Results of water quality monitoring of surface water bodies. Service for Control and Supervision in the Field of Environmental Protection, Wildlife Objects and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Assessment of surface waters

State Sanitary and Epidemiological
rationing Russian Federation
State sanitary and epidemiological rules
and hygiene standards


Hygiene requirements to protection
surface water

Sanitary rules and regulations
en P and N

Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow 2000

Hygienicrequirements for the protection of surface waters:

Sanitary rules and regulations. - M.: Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2000.

1. Developed by the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment; them. A. N. Sysina of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Krasovsky G. N.; Professor, Doctor of Medicine, N. Zholdakova Z. I.), Moscow medical academy them. I. M. Sechenov (Professor, MD Bogdanov M. V.), Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (MD Plitman S. I.; Ph.D. Bespalko L. E. ), the Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Chiburaev V.I., Kudryavtseva B.M., Nedogibchenko M.K.), Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Rogovets A.I.).

In preparing this document, the materials of the following authors were used: k. b. n. Artemova T. 3., Ph.D. Egorova N. A., Ph.D. Nedachina A. E., Ph.D. O. O. Sinitsyna (A. N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), Doctor of Medical Sciences Gorsky A. A. (Federal Center of the SSES of the Ministry of Health of Russia), Trofimovich E. M. (Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene), Shcherbakov A. B. (Center of the SSES in Moscow) and Kosyatnikova A. A. (Center of the SSES in the Moscow Region) .

2. Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2000.

4.5. Carrying out construction, dredging and blasting, mining, laying communications, hydraulic engineering and any other work, including rehabilitation, on reservoirs and in sanitary protection zones is allowed only with a positive conclusion from the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

4.6. The provision of individual reservoirs, watercourses or their sections for separate water use for specific economic purposes, including for cooling heated water (cooling ponds), the creation of timber bases, etc., is carried out only outside 1-2 belts of the zone of sanitary protection of sources.

4.7. Diversion of surface runoff from industrial sites and residential areas through rain sewers should exclude the ingress of household, industrial Wastewater and industrial waste. The requirements for the disposal of surface runoff into water bodies are the same as for wastewater.

5. Water quality standards for water bodies

5.1. These sanitary rules establish hygienic standards for the composition and properties of water in water bodies for two categories of water use.

5.1.1. The first category of water use includes the use of water bodies or their sections as a source of drinking and domestic water use, as well as for water supply to food industry enterprises.

5.1.2. The second category of water use includes the use of water bodies or their sites for recreational water use. The water quality requirements established for the second category of water use also apply to all sections of water bodies located within the boundaries of populated areas.

5.2. The water quality of water bodies must comply with the requirements specified in. The content of chemicals should not exceed the hygienic maximum allowable concentrations and approximate allowable levels of substances in the water of water bodies, approved in the prescribed manner (GN, GN with additions).

5.3. In the absence of established hygienic standards, the water user ensures the development of TAC or MPC, as well as a method for determining the substance and / or products of its transformation with a lower measurement limit of 0.5 MPC.

5.4. If two or more substances of hazard classes 1 and 2 are present in the water of a water body, characterized by a unidirectional mechanism of toxic action, including carcinogenic ones, the sum of the ratios of the concentrations of each of them to the corresponding MPC should not exceed one:

, Where

С 1 ,…,С n - concentrations n substances found in the water of a water body;

MPC1,…, MPC n - MPC of the same substances.

6. Hygienic requirements for placement, design,
construction, reconstruction and operation of economic
and other objects

6.1. Compliance with these sanitary rules is mandatory when placing, designing, commissioning and operating economic or other facilities and carrying out any work that can affect the water quality of water bodies.

6.2. Pre-project and design materials submitted to the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service for the conclusion of their compliance with these sanitary norms and rules must contain:

· substantiation of the choice of the area, point, site (route) for construction, including the natural features of the territory (hydrological, hydrogeological, etc.);

· data on background pollution of water bodies;

· qualitative and quantitative characteristics of discharges of harmful substances into water bodies with the results of pilot tests of new technologies, operating data of the existing analogue, materials of foreign experience in creating such a production;

· a list and deadlines for the implementation of water protection measures, developed on the basis of the MPC and MPC values ​​of harmful substances and their transformation products with confirmation of their effectiveness by data obtained during the operation of domestic and foreign analogues;

· data on the probability of salvo and emergency discharges into water bodies, measures to prevent them and action plans in case of their occurrence;

· calculations of the expected (projected) pollution of water bodies, taking into account existing, under construction and planned for construction of economic and other facilities, as well as dispersed sources of pollution, including precipitation of pollution from the atmosphere;

· proposals for the organization of production control over the water quality of water bodies (including a list of controlled indicators) affected by the facility under construction (reconstruction).

6.3. The construction of household, industrial and other facilities, including treatment facilities, is allowed under projects that have the conclusion of the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service on their compliance with these sanitary norms and rules.

6.4. It is not allowed to put into operation new and reconstructed economic and other facilities that are not provided with measures and facilities to prevent or eliminate existing pollution of surface waters, without sampling, testing and checking the operation of all equipment, including laboratory control over the quality of water bodies.

6.5. Any change in technological processes associated with an increase in volume, a change in the composition of wastewater, as well as the concentration of substances contained in them without the conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological service is not allowed.

6.6. The place of discharge of wastewater from the settlement should be located downstream, outside it, taking into account the possible reverse flow during surge phenomena. The place of wastewater discharge into stagnant and slow-flowing water bodies should be determined taking into account sanitary, meteorological and hydrological conditions.

6.7. The discharge of sewage and drainage water within the boundaries of populated areas through existing outlets is allowed only in exceptional cases, with an appropriate feasibility study and in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological service. In this case, the regulatory requirements for the composition and properties of wastewater must comply with the requirements for water in water bodies for drinking, household and recreational water use.

6.8. When designing wastewater disinfection facilities, a method is selected (chlorination, ultraviolet treatment, ozonation, etc.), taking into account the effectiveness of disinfection and the relative danger of transformation products in accordance with MU The calculation of the permissible discharges of wastewater subjected to disinfection should be carried out taking into account the quantitative and qualitative composition of the transformation products.

6.9. In case of construction treatment facilities, including facilities for biological wastewater treatment, water users are obliged to ensure that commissioning works are carried out within the time limits established by the acceptance committee. After the facility reaches its full design capacity, water users are obliged to ensure laboratory studies of the water quality of water bodies in sites located before and after the discharge of wastewater and transfer the results of the studies to the state sanitary and epidemiological service to confirm the compliance of the facility with these sanitary rules, agree on the MPD and the list controlled indicators.

6.10. Commissioning of facilities and structures is allowed if there is a system of emergency measures. In order to ensure safe conditions for public water use at facilities and structures prone to accidents, including oil and product pipelines, oil and product storage facilities, oil wells, drilling platforms, ships and other floating facilities, wastewater storage tanks, sewer collectors and treatment facilities of enterprises, etc., emergency response measures should be developed and implemented in accordance with the water legislation of the Russian Federation, MU 1.1.724-98 and taking into account the recommendations set out in international Chemical Safety Maps. Measures for the prevention and elimination of accidental pollution of water bodies are agreed upon by the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and approved in the prescribed manner.

6.11. For facilities discharging wastewater, standards are established for maximum allowable discharges of substances into water bodies (MPD), which are approved by specially authorized environmental protection authorities. natural environment only after agreement with the authorities and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

6.11.1. MPDs are set for each wastewater outlet and each pollutant, including product transformation, based on the condition that their concentrations will not exceed hygienic standards chemical substances and microorganisms in the water of a water body in the alignment no further than 500 m from the place of release.

6.11.2. When calculating MPD, the assimilating capacity of water bodies should not be taken into account.

6.11.3. If there are chemicals in the wastewater that are contained in the water of the background target (accepted for calculating MPC) at the MPC level, dilution processes should not be taken into account in the MPC calculations.

6.11.4. Temporary discharges (VDS) of chemicals established for operating enterprises for the period of implementation of measures to achieve MPD (for a period of not more than 5 years) should not create concentrations in the design site that exceed their maximum inactive concentrations (MNCs) according to the sanitary and toxicological sign of harmfulness .

6.11.5. When wastewater is discharged into the sewerage system of a settlement or an enterprise, the enterprise discharging wastewater into a water body is responsible for compliance with regulatory requirements for discharge into water bodies.

6.12. Water users are required to:

· carry out organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological or other measures agreed with the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service or according to the instructions of these bodies and institutions aimed at observing the hygienic standards of water quality in water bodies;

· ensure the performance of work to justify the safety and harmlessness to human health of materials, reagents, technological processes and devices used in wastewater treatment, in sewerage, hydraulic structures and other technical facilities that can lead to surface water pollution;

· ensure control of the composition of discharged wastewater and water quality of water bodies;

· timely, in accordance with the established procedure, inform the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service about the threat of occurrence, as well as in the event of emergencies that pose a danger to public health or water use conditions.

7. Requirements for the organization of supervision and control over the quality of water in water bodies

7.1. In accordance with the requirements of these sanitary rules, state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and production control over the composition of wastewater and the quality of water in water bodies for drinking, household and recreational water use should be carried out.

7.2. Production control over the composition of wastewater and water quality of water bodies is provided by organizations and enterprises, other economic entities that are water users, regardless of subordination and ownership, in laboratories accredited (certified) in the prescribed manner.

7.3. The location of control points, the list of pollutants subject to control, as well as the frequency of research and the provision of data are agreed with the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

7.3.1. The list of criteria for selecting priority controlled indicators is presented in.

7.3.2. When establishing the frequency of observation, the least favorable periods (low water, floods, maximum releases in reservoirs, etc.) should be taken into account.

7.4. The point of industrial control over concentrated discharge closest to the place of wastewater discharge is installed no further than 500 m downstream from the place of wastewater discharge on watercourses and within a radius of 500 m from the place of discharge in the water area - on stagnant water bodies and reservoirs. When discharging wastewater within the boundaries of populated areas, the specified control point should be located directly at the place of discharge.

7.5. In the reservoirs and downstream of the dam of a hydroelectric power plant operating in a sharply variable mode, when establishing control points, the possibility of impacting backflow on water use points when changing the operating mode or stopping the operation of the power plant is taken into account.

7.6. The results of production control of water quality in water bodies are submitted to the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service in an agreed form. The results of water quality studies summarized for the year in water bodies are presented with an analysis of the reasons for the dynamics of changes over the past two years and measures to reduce pollution with specific deadlines for their implementation.

7.7. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision of water quality in water bodies is carried out by bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service in a planned manner and according to sanitary and epidemiological indications.

7.9. Water quality control in transboundary water bodies is carried out on the basis of inter-territorial and international agreements using agreed criteria and methods for assessing the quality of surface waters.

7.10. Water users are obliged to provide information to the authorities and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the public about the pollution of water bodies and the predicted deterioration in water quality, as well as about the decision taken to prohibit or restrict water use, and the measures taken.

Annex 1

General requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies
in control points and places of drinking, household and recreational water use


For drinking and domestic water supply, as well as for water supply of food enterprises

For recreational water use, as well as within the boundaries of populated areas

Suspended solids*

When discharging wastewater, performing work at a water body and in the coastal zone, the content of suspended solids in the control point (point) should not increase compared to natural conditions more than

0.25 mg / dm 3

0.75 mg / dm 3

For water bodies containing more than 30 mg / dm 3 of natural suspended solids in low water, an increase in their content in water within 5% is allowed.

Suspensions with a precipitation rate of more than 0.4 mm / s for flowing reservoirs and more than 0.2 mm / s for reservoirs are prohibited for descent

floating impurities

Films of oil products, oils, fats and accumulation of other impurities should not be detected on the surface of the water.


Should not appear in a column

20 cm

10 cm


Water should not acquire odors with an intensity of more than 2 points, detectable:

directly or by subsequent chlorination or other processing methods



Summer water temperature as a result of wastewater discharge should not increase by more than 3 °C compared to the average monthly water temperature of the hottest month of the year over the past 10 years

Hydrogen index (pH)

Should not go beyond 6.5-8.5

Water mineralization

Not more than 1000 mg / dm 3, including:

chlorides - 350;

sulfates - 500 mg / dm 3

Dissolved oxygen

Should not be less than 4 mg / dm 3 in any period of the year, in a sample taken before 12 noon.

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 5)

Should not exceed at a temperature of 20 ° C

2 mg 0 2 / dm 3

4 mg 0 2 / dm 3

Chemical oxygen demand (bichromate oxidizability), COD

Should not exceed:

15 mg 02/dm 3

30 mg 02/dm 3

Chemical substances

Should not be contained in the water of water bodies in concentrations exceeding the MPC or TAC

Causative agents of intestinal infections

Water should not contain pathogens of intestinal infections

Viable helminth eggs (ascaris, whipworm, toxocara, fasciol), taeniid oncospheres and viable cysts of pathogenic intestinal protozoa

Should not be contained in 25 liters of water

Thermotolerant coliforms**

Not more than 100CFU/100ml**

Not more than 100 cfu/100ml

Common coliforms **

No more

1000 cfu/100 ml**

500 cfu/100 ml

Coliphages **

No more



Total volumetric activity of radionuclides in the joint presence***


* The content of suspended solids of non-natural origin in water (flakes of metal hydroxides formed during wastewater treatment, particles of asbestos, fiberglass, basalt, nylon, lavsan, etc.) is not allowed.

** For centralized water supply; with non-centralized drinking water supply, water is subject to disinfection.

*** If the specified levels of radioactive contamination of controlled water are exceeded, additional control of radionuclide contamination is carried out in accordance with the current radiation safety standards;

AI- specific activity of the 1st radionuclide in water;

YBi- corresponding intervention level for the 1st radionuclide (Appendix P-2 NRB-99).

Annex 2

Criteria for selecting priority regional indicators
for water quality control of water bodies

The choice of priority regional indicators is based on the focus on substances that are most dangerous to public health and most characteristic of wastewater discharged into water bodies in the region. The essence of their choice is reduced to the consistent exclusion from the general list of pollutants entering the reservoir of those substances that are not priority for control. As a result, the water quality of a water body at the regional level is assessed both by general indicators (), common for all water bodies of the country, and by an additional list of priority pollution specific only to this region. The choice of priority indicators of a water body is carried out by the institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service according to criteria, information about which is available to the sanitary doctors of the region or can be obtained from survey materials of pollution sources, as well as the results of analyzes of runoff and water of water bodies. These criteria include:

· the specificity of the substance for wastewater entering the water bodies of the region;

· the degree of excess of the MPC of a substance in the water of a water body;

· hazard class and limiting sign of harmfulness (simultaneously characterize cumulation, toxicity and the ability of a substance to cause long-term effects);

· carcinogenicity;

· frequency of detection of a substance in water;

· tendency to increase the concentration of a substance in water during long-term observation;

· biodegradability;

· the degree of contact of the substance with the population (according to the number of people using the reservoir as a source of drinking water supply or for recreational purposes).

The hygienic reliability of the list of priority indicators is enhanced if additional criteria are taken into account when compiling it, the application of which requires special studies in scientific institutions or regional or republican centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

Research includes determining the levels and spectrum of wastewater pollution with the involvement of all modern methods control: chromato-mass spectrometry, liquid and gas chromatography for more complete detection organic compounds and products of their transformation, atomic adsorption spectrophotometry for the identification of ions heavy metals, as well as searching for information about the properties and biological effects of substances in reference publications, including those published by WHO, and computer data banks.

Additional criteria include:

· bioaccumulation;

· stability (resistance);

· transformation with the formation of more toxic compounds;

· the ability to form halogen-containing compounds during chlorination;

· ability to accumulate in bottom sediments;

· skin-resorptive action;

· comparative severity of long-term effects - carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, embryotoxic, allergenic and gonadotoxic;

· the complexity of the impact on the population due to the ability of the substance to inter-environment transitions.

Additional criteria can be applied selectively depending on the physicochemical characteristics of substances, the composition and properties of wastewater and water from water bodies, as well as the conditions of water use by the population of the region.

Focusing on priority pollution for a given region makes it possible to optimize water quality control in water bodies by reducing the number of indicators to be determined and focusing on substances that really pose a threat to public health.

Terms and Definitions

Water use - legally stipulated activities of citizens and legal entities related to the use of water bodies.

Water users - citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities using a water body for any needs (including for wastewater discharge).

State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision - activities of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service to prevent, detect and suppress violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in order to protect public health and the environment.

Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) - this is the amount of a substance in water, air, soil or food, in terms of body weight (mg / kg body weight), which can be ingested separately or in combination daily throughout life without noticeable health risk.

Recreation zone of a water body - a body of water or its section with a shore adjacent to it, used for recreation.

Sanitary protection zone - territory and water area where a special sanitary and epidemiological regime is established to prevent the deterioration of water quality from sources of centralized drinking and domestic water supply and the protection of water supply facilities.

Source of water pollution - a source that introduces contaminants, microorganisms or heat into surface or groundwater.

Water quality -characteristics of the composition and properties of water, which determines its suitability for specific types of water use.

Water quality control - verification of compliance of water quality indicators with established norms and requirements.

Water quality criterion - a sign by which the water quality is assessed by type of water use.

The limiting sign of harmfulness in water - a sign characterized by the lowest harmless concentration of a substance in water.

Non-centralized drinking and household water supply - the use of underground or surface water sources for drinking and domestic needs with the help of water intake devices without a distributing water supply network.

Water quality standards - established values ​​of water quality indicators by types of water use.

Wastewater disinfection - wastewater treatment to remove pathogenic and sanitary-indicative microorganisms from them.

Estimated Permissible Level (TAL) - a temporary hygienic standard developed on the basis of calculation and express experimental methods for predicting toxicity and used only at the stage of preventive sanitary supervision of enterprises being designed or under construction, treatment facilities being reconstructed.

Protection of waters from pollution - a system of measures aimed at preventing, limiting and eliminating the consequences of pollution.

Maximum Permissible Concentration (MAC) - the maximum concentration of a substance in water, in which the substance, when daily ingested throughout life, does not have a direct or indirect effect on the health of the population in the present and subsequent generations, and also does not worsen the hygienic conditions of water use.

Reset Limit into a water body (PDS) - the mass of substances or microorganisms in wastewater, the maximum allowable for discharge with the established regime at a given point of a water body per unit of time in order to ensure water quality standards in the control section.

Note. MPCs of substances serve as a quantitative criterion for MPS; The MPD is set in the design range without taking into account the assimilating capacity of the water body.

Regional rationing implies the establishment of safe levels of chemical substances in environmental objects on the basis of DSD, taking into account the real chemical situation as a result of economic activity(industries, pesticides used in agriculture, etc.) and other features of the region (for example, the nature of nutrition).

Recreational water use - the use of a water body or its area for swimming, sports and recreation.

Sanitary and epidemiological control - activities of the sanitary and epidemiological service to verify compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules, norms and standards, as an integral part of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

Background alignment -control point located upstream of the discharge of pollutants.

Centralized system of drinking and household water supply - a complex of engineering structures for the intake, preparation, transportation and supply of drinking water to the consumer.

Bibliographic data

1. SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control".

2. "Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water pipelines for household and drinking purposes."

4. GN "Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) of Chemical Substances in the Water of Water Bodies for Domestic Drinking and Cultural and Domestic Water Use".

5. GN "Tentative Permissible Levels (TAC) of Chemical Substances in the Water of Water Bodies for Domestic Drinking and Cultural and Domestic Water Use".

6. SP "Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) and Approximate Permissible Levels (TAC) of Chemical Substances in the Water of Water Bodies for Domestic Drinking and Cultural and Domestic Water Use". (Supplement No. 1 to).

9. CH 2.6.1. 758-99 "Radiation Safety Standards" (NRB-99).

10. GOST 2761-84 “Sources of centralized utility and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules.

11. GOST "Hygienic requirements for recreation areas of water bodies".

12. SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures”.

13. "Rules for the use of public water supply and sewerage systems in the Russian Federation" - No. 167 dated 12.02.99.

14. "Organization and implementation of sanitary and hygienic measures in the areas of chemical accidents." MU 1.1.724-98.

15. "Organization of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance for the Disinfection of Wastewater". MU

The concept of water quality includes a set of indicators of the composition and properties of water that determine its suitability for specific types of water use and water consumption. Water quality requirements are regulated by the "Rules for the Protection of Surface Waters from Pollution by Waste Waters" (1974), "Sanitary Rules and Norms for the Protection of Surface Waters from Pollution" (1988), as well as existing standards.[ ...]

According to the nature of water use and regulation of water quality, water bodies are divided into two categories: 1 - drinking and cultural purposes; 2 - for fishery purposes. In water bodies of the first type, the composition and properties of water must comply with the standards in sites located at a distance of 1 km upstream of watercourses and within a radius of 1 km from the nearest water use point. In economic reservoirs, water quality indicators should not exceed the established standards at the place of wastewater discharge in the presence of a current, in its absence - no further than 500 m from the place of discharge.[ ...]

The assessment of water quality is carried out according to the following parameters: the content of suspended and floating substances, smell, taste, color, water temperature, pH value, the presence of oxygen and organic matter, concentrations of harmful and toxic impurities (Table 2.2 -2.4).[ ...]

Harmful and toxic substances, depending on their composition and nature of action, are normalized according to the limiting hazard index (LHI), which is understood as the greatest negative impact exerted by these substances. When assessing the quality of water in reservoirs for drinking and cultural purposes, three types of HPW are used: sanitary-toxicological, general sanitary and organoleptic; in fishery reservoirs, toxicological and fishery HPS are added to these three.[ ...]

The above estimates of water quality are based on a comparison of the actual values ​​of individual indicators with the normative ones and refer to single ones. Due to the complexity and variety chemical composition natural waters, as well as the increasing number of pollutants, such estimates do not give a clear idea of ​​the total pollution of water bodies and do not allow unambiguous expression of the degree of water quality with different types of pollution. To eliminate this shortcoming, methods have been developed for a comprehensive assessment of surface water pollution, which are fundamentally divided into two groups.[ ...]

The first includes methods that allow assessing water quality by a combination of hydrochemical, hydrophysical, hydrobiological, microbiological indicators (Table 2.4). Water quality is divided into classes with varying degrees pollution. However, the same state of water according to different indicators can be assigned to different quality classes, which is a disadvantage of these methods.[ ...]

The second group consists of methods based on the use of generalized numerical characteristics of water quality, determined by a number of basic indicators and types of water use. Such characteristics are water quality indices, coefficients of its pollution.[ ...]

In hydrochemical practice, the water quality assessment method developed at the Hydrochemical Institute is used. The method allows for an unambiguous assessment of water quality based on a combination of the level of water pollution in terms of the totality of pollutants present in it and the frequency of their detection.[ ...]

According to the value of the combinatorial index of pollution, the class of water pollution is established (Table 2.5).[ ...]

In a comprehensive assessment of water bodies, taking into account pollution of both water and bottom sediments, use the methodology developed at IMGRE (Table 2.6).


The paper reflects the main results of the assessment of the quality of the waters of the Upper Volga reservoir for the period 2011–2014. The analysis of hydrochemical data of reservoir waters was carried out. Priority pollutants have been identified, which include manganese, common iron, color, ammonium ion, and petroleum products. The results of calculation of integral indicators of water quality are presented: indices WPI (Water Pollution Index), GPI (General Sanitary Water Quality Index) and UKWPI (Specific Combinatorial Water Pollution Index). An assessment of the quality of the waters of the Upper Volga reservoir was carried out. In general, the quality of the waters of the Upper Volga Reservoir, according to the value of integral hydrochemical indices, was assessed as “dirty” water (according to the WPI index value), moderately polluted water (according to the IQI index value), and very polluted water (according to the UKWPI index value).

water quality

Upper Volga reservoir

integral quality indices

1. Upper Volga reservoir // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978. URL: www./ (date of access: 07/17/15).

2. Hydrochemical indicators of the state of the environment: reference materials / ed. T.V. Guseva. – M.: Forum: INFRA-M, 2007. – 192 p.

3. Lazareva G.A., Klenova A.V. Assessment of the ecological state of the Upper Volga reservoir according to hydrochemical indicators // Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Talented Students " Water resources, ecology and hydrological safety” (Moscow, IWP RAS, Russian Academy Science, December 11–13, 2013). - M., 2014. - C.173-176.

4. RD 52.24.643-2002 Method for a comprehensive assessment of the degree of pollution of surface waters by hydrochemical indicators - Roshydromet, 2002. - 21 p.

5. Shitikov V.K., Rozenberg G.S., Zinchenko T.D. Quantitative hydroecology: methods of system identification. - Tolyatti: IEVB RAS, 2003. - 463 p.

The water quality of water bodies is formed under the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors. As a result of human activity, many pollutants of varying degrees of toxicity can enter water bodies. Pollute water bodies runoff from agricultural and industrial enterprises, sewage settlements. IN modern conditions the problem of providing the population with clean water is becoming increasingly important, and the study of the state of water bodies is one of the most important tasks.

The purpose of this work is the assessment of the quality of the waters of the Upper Volga reservoir using integral quality indicators.

Objects and methods of research

The Upper Volga Reservoir was created in 1843 (reconstructed in 1944-47) and consists of interconnected lakes Sterzh, Vselug, Peno and Volgo. The reservoir is located in the north-west of the Tver region on the territory of the Ostashkovsky, Selizharovsky and Penovsky districts. The surface area of ​​the reservoir is 183 km2, the volume is 0.52 km3, the length is 85 km, and the maximum width is 6 km. The length of the coastline is 225 km. At high level of water close to the normal retaining level (206.5 m), the reservoir is a single body of water, and in low water, with strong drawdown, it is divided into lakes that are poorly connected to each other. The water resources of the Upper Volga Reservoir are used during the summer low-water period to regulate levels in the upper reaches of the Volga, as well as for industrial purposes, communal needs, agriculture and animal husbandry. Great importance the reservoir has for recreation, tourism and fishing.

During the research, 3 sections of the Upper Volga reservoir were studied (section of Lake Volgo, Peno village; section of Lake Volgo, Devichye village; section of the Upper Volga Beishlot) (Fig. 1) according to hydrochemical indicators for the period from 2011 to 2014.

Figure 1. Map-scheme of sampling stations of the Upper Volga Reservoir: 1 - alignment of the lake. Volgo, Peno village, 2 - alignment of the lake. Volgo, d. Devichye, 3 - alignment Verkhnevolzhsky beishlot

The data provided by the Dubna Ecoanalytical Laboratory (DEAL) of the FGVU "Tsentrregionvodkhoz" were used in the work, on such hydrochemical indicators as: hydrogen index, color, ammonium ion, nitrate ion, nitrite ion, phosphate ion, total iron, chloride ion , sulfate ion, manganese, magnesium, biochemical oxygen demand, copper, zinc, lead, petroleum products, dissolved oxygen, nickel.

Research results

The analysis of hydrochemical data showed that all the studied sections of the Verkhnevolzhsky reservoir are characterized by a high content of manganese, total iron and ammonium ion in the water, the concentrations of which always exceeded the MPCw, in some periods the excess of the MPCw for oil products was noted. The concentrations of these substances changed insignificantly during the study period.

To assess the quality of the waters of the Upper Volga reservoir for 2011-2014. integrated indicators of water quality were calculated: WPI (Water Pollution Index), GPI (General Sanitary Water Quality Index) and UKWPI (Specific Combinatorial Water Pollution Index). The results obtained are presented in table 1.

Table 1

The value of the WPI, IKV, UKVZ indices, water quality class, qualitative and ecological state of water in the sections of the Upper Volga reservoir

Meaning of indices

by alignment

The gate of the lake Volgo, Peno village

Water quality class

Quality state

very dirty

Water quality class

Quality state

moderately polluted

moderately polluted

moderately polluted

Class and rank

Quality state

very polluted

very polluted


The gate of the lake Volgo, d. Devichye

Water quality class

Quality state

Water quality class

Quality state

moderately polluted

moderately polluted

moderately polluted

Range Upper Volga Beyshlot

Water quality class

Quality state

very dirty

Continuation of Table 1

Meaning of indices

by alignment

Water quality class

Quality state

moderately polluted

moderately polluted

moderately polluted

moderately polluted

Class and rank

Quality state

very polluted

very polluted

very polluted

very polluted

The Hydrochemical Water Pollution Index (WPI) was used as the main comprehensive indicator of water quality until 2002. The classification of water quality according to WPI values ​​makes it possible to divide surface waters into 7 classes depending on the degree of their pollution. The calculation of the WPI is carried out for six ingredients: mandatory - dissolved oxygen and BOD5, and 4 substances that had the highest relative concentrations (Ci / MPCi) . The main disadvantage of this method for assessing water quality is that it takes into account a small range of pollutants.

The maximum values ​​of the WPI index in all sections are observed in the winter-spring period, and the minimum values ​​- in the autumn period. According to the value of the WPI index in 2011-2013, in all sections, the water quality is assessed as "dirty" (water quality class - 5). In 2014, in the Verkhnevolzhsky Beishlot (No. 3) site, the water quality deteriorated to the 6th quality class - “very dirty”, while in the sites of the lake. Volgo, Peno village (No. 1) and lake. Volgo village Devichye (No. 2), the water quality has not changed (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Change in the values ​​of the WPI index in the sections of the reservoir for 2011-2014

To determine the general sanitary water quality index (WQI), a scoring is carried out (from 1 to 5 points). Points are assigned to each indicator used for calculation, the weight of the indicator is also taken into account, after which the value of IQV is determined.

In general, according to the values ​​of the IQI index during the period under review (2011-2014), in all water sections throughout almost the entire period of study, with a few exceptions, they are characterized as “moderately polluted” (3rd class of water quality) (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Change in the values ​​of the ICR index in the reservoir sections for 2011-2014

The specific combinatorial index of water pollution (SCWPI) today becomes a priority in assessing water quality. Classification of water quality according to the values ​​of UKWIS allows to divide surface waters into 5 classes depending on the degree of their contamination. In contrast to the WPI, this approach to calculation determines not only the multiplicity of exceeding the MPC, but also determines the frequency of cases of exceeding the standard values. The data from the calculation of the UKWIS index allow a more accurate reflection of the quality of surface waters.

According to the value of the index of the ECWPI, the water of the Upper Volga Reservoir during the observed period (2011-2014) in all sections is assessed as “very polluted” (class 3, category “B”), with the exception of the section in the section of the lake. Volgo village of Peno in 2014, where the degree of water pollution is characterized as “polluted” (class 3, category “A”) (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Change in the values ​​of the ECWHI index in the reservoir sections for 2011-2014

An increase in the values ​​of the IQHIW index was noted in the gauges located downstream of the reservoir, and although they do not go beyond the values ​​of one quality class and category, this indicates a slight deterioration in water quality. In the sections near the village of Devechye and the Upper Volga Beishlot, the index value in 2013 is slightly higher than in the other years of the study period.


Thus, as a result of the work carried out, priority pollutants and indicators of the waters of the Upper Volga reservoir were identified, which include manganese, total iron, color, ammonium ion and oil products. The quality of the waters of the Upper Volga Reservoir was assessed as “dirty” (class 5) according to the WPI index, as “moderately polluted” (class 3) according to the IQI index, as “very polluted” water (class 3, category "B"). The use of the UKWIS index provides more accurate information about the class of state of surface waters, since when calculating it, all hydrochemical indicators determined in the sample are used.


Zhmylev P.Yu., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural and engineering sciences, GBOU VO MO " State University“Dubna”, Dubna.

Sudnitsin I.I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Engineering Sciences, Dubna State University, Dubna.

Bibliographic link

Lazareva G.A., Klenova A.V. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF SURFACE WATER BY INTEGRAL INDICATORS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE UPPER VOLGA RESERVOIR) // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2015. - No. 6.;
URL: (date of access: 03/20/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Surface water quality

hydrographic network autonomous region includes about 290 thousand lakes and thirty thousand watercourses, most of them are small rivers. The main waterway is the Ob River, which receives large tributaries: the Irtysh, Vakh, Agan, Tromyogan, Bolshoy Yugan, Lyamin, Lyapin, Pim, Northern Sosva, Kazym. The total length of the hydro network is about 172 thousand km.

Most of the rivers belong to the flat type, have a slow flow, wide floodplains and a large number of channel lakes. Freezing begins in October, during the winter, small rivers and lakes freeze to the bottom. Ice drift runs from early May to early June.

The rivers are characterized by a strongly extended flood, a reduced draining role, which is one of the important factors of waterlogging and swamping of the territory. Watershed areas of rivers reach 50-70% or more. The influence of swamp waters largely determines the regional hydrochemical features as river waters, and groundwater of surface aquifers.

The surface waters of the Autonomous Okrug are experiencing a powerful anthropogenic load associated with the active development in recent decades of the infrastructure of cities and the largest oil and gas complex in Russia.

In landscape geochemical studies, the hydrographic network is considered as the main block through which the flows of natural and technogenic substances pass. The dynamics of the chemical composition of surface waters is an indicator of the regional ecological situation. This determines the importance of hydrochemical studies, which constitute the most important section of the territorial system of ecological monitoring of Yugra.

The characteristics of surface water quality are presented based on the results of monitoring at 34 Roshydromet sites and 1,692 local points of the territorial observation network (Figure 1).

Observations at the posts of the state observation network (federal sites) are provided by Roshydromet (executor - Khanty-Mansiysk TsGMS) on 16 large watercourses (Ob with channels, Irtysh, Vakh, Agan, Trom-Yugan, Bolshoi Yugan, Konda, Kazym, Nazim, Pim, Amnya, Lyapin, Northern Sosva) near settlements. The annual volume of measurements is about 8000 pcs.

Figure 1. Surface water monitoring points in the territory

The functioning of local observation points of the territorial system is provided by subsoil user enterprises and the Government of the Autonomous Okrug (coordinator - Yugra Prirodnadzor). Local monitoring stations cover 700 large and small watercourses within the boundaries of licensed subsoil plots, which are under the main load from the oil and gas complex. In 2018, 91,080 water quality measurements were made within the boundaries of 308 licensed subsoil plots.

The river waters of Yugra have a number of hydrochemical features. They are characterized by low mineralization, increased values ​​of ammonium and metal ions, caused by the presence of a large amount of organic compounds in river and lake waters, intense coloration and low water transparency (Table 1).

Natural landscape and geochemical conditions caused almost universal excess of the maximum allowable concentrations (hereinafter - MPC) for iron (in 94-98% of samples), manganese (in 75-91% of samples), zinc (in 29-53% of samples) and copper ( in 60-73% of samples) (Figure 2).

The reasons for this are the geochemical features of the taiga swampy landscapes with their characteristic acidic soil reaction and the widespread reduction environment. Iron, manganese, zinc, and copper have a high migration capacity in acid gley landscapes; therefore, they intensively enter from soils into groundwater and then into rivers.

Table 1

Average content of pollutants and parameters


The ratio of the average in 2018 to the MPC


mgO 2 / dm 3




Long-term observations show that the average concentrations of these substances are in the range:

iron - 1.35-1.86 mg / dm 3, or 13-18 MPC;

manganese - 0.09-0.18 mg / dm 3, or 9-18 MPC;

zinc - 0.01-0.02 mg / dm 3, or 1-2 MPC;

copper - 0.003 - 0.007 mg / dm 3, or 3-7 MPC.

Figure 2. Distribution of measurements of iron and manganese compounds

regarding the environmental standard

characteristic natural feature surface waters of the Autonomous Okrug are also significant seasonal fluctuations in hydrochemical composition. The maximum values ​​of pollution indicators are reached during the winter low water period, when low flow rates and water temperature contribute to an increase in the concentrations of substances.

For the period 2010-2018, 159 cases of high (HH) and extremely high (HH) pollution of surface waters were recorded on 15 large watercourses (Table 2), of which 137 cases were observed during the closed channel period, when the rivers are fed only by groundwater, which leads to a violation of the oxygen regime and a slowdown in speed chemical reactions. The remaining 22 cases were recorded during the period of the beginning of the flood (flushing of pollutants from the adjacent territory) and before the freeze-up (decrease in water temperature). About 61% of the total number of cases of VZ + EVZ is accounted for by heavy metals, 37% by dissolved oxygen (Figure 3).

table 2

List of watercourses with cases of VZ and EVZ in 2010-2017

Number of cases

Hydrochemical post

Oktyabrskoye (33), Surgut (7), Sytomino (5), Nizhnevartovsk (6), Polnovat (1), Nefteyugansk (7), Belogorye (2)

R. Sev. Sosva

Berezovo (11), Sosva (4)

Beloyarsky (7), Yuilsk (2)

Khanty-Mansiysk (11), Gornopravdinsk (2)

Roll-out (3), Uray (12), Bolchari (2)

Novoagansk (3)

R. Trom-Yugan,

Russian (3)

Bolshoy Yugan river

Laryak (4), Bolshetarkhovo (3)

Lyantor (2)

Vykatnoy (1), Bolchary (3), Uray (10)

Beloyarsky (7)


The lack of dissolved oxygen is explained by the low water level during the period of the closed channel and partial freezing of the sections in the absence of the possibility of saturating the river waters with oxygen.

High concentrations of dissolved forms of heavy metals, in turn, are associated with a low oxygen content - under anaerobic conditions, the rate of oxidation of metal compounds slows down.

Of particular relevance to the evaluation environmental situation in the region represent the concentrations of oil products and chlorides in surface waters, which characterize the technogenic flows of pollutants in the areas of oil fields.

In accordance with the requirements approved by the Decree of the Government of the Autonomous Okrug dated December 23, 2011 No. 485-p, sampling of surface waters to determine oil products and chlorides as priority pollutants is carried out at local monitoring points on a monthly basis, taking into account the hydrological features of water bodies. The annual volume of measurements of oil products in surface waters on the territory of licensed areas is about 9,000 units.

According to the results of local monitoring, the share of samples contaminated with oil products tends to decrease from 11% in 2008 to 4.8% in 2018 of the total sample (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Distribution of measurements of oil products relative to MPC

In general, for 5 years at the oil fields of the district, the average content of oil products in surface waters varied at the level of 0.026-0.049 mg/dm3, not exceeding the established standard (table 1).

The content of chlorides in surface waters, as well as in oil products, reflects the degree of technogenic load and compliance with environmental management standards. Approximately 9,000 chloride measurements are performed annually in surface water at licensed subsoil areas. At the same time, excesses of the MPC for chlorides are rarely recorded, and the proportion of samples contaminated with chlorides has not exceeded 0.1-0.8% of the sample since 2008 (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Distribution of chloride measurements relative to MPC

Systematically elevated concentrations of oil products and chlorides at surface water monitoring points are observed locally, mainly within the boundaries of long-developed license areas with an increased accident rate: Samotlor (north) (18 points) and Samotlor (12 points), Mamontovsky (16 points), Yuzhno-Surgutsky (3 points), Pravdinsky (7 points), Yuzhno-Balyksky (4 points), Malo-Balyksky (4 points), Ust-Balyksky (2 points), Vakhsky (9 points) and Sovetsky (8 points).

In order to improve the environmental situation, under the control of the Natural Supervision of Yugra, the environmental protection measures of subsoil users on the territory of these licensed areas were adjusted, in terms of taking prompt measures to reduce accidents in pipeline systems; carrying out priority measures for the restoration of contaminated land plots and the submission of reclaimed land plots for examination in the current year.

Thus, the quality of water in the surface water bodies of the Autonomous Okrug is largely due to the natural origin and seasonal dynamics of compounds of iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and dissolved oxygen. monitoring studies recent years it is shown that oil and salt pollution in the region as a whole has stabilized at a relatively low level.

The decrease in oil and salt pollution of surface waters on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug is also confirmed by the results of observations at the Roshydromet sites. In the main rivers (Ob and Irtysh), since 2008, there has been a steady downward trend in the average annual concentrations of oil products to a level not exceeding MPC; the content of chlorides is consistently tenths of MPC.

The date of transferring the document to the new 1C-bitrix platform is indicated.

In general, the water quality of surface water bodies within the city of Moscow complies with the standards established for water bodies for cultural and community purposes (with the exception of the section of the Moskva River below the wastewater discharges of the Kuryanovsk treatment facilities).

Conventionally, “in terms of quality”, the Moscow River within the city can be divided into three characteristic sections, these are:

upstream section- is traditionally the cleanest site in the city of Moscow, according to most indicators, the water quality is stable throughout the year and changes very slightly along the river. The average annual concentrations of the analyzed indicators do not exceed the established standards for cultural and community water use.

plot central part of the city- one of the most unstable in quality. The high density of the road network, urban development and a huge number of water outlets lead to the fact that the quality of the water in the river is unstable in terms of metals, suspended solids and oil products.

In addition, there are significant fluctuations in the concentrations of the analyzed indicators both during the year and along the river, which indicates the influence of the most polluted inflows and outlets of industrial wastewater in this area (about 700 - more than half of all water outlets). The main source of pollution in this area is surface runoff from the road network and urban areas. However, the average annual concentrations of the analyzed indicators do not exceed the established standards for cultural and household water use.

section of the lower river- in this area, the greatest impact on the ecological state of the river. Moscow is provided by the Kuryanovsk treatment facilities (KOS), after the release of which in the river. Moscow sharply increases the concentration of primarily biogenic elements - ammonium ions, nitrites, phosphates

An analysis of the results of observations in 2012 showed that the quality of water in the Moskva River, according to the average annual concentrations of the analyzed indicators, corresponded to the standards established for water objects of cultural and community purposes*, with the exception of the content of organic pollution in the water. The content of sparingly soluble

organics (according to COD) in all observation sections was at the level MPC

"> MPC c-b. The level of ammonium ion in the lower reaches of the Moscow River within the city according to the average annual concentrations was 3.97 MPC- maximum permissible concentration of a pollutant in the environment - a concentration that does not have a direct or indirect adverse effect on the present or future generation throughout life, does not reduce a person's working capacity, does not worsen his well-being and sanitary living conditions. MPC values ​​are given in mg / 3 (l, kg). "> MPC c-b.

In some samples, exceedances of the permissible content of organic pollution were recorded (up to 2 MPCc-b according to COD

"> COD, up to 8.5 MPCk-b for ammonium), metals (iron up to 4.2 MPCk-b, manganese up to 1.6 MPCk-b, nickel up to 1.4 MPCk-b, lead up to 1.2 MPCk- b, aluminum up to 3.6 MACc-b, cadmium up to 5 MACc-b), oil products up to 5 MACc-b, and formaldehyde up to 4.2 MACc-b.

In comparison with the previous year 2011 in the river. Moscow, within the city limits, an increase in the content of organic pollution was noted (according to COD- bichromate oxidizability, the highest degree of oxidation; a value that characterizes the content in water of organic and mineral substances oxidized by one of the strongest chemical oxidizing agents. In reservoirs and streams subjected to a strong impact of human activities, the change in oxidizability acts as a characteristic that reflects the regime of sewage inflow.

"> COD and ammonium). In 2011, the average annual values ​​of the indicator COD- bichromate oxidizability, the highest degree of oxidation; a value that characterizes the content in water of organic and mineral substances oxidized by one of the strongest chemical oxidizing agents. In reservoirs and watercourses subjected to a strong impact of human activities, the change in oxidizability acts as a characteristic that reflects the regime of wastewater inflow. flow of the Moskva River increased from 2.92 MPCc-b in 2011 to 3.9 MPC- maximum permissible concentration of a pollutant in the environment - a concentration that does not have a direct or indirect adverse effect on the present or future generation throughout life, does not reduce a person's working capacity, does not worsen his well-being and sanitary living conditions. MPC values ​​are given in mg / 3 (l, kg). "> MPC c-b in 2012. Also in 2012, an increase in the content of formaldehyde in water was noted. In 2011, the average annual concentrations of formaldehyde in all observation sites corresponded to the established standards, In 2012, excesses of the standards were noted in four observation sites.

In addition, the average annual concentrations of iron and manganese exceeded the standards observed in 2010, 2009 in 2012, as well as in 2011, were not recorded. Also in 2012, there were no excesses of standards for cultural and community water use in terms of average annual concentrations of oil products (in the previous 2011, excesses were recorded in two observation sites.

During the entire period under review, the water quality complied with the standards for the content of chlorides, sulfates, sodium, dry residue, nitrates, nitrites, copper, zinc, cobalt, phenols, surfactants, sulfides, arsenic, total and hexavalent chromium, magnesium, selenium in all selected samples , fluorides and molybdenum.

*To assess snow pollution, we used the standards for the content of pollutants in surface water bodies, established for water bodies of cultural and domestic water use in accordance with GN 2.1. 5. 1315-03 "Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) of Chemical Substances in the Water of Water Facilities for Domestic Drinking and Cultural and Domestic Water Use"

Measures taken to improve the quality of surface waters

The most important task in terms of maintaining the favorable state of water bodies is the maximum possible treatment of all urban wastewater.

To date, we have achieved that the efficiency of cleaning, for example, surface runoff from the territories of large highways (MKAD, 3rd transport ring) for oil products at fine treatment facilities reaches 97%. The volume of communal flow (OJSC Mosvodokanal) has been decreasing by 5% annually over the past 5 years. Measures are being taken to reconstruct the treatment facilities for domestic sewage with the transition to the best technologies for the removal of biogenic elements.

Increased attention is annually paid to the sanitary condition of watershed areas. Increasing the efficiency of cleaning and purification of water protection zones has led to a decrease in the concentrations of suspended solids, some metals and oil products in the Moscow River. In the central part of the city, their concentrations have become minimal over the past five years of observations. In 2012, 3 small rivers (Nishchenko, Vagankovsky Studenets, Presnya) improved their "quality class" - an integral indicator of pollution for the totality of pollutants.

The city has always paid great attention to measures to reduce the negative impact on water bodies, although according to federal law, the Moscow River and its tributaries are the property of the Russian Federation, and the powers of Moscow as a subject of the federation to state control and supervision of their condition is limited. Two state programs of the city of Moscow - Development of the recreation and tourism industry and Development of utility infrastructure - provide for measures to modernize sewage treatment facilities for domestic sewage, reconstruct more than 500 km of sewer and drain networks, build 14 sewage treatment facilities for rainwater drainage of residential buildings, and rehabilitate reservoirs the city of Moscow (29 water bodies) and sections of small rivers. The target indicators of the programs are to increase the share of domestic sewage wastewater treated to standard values ​​from 80 to 100%, to increase the share of rainwater sewage treated to standard values ​​in the total volume of rainwater sewage wastewater from 55 to 75%, to increase the area city, provided with drainage networks, from 89.4 to 91.6%, reducing pollution of surface runoff by oil products and suspended solids by 25% and 17%, respectively.

The priority tasks for improving quality are:

1. Reducing pollution of the Moskva River in the central part of the city with metals and oil products;

2. Reducing the pollution of the Moscow River with organic matter at the exit from the city;

3. Improving the quality of water in small rivers (it is worse than in the Moskva River due to the anthropogenic transformation of most tributaries, their inclusion in collectors, disruption of the natural ecosystem and a decrease in the processes of self-purification of watercourses).

For the first issue

The main measure is to increase the efficiency of sanitary maintenance and cleaning of the territory. This is a systematic work. The results are visible: a decrease in pollution of the Moskva River by oil products and individual metals (iron, manganese) has been noted. The average annual concentration of oil products in 2012 in the central part of the city became the minimum for the last five years of observations.

The first half of 2013 confirms the positive dynamics of the content of oil products and metals in the Moskva River in the central part of the city.

For the second issue

Discharge of wastewater from municipal sewage treatment plants leads to an increase in the concentrations of biogenic elements (ammonium, nitrites, phosphates) in the Moskva River downstream. According to the data of 2012, the average annual concentration of ammonium at the exit from the city was 3.5 MPC- maximum permissible concentration of a pollutant in the environment - a concentration that does not have a direct or indirect adverse effect on the present or future generation throughout life, does not reduce a person's working capacity, does not worsen his well-being and sanitary living conditions. MPC values ​​are given in mg/3 (l, kg).

"> MPC c-b.

To improve the quality of wastewater treatment and improve the technology for removing biogenic elements, Mosvodokanal OJSC is implementing measures to reconstruct treatment facilities using modern technologies for removing nitrogen and phosphorus and introducing ultraviolet disinfection systems.

A comprehensive reconstruction of the treatment facilities will significantly improve the ecological state of the city's main watercourse, the Moskva River.

For the third issue

Small rivers - tributaries of the Moscow River are traditionally characterized by lower water quality, due to their inclusion in the collector, a decrease in the intensity of self-purification processes and ecosystem disturbance.

Analysis of the results of observations in 2012 indicates an improvement in water quality in most of the tributaries of the river. Moscow (due to high-quality and timely sanitary cleaning of the territory). In comparison with the previous 2011, an increase in the quality class was noted for the rivers Neglinka (CAO), Nishchenko (SEAD), and the Vagankovsky studenets stream (CAO).

The average annual concentration of iron and manganese in the mouths of most small rivers for the first time in the last five years of observations corresponded to the standards for cultural and community water use.

However, problems also still remain: over the past period of 2013, in small rivers, there was a discrepancy with the standards for the content of such metals as lead, cadmium, an increased content of organic pollution and suspended solids was noted.

  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere