What is the surrounding world. The environment is everything that surrounds us. ? What is the contribution of the subject "World around" to the development and education of a younger student

This article presents material for grade 3 students, for whom the world around them is provided in the form of simplified ecosystem models. The concept of a society of people, its structure and significance in the life of every person is also considered. Using simple examples, the process of explaining the world around is going on. This is the main task of this material.

The concept of ecosystems

In order for a 3rd grade student to better understand what the planet Earth is, it is necessary to clearly demonstrate a globe model. Our planet has an outer shell called the atmosphere. All living organisms on Earth breathe atmospheric air. The atmosphere protects the Earth from overheating, from cosmic rays.

The earth has a water shell - this is the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is formed by underwater waters, rivers, seas, oceans of the globe.

The lithosphere forms the solid shell of the Earth. Land, mountains, earth belong to the lithosphere.

All living organisms that live on Earth live in the biosphere. The biosphere is on the border of all other three spheres.

All living organisms on Earth live in the air, water and terrestrial environment. In order for the cycle of substances in nature not to stop, all living organisms cannot do without each other. All organisms according to their functions (or you can still compare the functions of organisms with professions) are divided into producers, consumers and destroyers. Producers are plants and trees, consumers are basically all animals, but bacteria, fungi and worms are classified as destroyers. Producers, consumers and destroyers cannot live on Earth without air, water, soil and rocks. Consequently, all the above listed elements can be divided into two large groups: living and inanimate nature. Thus, it is possible to imagine the surrounding world - it is living and inanimate nature.

The concept of society. Its structure

For a 3rd grade student, to define the concept of society, one should cite as an example his own family, which (for the most part) consists of members: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters. The family (a group of people) is the elementary or basic unit of society. All members of society interact with each other. Thus, society is also the surrounding world. The whole society rests on four components. These components are parliament, hospital, church, prison. The world- this is a certain structure that was formed in ancient times, and its basis has been preserved to this day.

Concept of economy

Let's highlight those things that a person needs for life. These things are called needs. What can we attribute to human needs? This is the need for food, for rest, for clothes, for work, for maintaining health, for transport, for safety. This list can be continued for a long time. The needs of mankind are different in purpose and meaning.

Needs can be cognitive (theater, books, television), physiological (hunger, sleep), material (apartment, computer, car, cottage). Nature gives us a lot - it is the warmth of the sun, air, water, the harvest of the earth. And love, communication, friendship - this is all we get by communicating with each other. And all material goods - this is what cannot be in nature (houses, cars, clothes) - gives us the economy. Translated from Greek- "keeping household". Here in such a simple explanation for students in grade 3, the world around them will look simple and understandable.


In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the scale and complexity, the world around us is a rather fragile structure, and it is the main task of adults to children to appreciate, and most importantly, protect it for future generations. But at the same time, at the stage of training, the younger generation needs to form an appropriate system of values.

Richard MAYBEY

What tree grew in the Garden of Eden?

Botanica is boring? Tired pistils and stamens, dusty herbariums and nondescript museum stands, next to which only enthusiasts stop? Open this book and you will be amazed! And there will be no trace of school boredom.

Together with the brilliant natural scientist Richad Maby, you will explore the origins of human civilization and, as you move through the centuries, you will see how vegetable world along with people created history, culture and art. Here is one of the most exciting adventure novels about wildlife.

You will find the "tree of life" that grew in the Gardens of Eden, unravel the secrets of the eternal youth of yews, take part in the search for the mysterious Amazonian lily, and penetrate the secrets of state emblems. You are waiting for myths and legends, entertaining and curious facts, incredible scientific discoveries and mysteries that still haunt the minds of scientists. Botany has never been so exciting!

Anatoly Zverev

Ecology: observe and study

This book will introduce children to animate and inanimate nature, show their interaction and influence on each other, explain the phenomena occurring in nature, and tell about representatives of the flora and fauna listed in the Red Book.

The theoretical material is supplemented by practical exercises, observations, experiments conducted during the excursions.

"Ecology" is the first step in the system of continuous environmental education preschool and younger children school age, corresponds to the author's program "Ecology".

Maria Ponomarenko

"Blau's Globe Secrets"

In one of the halls of the Historical Museum there is an exhibit that always attracts attention - a brilliant handwritten giant globe in a massive carved frame. It's so big that an adult can fit in it! It is this globe that will become the starting point of an amusing geographical journey. The reader will learn the history of the globe itself and its brethren, as well as significant geographical discoveries.

New lands gradually appeared on the maps. Here on the globe familiar to us, Europe looks almost like it is now. On the other hand, the Kamchatka Peninsula and Alaska, the island of Sakhalin, are missing, while Korea and California are depicted as islands ... There is no Antarctica yet: as you know, it will be discovered only in the 19th century ...

Globes like ours were made in pairs: heavenly and earthly. Where our brother is is a mystery. But legends are applied to the surface of ours, most of them with dates. So, you can determine the approximate age of the globe. The most late date in the legend - 1644th. It turns out that it could not have been done later. Immediately, scientists made a discovery: at that time only one company, Blau, could have such cards. A whole family worked for this Dutch company. More than 70 specialists worked in it on luxury cards. Maps were then printed on watermarked paper! By the way, have you noticed that something is noisy inside the globe? What? The book will give you a complete answer to this question.

Daniel Franklin

World in 2050

Our world is constantly changing, and in recent decades - faster than ever before. The rapid development of technology, the sea of ​​information, its availability - all this has an impact on the state of states and civil society.

What will the world be like by 2050? The book is an attempt by experts from the legendary The Economist to answer this question. They have identified and explored the major trends that are having a decisive impact on the world in various areas of life - from health care to the economy.

They are detailed in plain language described them and backed them up with plenty of facts, making the book a valuable reference tool.


"Touching facts. Heart"

Swedish Lena Sjöberg is known in her native country as the author of magical stories. And abroad, on the contrary, her scientific and educational books became popular: "Hot facts about ice", "Cool facts about eggs" and, finally, "Touching facts. Heart".

Lena collected the most interesting information about the heart.

And these are not only medical facts like why we hear heartbeats, why it does not get tired, what kind of products will protect against a heart attack.

An entire chapter is devoted to the hearts of other beings. It turns out that the heart of insects is long and located along the body. In a dove, the heart beats at a frequency of 200 beats per minute, and in a hummingbird - 1200! The heart of a blue whale weighs 900 kg. Some crustaceans do not have a heart at all.

Piotr SOCHA, Wojciech Grajkowski


If your child is an entomologist at heart, this book will be a treasure. Everything he wanted to know is under the cover. Don't miss the book. She is huge. She is beautiful and interesting! You no longer have to rack your brains over questions from the most innocent: who is more on earth - bees or people, and how these insects lived during the time of dinosaurs, to quite ticklish ones: how bees reproduce, who is a drone and why is he driven out of the hive ... The author of the book is a biologist. And he spoke not only about the bees themselves, but also about the ecosystem of which they are a part.

What is the environment? It would seem a simple question that even a child in first grade can answer. However, it is worth digging a little deeper - and it turns out that in reality everything is much more complicated. And the older and more educated a person is, the more difficult his version of the answer is.

The reason for this is the great intellectual leap that humanity has made on the path of its evolution. Many religious movements, philosophical schools and scientific theories gave us the opportunity to change the interpretation of the answer to this question at our own discretion. Therefore, let's try to find out for ourselves what the world around us really is.

Truth in simplicity

To begin with, let's consider this question, based on logic. common man without delving into the subtle matters of the universe. So, the world around us is the space that surrounds us. And it is at this moment that the first controversial statements appear.

If you look, it is quite difficult to outline the boundaries that separate one space from another. After all, there are no specific standards that can streamline all this knowledge in the minds of billions of people. In this regard, if we ask the usual question about what the world around us is, we will get different answers.

For example, for some it may be the space that surrounds them directly. For others, everything is much more complicated, and by this concept they mean our entire planet or even the Universe.

World around: wildlife

However, despite all the variety of answers, there are those that can be distinguished into a separate group. This is due to the fact that, despite minor differences, they still have some similarities leading to a common idea.

In particular, many believe that the world around us is all life around us. The same forests, fields, rivers and deserts. Animals and plants are also included here, as they are an integral part of this world.

What is the surrounding world through the eyes of philosophers?

Philosophers and theologians consider this question more deeply. After all, for them our world is part of a more complex reality. For clarity, consider the main features of their views on the current order of things.

According to religion, our reality is a place where people live only part of the path prepared for them. That is, the world around us is just a screen that hides from the eyes a more beautiful place - paradise.

As for philosophers, they formulate the answer to this question more vaguely. Depending on the school, a thinker can define the concept of the surrounding world in different ways. For some, this is a material place, for others it is spiritual, and for others it is a combination of the two previous ones.

- ▲ world (of which) habitation surrounding world. the world is a totality, a system of everything that exists. light. White light(which is just not in the world). god's light. ↓ consciousness ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

See Earth (Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom." www.foxdesign.ru) ...

The world is not just more amazing than we imagine, it is more amazing than we can imagine. John Burdon Haldane Not only is there a new sun daily, but the sun is constantly renewed. Heraclitus Apart from the edge of the current moment, the whole world ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

- (Eng. Dayworld) science fiction trilogy by writer Philip José Farmer (Philip José Farmer). In order to combat the growing overpopulation, humanity was divided into seven parts. Everyone has the right to live one day a week, let's say ... ... Wikipedia

Model of space and time by R. L. Bartini, illustration for the work “Multiple geometries and multiplicity of physicists” in the book “Modeling of dynamical systems” (together with P. G. Kuznetsov) Bartini’s world is an abstraction, according to which time, like ... Wikipedia

"World of equal worlds"- After the fall of the Iron Curtain modern world became different. The world order with two superpowers has been replaced by multipolarity and multidimensionality of the communication space. On the horizons of the emerging New World international relationshipsGeoeconomic dictionary-reference book

- 'THE WORLD AS WILL AND REPRESENTATION' (published in 1818, supplemented in editions of 1844 and 1859) by Schopenhauer. In the preface, the author explains that the material of the work is presented systematically, in order to facilitate its assimilation, but must ... ...

The world, space, order and image of things, which are intended by God for human life. I. WORD PEACE IN OT: 1) Heb. The OT does not know a single designation for the concept of M., which can be expressed in different ways: a) the words the whole earth (Genesis 11:1,8,9) or ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

- (published in 1818, supplemented in editions of 1844 and 1859) Schopenhauer's work. In the preface, the author explains that the material of the work is presented systematically, in order to facilitate its assimilation, but must function as an integral organism, i.e. ... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

Aya, oh. Located, located around, nearby. Oh, the situation, the area. About the items. Oh world. Fight for a clean environment. ◁ Surrounding, wow; cf. O. light, sad. Believe in changing the environment. Interest, indifference to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The world around, M. N. Danilova, I. R. Koltunova, O. N. Lazareva. …
  • The world around, Kadomtseva N. The world around is one of the most interesting and useful subjects in primary school. If your child is already preparing to start school, this book is for you. Developmental and educational tasks collected ...

Air and water, continents and oceans, deep bowels of the Earth and oxygenated atmosphere blue sky, the diversity of the natural landscape and the amazing corners of the world.

All this is ours common Home- planet Earth!
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Planets and stars

In the infinite expansion of space, at a distance of many light years, there are galaxies, stars and objects of the mysterious world of the Universe.

Wonderful world of the universe, distant stars and our neighbors - the planets of the solar system.
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Natural resources

Our planet contains a huge amount of natural resources, these are water, land and forest resources, minerals, solar and wind energy. Correct, not wasteful use of natural resources in conjunction with careful attitude To environment favors human life and generally allows the development of human society.
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Gifts and riches lie deep in the bowels of the Earth, thanks to which we can receive heat and energy, Construction Materials and mixtures, precious stones and semi-precious raw materials. Minerals are found in earth's crust and are formed from lava-magma, sedimentary rocks and natural minerals, formed over the long history of the Earth's formation processes. After development and extraction, minerals can be effectively used for commercial and industrial purposes.
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The industrial sector of the economy of each state is the most important factor in the development of relations in foreign economic and political relations on the world stage, and a developed agricultural sector becomes the key to well-being in the food needs of the population.
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Industry and energy sectors:

Branches of agriculture:

Industry and agriculture of Russia and countries of the world:

The peoples of the continents and countries of the world

There are more than 5 thousand peoples on Earth, many of which have their own language, although they can borrow the language of other countries for communication, nevertheless, each of the peoples has its own culture, its own folk costume, craft and traditions and customs passing from generation to generation.
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Peoples of the continents of the world:

Peoples of the countries of the world:

Ecology, nature and society

Man and nature are inextricably linked with each other. Creating a society, developing technical means to improve living conditions in the environment, a person interacts with the surrounding world of nature, uses the energy and forces of nature, uses Natural resources and stocks. Human understanding and respect for the values ​​of nature allows society to live in harmony with the nature of the surrounding world.
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  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere