experiment, is:
1. in the invariance of the impact of the external variable during the transition from one level of influence of the independent variable to another;

2. in the invariance of the influence of the independent variable during the transition from one level of influence of the external variable to another;

3. in the invariance of the influence of the independent variable when moving from one level of influence of the dependent variable to another;

4. in the invariance of the influence of the dependent variable when moving from one level of influence of the external variable to another.

22. The balancing method to increase the internal validity of the experiment is used when:

4. in the experiment, the number of external variables is less than the number of independent variables.

23. The counterbalancing method to increase the internal validity of the experiment is used when:
1. in the experiment, the number of external variables exceeds the number of independent variables;

2. in the experiment it is impossible to select all external variables and control them;

3. in the experiment it is necessary to overcome the effect of sequence;

4. in the experiment, the number of external variables is less than the number of independent variables.

24. A sample is:
1. general population;

2. the set of those objects that can potentially be included in the experimental study;

3. a group of objects to which the results of the experimental study are transferred;

4. a random group of objects on which the experimental study is carried out.

25. The main condition external validity experiment is:
1. equivalence of the experimental sample to the control sample;

2. representativeness of the experimental sample;

3. the vastness of the general population;

4. narrowness of the general population.

26. Methods for increasing the external validity of an experiment do not include:
1. randomization method;

2. certification method;

3. stratometric method;

4. the first and second of the indicated methods.

27. Experiment planning is:
1. drawing up a schedule for the implementation of research work;

2. organization of the experiment in order to facilitate research work the experimenter and the work of the subjects;

3. organization of the experiment in order to increase its external and internal validity;

4. work on financial, organizational and logistical support of the experiment.

28. Factorial designs are used for experiments:
1. with several independent variables;

2. with one independent variable;

3. both are true;

4. there are no correct answers.

29. In factorial experiments, hypotheses are tested:
1. only about the interaction of independent variables with the dependent one;

2. only about the interaction of independent variables with each other;

3. only about the interaction of independent variables with the dependent one and about the interaction of independent variables among themselves;

4. there are no correct answers.

30. The types of interaction of independent variables in a factorial experiment do not include:
1. converging interaction;

2. divergent interaction;

3. zero interaction;

4. diagonal interaction.

31. Standard optimal factorial designs do not include:
1. latin square;

2. Greek-Latin square;

3. Greek square;

4. first and second plans.

32. The method of positional equalization in experiments with one subject is used in order to overcome:
1. placebo effect;

2. sequence effect;

3. illusory effect;

4. facade effect.

33. To specific factors affecting validity psychological experiment and related to the personality of the subject, does not apply to:
1. placebo effect;

2. Pygmalion effect;

3. audience effect;

4. Hawthorne effect.

34. An optional introduction to a scientific article describing the results of an experiment is:
1. substantiation of the relevance of the research topic;

2. statement of the research problem;

3. formulation of the research hypothesis;

4. description of the results obtained in the study.

even in ancient times (6-5 centuries BC)

Alcmaeon, Hippocrates, Galen in the Arab East. Ibn al-Haytama, Ibn Rosh.

2The principle of determinism in psychology:

the principle of causality means that all psychological phenomena are determined, i.e. caused by some external or internal factors. Orients the researcher to the search for these connections.

3The idea of ​​determinism was first expressed by:

Democritus in the 6th century BC. It all started with physics (Galileo, Newton) of the 16th-18th centuries.

4. Supporters of the empirical trend in the philosophy and psychology of the New Age were:

Galileo, Newton, Descartes, Bacon, Hobbes, John Locke, Hartley, Hume.

    For the first time the idea of ​​a reflex mechanism was expressed by:

Prochazke, Magendie, Bell.

    Experimental psychology refers to:

a field of psychology that organizes knowledge about research problems common to most psychological areas and how to solve them. Experimental psychology is called a scientific discipline about the methods of psychological research.

    Theory means:

Scientific system of knowledge. The result of the process of awareness.

in a broad sense - a system of views, representations of ideas aimed at explaining the phenomena of any area of ​​the environment. Peace.

In a narrow sense, it is the highest form of organization of scientific knowledge, which gives a holistic view of the patterns and relationships of a certain area of ​​reality, the object of this theory.

    Methodology means:

The doctrine of the methods of scientific knowledge.

(path + word) a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, as well as the doctrine of this system.

methodology is understood as: a set of research methods used in a given science (narrow sense), the doctrine of the methods of scientific knowledge and how to build a system of this knowledge.

    The experiment is:

An empirical study is conducted to identify cause-and-effect relationships.

scientifically established experiment, observation of the phenomenon under study under precisely taken into account conditions that make it possible to follow the course of the phenomenon, measure and record changes and repeatedly reproduce it when these conditions are repeated.

    Observation is:

method, method, process of purposeful, organized perception of the registration of the behavior of an object. The oldest psychological method.

    Content analysis is:

    What is the difference between the term "psychology of experiment" and "experimental psychology"?

experimental psychology- area psychology ordering knowledge about common to most psychological directions of research problems and ways to solve them.

The psychology of experiment is the psychology of experience, observation, a specific object in this case - experiment. The difference in the object of science))

    The main methods of psychological research are:



Psychological dimension

Methods of mathematical-statistical processing and interpretation of data.

    The main principles of experimental psychology include:

the principle of determinism and the principle of causal relationships.

    The essence of the experimental method is:

differs from observation by active intervention on the part of the researcher, systematically manipulating one or more variables and recording concomitant changes in the behavior of the object.

    The main forms of experimental research include:









    The main structural elements of the experimental method include:

Studying the state of the problem, identifying the relevance of its research. Definition of goals and objectives, subject and object of research. Review of available publications on this issue.

Development and refinement of the original research concept. Building a model of the phenomenon. Putting forward hypotheses.

Plan. Definition of stages, sampling of subjects. Choice of methods and techniques. Organizational and methodological support for psychological examinations, experiments.

Conducting psychological examinations, experiments. Collection of empirical data and their systematization. Compilation of pivot tables, their verification, transformation of the form of information, if necessary - its coding.

Data processing, including using mathematical and statistical methods. Presentation of results.

Discussion and interpretation of the results within the framework of the original research concept. Evaluation of the results of testing hypotheses.

Correlation of results with existing concepts and theories. Formulation of general conclusions, which indicate: the theory was confirmed or refuted, whether the goal was achieved and how the tasks of the study (experiment) were solved, what results were achieved. Where necessary, practical recommendations are developed. The prospects for further development of the problem are assessed. (On their own and not only)

    What statement characterizes the concept of "causal" approach in research?


Cause-and-effect dependence.

The essence of causality is the production of the cause of the effect.

    Hypothesis in psychological research:

A hypothesis is a scientific representation in the form of a statement, the truth or falsity of which is unprovable deductively, is unknown, but can be verified empirically (empirically) in the course of an experiment.

Hypothesis - A system of inference, through which, on the basis of a number of facts, a conclusion is made about the existence of a connection phenomenon, a cause. Moreover, this conclusion cannot be considered absolutely reliable.

Psychological hypothesis - scientific assumptions formulated regarding psychological reality within the framework of certain psychological ideas. Concepts corresponding to theoretical ideas act as hypothetical constructs in a hypothesis.

    The essence of the experimental hypothesis is:

It serves to organize the experiment.

It is a hypothesis about causal relationships.

    The experiment allows you to test hypotheses:

1) connection hypotheses

2) causal hypotheses

    Which judgment relates to the definition of the concept of "independent variable"?

Experimental influence and experimental factor - controlled variable, actively changed by the researcher

    Which judgment relates to the definition of the term "dependent variable"?

A variable (any mental phenomenon, characteristic) of change, which is considered as a consequence of a change in the experimental impact. Simply put, this is the so-called reaction or response to experimental exposure.

24. What type of experimental variables are "additional" and "side" variables?

(managed - the existing system of education, aspects of the social environment. Physiological variables)

Minor, arising in addition to the will and desire of the experimenter and the subject.

But also requiring careful recording, measurement and processing.

    What type of sample of subjects does next judgment: "Sampling of subjects, which is directed experimental impact..."?

It's called the experimental group.

    What type of sample of subjects does the following statement refer to: "A sample of subjects that is not affected by the independent variable ..."?

It is called the control group.

    What type of sample of subjects does the following judgment refer to: "A sample of subjects reflecting the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the general population is ..."

A group of objects limited in number, specially selected from the gene. Aggregates for studying its properties.

    Randomization is a sampling strategy that is defined as:

Simple random selection. Each member of the general population has equal rights with others to be included in the sample.

    Representative sampling modeling is a sampling strategy that is defined as:

The ability of the sample to represent the phenomena under study as fully as possible (in terms of their variability in the general population).

    The essence of the experiment is:

In identifying the cause-and-effect relationships of the phenomenon.

It is the most important component of psychological examination.

    First of all, the control group is used:

To check the results obtained on the experimental sample.

    How does a quasi-experiment differ from an experiment:

Quasi-experiment - with limited forms of control of the conditions of the independent variable.

Use as exp, and counter, non-equivalent groups.

Implementation of control after the study.

    How to interpret a negative test result:

As well as the positive ones.

This is an explanation of the psychological meaning of the obtained quantitative and qualitative results of the study, based on the put forward theoretical positions.

    What limits the transfer of the conclusions of the experiment to the general population:

The representativeness of the sample. From the point of view of the variability of the studied phenomena in the general population.

    "L" -, "O" -, "T" - data in the psychological study of personality differ:

Depending on their reliability and reliability.

    "L" - data:

Data obtained by recording a person's real life behavior. Progress, discipline, going to the doctor, etc.

external criterion.

    "O" - data:

Data of personality questionnaires, self-assessment methods.

Minnesota Multidisciplinary Personality List.

Catell's sixteen-factor personality questionnaire.

Gilford-Zimmerman test (temperament)

Eysenck's personality questionnaire.

    "T" - data:

Skill test data. Relate to the subjects in relation to something.

Physical tests.

Physiological tests.

    Parametric statistics methods are used in case of:

If the nature of the distribution of indicators of a psychological trait is normal or close to the normal form of the distribution of the trait described by the Gaussian curve.

Method examples:

Comparative analysis

Calculation of the reliability of the differences between the samples by Student's t-test, Fisher's t-test.

    Methods of non-parametric statistics are used in the case of:

If the distribution curve of indicators is far from normal.

Method examples:

Calculation of the reliability of differences according to the Q-Rosenbaum criterion

According to the UMann-Whitney test

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient

Factorial, multifactorial, cluster and other methods of analysis.

    Normal distribution curve (Gaussian curve)

Model of variation of some random variable, the value of which is determined by a set of simultaneously acting independent factors.

    Kurtosis and skewness of the distribution curve:

Secondary Characteristics of the distribution of trait indicators.

Kurtosis is an indicator of sharpness. Curves that are high in their middle part are excessive.

The coefficient of asymmetry is an indicator of the skewness of the distribution to the left or to the right along the x-axis.

    Assessment of the significance of differences according to the parametric 1-student criterion:

It is intended to find out how significantly the indicators of one sample differ from another. Has two forms: 1) unrelated t-test - to find out if there are differences between the scores obtained when using the same test to test two groups of different people.

2) associated t-test - for 2 groups between which there is a specific relationship.

    Assessment of the reliability of differences by non-parametric criterion. About Rosenbaum, Mann-Whitney 1L criterion:

When the data does not follow a normal distribution, non-parametric tests are used. You can compare the results of two groups obtained using the same test.

    Correlation analysis (correlation coefficient of Mr. Pearson, Mr. Spearman):

Revealing the relationship between two or more data sets. Provides an accurate quantitative assessment of the degree of consistency of changes in two or more features.

Pearson is a measure of the correlation between two variables distributed according to the normal law.

Spearman - the possibility of carrying out not very complex mathematical calculations with a calculator for small samples.

    The level of statistical significance shows:

The probability that given result correctly represents the population from which the sample was studied.

    The procedure for standardizing the scales of methods is used:

To evaluate an individual test result by comparing it with test norms.

When it becomes necessary to compare the performance of the subject, obtained by different methods.

    Encoding and transformation of the form of information is used:

In studies conducted to compare the psychological characteristics, features of prof. activities of employees of state spheres and commercial organizations.

In order to simplify and correlate with different sectors.

    Rank operation:

grouping into different classes so that within the group they are identical in terms of the measured property, attribute, quality. Each class is given a name and designation.

Rank or ordinal scale is the result of ranking.

A priority,rank or operation precedence or operator- a formal property of an operator/operation that affects the order of its execution.

Examination test in experimental psychology

Option 1


Number of correct answers _________ mark _____________________

1. Describe schematically the classification of methods according to Ananiev B.G.:

2. Choose the correct answer.

The system of principles for constructing and organizing scientific research is called ...

c) scientific worldview; d) research methodology;

e) philosophical outlook.
3. Choose the correct answer.

d) all of the above.

4. Choose the correct answer.

The property of a test to measure exactly the characteristic for which it was created is ...

a) reliability; b) stability; c) validity; d) accuracy;

e) standardization.
5. Complete.

refute your hypothesis.

a) the placebo effect; b) the Hawthorne effect; c) facilitation/inhibition effect;

d) expectation effect; e) the Pygmalion effect.
10. Choose the correct answer.

The concept of "ideal experiment" was introduced by:

hell. Campbell. b) W. Wundt c) V. V. Druzhinin d) F. J. Mac Guigan
11. Give the name to the scales in accordance with the definitions:

The scale obtained by assigning "names" to objects-__________________

The scale formed if the set implements one binary

relation - order (relationships "no more" and "less")-______________________________

12. Choose the correct answer.

A dialogue between two people, during which one person reveals the psychological characteristics of the other - ...

A) conversation B) interview C) testing d) survey

13. Define the concept.

Validity is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Complete.

It is purposeful, organized and determined

way fixed perception of the object under study.

15. Insert the correct answer.

It is carried out in order to simultaneously test all possible hypotheses.

a) “pilot study” b) field study c) critical experiment

  • Sergei Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere