Parent meeting “How to raise independence in a child. Parent meeting "how to teach a child to be independent in preparing lessons" We sit down for lessons

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Parent meeting Homework. How to teach your child to be independent

Parent meeting 1st grade 2nd quarter “Homework. How to teach a child to become



1. reveal the idea of ​​parents about the organization of educational work at home;

ability to work independently.

In the first grade, students should not have homework, but at the suggestion

parents and the decision of the meeting, it was decided to give children a minimum

home assignment. Cooking homework is an important moment in life

schoolboy. The presence of homework makes it possible to consolidate all the material

lesson. To get rid of their hated school "duty", the children are ready

show miracles of ingenuity. They can sit out the allotted time with

books and notebooks, may complain of an unexpected malaise, causing pity and

sighs of relatives. Homework often takes several hours to complete.

but, in the end, they may remain unprepared or prepared for

very low level. The next day in the diary or in the notebook appears

the “result” of such work is 2 or a strict message from the teacher to the parents and the student.

After processing your questionnaires (application), I realized that the issue of doing homework

tasks in many families today is very acute.

Today we will talk about how to do homework correctly,

how to do homework on your own, how parents can help their child.

As a rule, lagging behind students especially do not like to study at home. They are in the classroom

trying to sit out, pressing into the desk and not raising their heads. They are not interested in learning

because they don’t know how to catch on the fly, they don’t know how to do everything quickly, like their

classmates. Such children are strong in something else: some run better than others, others

craft or paint. The part of learning that does not bring them satisfaction seems

they are not very important.

Almost half junior schoolchildren spend doing homework

more time than expected. In the book of A.O. Drobinsky "School difficulties"

the following sanitary and hygienic standards are indicated: in the first class - no more than 1 hour,

in the second grade - up to one and a half hours, in the third-fourth - up to two hours. Some

parents in the questionnaires note that children spend up to 1.5

hours, but so much is required for students in grades 2-3. What are the reasons? Somehow got away

pencil, it turned out that no desired entry in the diary and urgently need to find out from

classmate, and the textbook itself may not be in place. And the minutes are running. All of a sudden

wanted to drink water, and a minute later it turned out that paper was needed for

draft. Such a picture, as you understand, is typical. What can be advised

parents if their child cannot "sit at the lessons"?

It is useful for the child to perform what-that thing with adults, do it quickly,

fun, without preliminary buildup, without painful pauses. For example, together

do dirty dishes: you wash, the child wipes; can something with dad

It is important to develop in the child the habit of quickly switching from one thing to another.

If he was told to learn lessons, then he should immediately stop playing. But if in

your family does not have such a rule, then it must be entered for all family members (but

start with the fact that a few minutes before the change in the child’s activity, you need to

warn). It is unacceptable to allow a child to ignore a parent's instruction in

whatever it is. It is necessary to teach the child to separate free time from time,

when he is busy with something serious, do not confuse business with the game. Strive for everything

the child did what was necessary without being reminded, without being distracted by anything.

The mode of the day plays an important role in organizing the educational work of the student. you in

help I offer an exemplary regimen for the day of an excellent student (application). Special

studies conducted in elementary grades have shown that those who study well have

a fixed time for the preparation of lessons, and they firmly

adhere. And, on the contrary, among the weak students there are many who do not have

demand for oneself ". (A. S. Makarenko)

The cultivation of the habit of systematic work begins with the establishment of a firm

mode of study, without which success in learning cannot be achieved. The mode of the day is not

should vary about the number of lessons, from what is shown on TV

an interesting film or guests have come. “For a day,” Maxim Gorky advised, “you need to

look like a small life ... "But so that this small life does not pass without a trace,

in order for it to be filled with rich content, a daily routine is necessary.

The child should sit down for lessons not only at the same time. But also for permanent

workplace. And if housing conditions do not allow providing the student with

a separate desk and bookcase, then you still need to allocate some

a permanent place where he will keep books and notebooks. If the child is forced

to engage at a common table, then no one should interfere with him and distract him from classes.

Gradually, an installation is developed for a certain time and place of work. If such

the installation of the child is formed, then it is enough for him to sit down at the usual table, as

a working mood comes and there is a desire to get to work. Before the beginning

classes from the workplace of the student should be removed everything that is not related to

Keep in mind that lesson times are sacred and inviolable, therefore

to tear the child away from school for trifles (whether it be urgent help in the kitchen or a trip to

shop for bread) you no longer have the right.

In what order should the lessons be taught? What tasks do you need to complete?

to start: with oral or written, with difficult or easy? If the child immediately

is included in the work, it is expedient for him to do the most difficult lessons first and

gradually come to the easiest, requiring less mental


If the student is drawn into the work slowly, then he should start with more

activities that are attractive to him. The most difficult work is attributed to the middle, or to

the second half of the classes, because the child at this time has the highest rise

mental work.

Parents should remember a few rules:

1. Do not require repeated rewriting of assignments from a draft to a clean copy. Better

complete the task once, but qualitatively.

2. To keep the child working every 20 minutes (30 - 40 minutes for

3 - 4 classes) lessons needed 10- 15 minutes break (attention is restored,

fatigue is removed).

3. The optimal time for preparing homework is from 16:00 to 18:00.

If the student sits down to do homework “when mom came home from work,” then such work

ineffective. If the child studies in the 2nd shift, then in the evening homework

viewed, complex issues for the child are sorted out, and the work is done in

first half of the day from 10 am to 12 pm.

4. While writing, you should take a break, doing physical exercises, gymnastics for

hands (squeezing, unclenching fingers, massage), exercises for the eyes


doing the exercise.

6. In Russian, pay attention to the exercises in full

(there may be several tasks). In case of difficulty, perform the entire exercise aloud, but do not

write neither letters nor words in the textbook: when it is written, the child once again

will remember. Leave the room while he's on task, don't stand behind him

back. Do not be angry with your child and do not make him angry.

7. About reading. Once the child reads by himself. Then you, suppose, are cooking at the stove, and

he tells you what he has read. If there are inaccuracies or some important place from

the text is missing, let him read more.

Be sure to read books aloud with your child at night, one at a time. Consider

illustrations. Notice the accuracy or inattention of the artist, return to

go to the text. If there are passages that can be read by role, use this

opportunity. And “just like that” do not re-read several times.

8. It is important to ensure that children maintain the correct working posture, and in the room,

where the child is engaged, there was sufficient illumination. Failure to comply with elementary

hygiene requirements can lead to poor posture and blurred vision.

9. If the child is weak, often sick, has a weak nervous system, then for him

the best rest will be 1.5 hours of daytime sleep.

It is desirable that the child, returning from school, does not immediately sit down for lessons, but spend

some time in the fresh air, taking part in active games. According to hygienic

according to the norms, the time for a walk for elementary school students is 3.0–3.5 hours.

10. During homework, do not answer a single question until the task

will not be completed, see if there are oversights, offer to look for them

himself. Don't make fun of your children's mistakes. Try to avoid the word "mistake" itself.

If the child is having difficulty studying and doing homework, then initially

parents will have to sit down for their studies. Don't try to solve this complex issue

shouting and notations. Be patient, sitting down with your child for lessons.

"Calm, my friend, only calm!" - these words of Carlson need to be made your own

motto when you sit down with a child to take lessons together.

Try offering to do homework with someone.-any of your friends. But not worth it

invite a more successful comrade to visit, so that joint creativity does not

turned out to be a common rip-off.

Have the children take turns trying to be the teacher. Explaining and helping others

easier to understand and remember it yourself.

Explaining what - then the child, do not allow yourself ironic statements addressed to him.

The most harmless, in your opinion, comparison can cause a strong offense. If

constantly calling the child "stupid, lazy, stupid, stupid", after all, he

believe it. Sometimes the role of tutors is more successful for older brothers and sisters: they

remember the program well, they have more patience and it is easier for them to understand the problems


Don't be afraid to get ahead school curriculum, if any-then the question is interesting to the child

(for example: determining the time, adding and subtracting within 10 - 20, why at night

no sun…). It is not only development cognitive processes but also the development

self-confidence (because the child will feel on an equal footing with more

trained children). An independent child is great, but a parent

control should be daily. It is control, not work for the child.

Support your child in his desire to become a schoolboy and succeed. Be sincere

interested in his school affairs and worries. In any case, find something for which you can

praise and moral support. Let your child feel the importance

activities (it helps to increase self-esteem, develops self-confidence).

Teach your child to share their joys and problems.

I wish parents patience, strength and joyful moments of pride in the success of achieving

your children!

Parent meeting decision:

Parents, together with their children, develop the most rational daily routine and

contribute to its implementation.

Organize a student's workplace in the family.

Keep children interested in learning.

Teach children to do homework on their own (application).

Daily monitoring of the child's learning activities.


Questionnaire for parents

Our child has a special place where he


Our child is doing homework


Copes independently

With_____________________ _____________________________________________

Cooking with

labor _________________________________________________________________________

We help the child with homework. This help

is ______________



When a child learns lessons


If he did his homework carelessly, then

We___________ ____________________________________

We think it's for the weekend


Child starts doing homework


When preparing d.z.


When performing d.z. We

we use _____________________________________________________________

If the child starts work slowly, then


Questionnaire for children

1. Who helps you prepare your homework?

2. What is this help?

3. What do your parents ask you when you come home from school?

4. What do you do when you get back from school?

Do you want your child to enjoy going to school?

1. Do not talk badly about the school, do not criticize teachers in front of children.

2. Do not rush to blame the teacher for the lack of individual approach.

3. In the event of a conflict situation at school, try to eliminate it without discussing everything


with baby.

4. Make sure your child goes to bed on time. A sleepy child

sad sight.

5. Let your child see that you are interested in his assignments, books, which he

brings out


6. Read for yourself, let the child see that you spend your free time reading books, and

not only at


7. Teach your child to express thoughts in writing: exchange notes with him, write

letters together.

If a child told you about an event that made an impression on him, then

offer him

write down this story, and in the evening read to all family members.

8. Get involved in class and school life. The child is pleased if his school becomes

Of your life.

Daily routine (reminder)

For students who study in the first shift


Charging, toilet


Road to school

School lessons

Road home from school


Walk on air, mugs

Doing homework

Free classes


Reading books, quiet games

Getting ready for bed


For students who study in the second shift


Charging, toilet


Reading books, mugs

Doing homework

Walk in the air


Road to school

School lessons

Road home from school


Reading books, quiet games

Getting ready for bed


We sit down for lessons (memo to the student)

1. Sit down for lessons at the same time

2. Ventilate the room 10 minutes before class starts.

3. Turn off the radio, TV. The room where you will work must be

4. Check if the table lamp is in its place (far left corner).

5. Specify the schedule of lessons for tomorrow. Check if all tasks are recorded in


6. Prepare writing materials for the lesson.

7. Put all accessories, as well as textbooks, notebooks, a diary in the place

which you always set aside for them on the table.

8. Remove everything unnecessary from the table.

9. Sit right, open the textbook ...

10. More fives for you!

Reminder for parents.

1. Teach you to do your homework at the same time.

2. Ask the child what homework he received, how he is going to do it.

You can discuss together how best to complete this task.

3. If the child has forgotten what was given at home, calmly help him remember what was

given (only as a last resort, you can resort to someone else's help, that is, find out about

assignment from a classmate). With all your behavior, try to inspire the child that this is

First of all, he needs himself.

4. Pay attention to how much time the child spends doing homework.

assignments in one subject (in all subjects).

5. Take your time to help your child. In case of difficulty, it would be more correct to say:

“Sit, think, turn to the rule, and if you don’t follow it, I can help. But anyway

You'd better go to your teacher tomorrow."

6. The child often asks you: how to write this or that

word? To get an answer to this question, refer the child to the textbook, rule,

memo, dictionary.

7. The completed written work must be checked by the child himself.

The main task of reviewing a written assignment by parents is to evaluate the efforts

child, to note his diligent attitude to work or to express reprimand.

8. You noticed a mistake. How to be? Misspelled child with one line

carefully crossed out with a simple pencil. And above writes correctly. other methods

bug fixes are not allowed. The order to redo the work again is very

serious punishment. Only with full coordination of actions of the teacher and

parents, you can, occasionally using this measure, get from it a serious

educational effect.

9. Oral task(tell the rule, remember the spelling of words from the dictionary, etc.)

e.) it is not always possible to check with every child in the class. So try to give

more attention to quality control of the oral part of the task.

Reminders on the Russian language

How to prepare homework?

1. Work start with work on the bugs.

2. Learn or repeat the given rule. Come up with your own examples of this rule.

Elena Oleneva
Parent meeting "How to raise independence in a child"


IN ancient india spoke: “Until the age of five, a child is your king. From five to ten, your servant. From ten to fifteen, your brother. And then - your friend or enemy, depending on how you brought up". The age of 3-4 years can be conditionally called "I myself". In the period from two and a half to three and a half years, the child experiences the so-called. crisis of three years. For the first time he begins to realize himself as a separate human being with his own will. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize attempts by adults to impose or forbid anything on children.

Independence- a very important quality that will come in handy to kid throughout life. Therefore, it is very important to devote to the development of this skill. Special attention. After all, from the level child's independence will depend on how fully he can adapt to various everyday situations. Independence will help an already grown person in all his life path will help you achieve your goals. How to teach child to independence is a difficult question. To achieve this parents one thing to remember the most important rule: "Don't do for your child what he can do for himself".

Parents with surprise, they observe manifestations of stubbornness, disobedience, self-will, protest, rebellion, and sometimes even despotism on the part of the baby. And if at the age of one year baby just did, or at least tried to do everything in his own way, now this behavior is accompanied by the words "I myself." And indeed, child trying to do everything alone or, even more often, does vice versa: when called to have dinner, he answers “I don’t want to”, when they suggest going for a walk, he claims that he wants to eat, etc. What happened?

And what happens is that child for the first time became aware of himself as a person, separated himself from parents. The kid could not drink or eat before, or go anywhere without his mother. Now his arms and legs have become dexterous and obedient - he received a physical independence. He can go to the kitchen and eat the cookies that are on the table. He can get what he needs from the shelf. He can say what he wants and in general - express his own opinion. And with the physical independence gradually comes and psychological, when child aware of their new skills and abilities.

From now on, he himself strives to become an adult, to act as the elders act. Usually he does not always succeed, and therefore causes protest and negativism. Child refuses to obey the demands made by adults, insists on his own thought, on his decision, sometimes it is like that child declared war on parents and protests against all the permanent rules and customs that have existed before.

What can they do parents? Show maximum patience the child as much independence as possible in those areas where possible. Thus, the baby needs more freedom of action. Of course, now everything is different, the baby is already old enough to be simply distracted from the immediate fulfillment of a particular desire. Now that u the child already has a perception of himself as a person, the real vision of their "want", his intentions become conscious. Such a small person is already impossible to "switch" to another. It becomes much more difficult to manage the behavior of a three-year-old baby. From now on, you can’t just impose your will on him, of course, we are not talking about extreme cases, for example, when the manifestation independence can harm a child.

How to act in such situations? To give your son or daughter the right to choose, you can warn the baby in advance, for example, that "soon we will go for a walk, you finish the game and start getting ready. You will see that soon your child really ready to go for a walk.

The experts found that if parents encourage the desire of the child on their own make decisions and give him the opportunity of free choice, he quickly begins to behave responsibly, and therefore creates parents fewer worries about personal safety. The kid can decide for himself whether he will eat a “supplement” of porridge, what toys he wants to play now, what to draw, whether he will stay at home with his dad or go to the store with his mom. Of course, certain frameworks on the part of adults are necessary, because the baby has not yet developed enough self-control and he does not know how to identify potentially dangerous situations, so he cannot always protect himself from failures, and sometimes injuries. But skill child foreseeing danger is a skill that requires targeted learning and formations. Child masters everything necessary from his own experience. And if he doesn’t get such an experience, then he simply won’t know that the needle is sharp, the fire burns, etc. Let the baby try to touch the tip of the needle with his finger and feel that it hurts, next time handle this object carefully . Similarly child it is necessary to introduce into the world of other dangerous things. Remember that it is important not to protect the baby from falling, because this is simply impossible, since no one from parents will not be able to be with the child all the time but if we learn baby be careful, or, in other words, we will explain how to fall correctly, then you can be sure that he will not be exposed to danger once again.

Such basic skills independence will allow to educate the baby has a sense of self-confidence, and this will be very useful.

By the age of three child is able to undress and dress himself with a little help from an adult, but often children persistently refuse such a manifestation independence. Skills training self-service is just a stepping stone on the way to independence and the desire to do everything much more important than an action done "from under the stick". To quarrel and force - is this a way to encourage independence? Today's children need very different methods.

There are only two simple rules For parents who want to teach child to independence.

Rule One: "Teach baby do it all on your own» . This rule is of key importance. Child is born without any skills and abilities, only with unconditioned reflexes. He does not acquire all the skills on his own, but learns them when interacting with adults. Child learns what to do with this or that object by observing how adults act with this object.

It is very important that parent acted not only as a mentor, but also as an assistant child, a participant in joint actions. The child needs so that an adult cooperates with him in business, helps in difficult times, encourages and praises. Parents try not to be angry child for broken cups and plates, spilled milk, a torn button. Child and is so upset by his failure, there is no need to additionally reproach him, but it is better to calm him down and invite him to try next time.

The ability to fold your toys, clean up after yourself is an important aspect child independence. If child teach him to always neatly put away his toys, then he will remember that maintaining order in the house is as natural and necessary as, for example, food. When all things in the house are in their places, the dust is wiped off and the dishes are washed, and all family members participate in the cleaning process, the baby appreciates order, because parents show that they appreciate it too.

Rule Two: "Don't do for that child what he can do himself. With tasks feasible for his age, child He can do it on his own if he wants to.

From a year to three, the baby is going through a particularly important period. In just two years, he makes a huge leap in development. Baby learns to do everything on one's own: put on pants, tie shoelaces, eat with a spoon, wash, etc. But not everything can work out for him. If at this stage child"drop your hands", give up trying independence, then later it will be even more difficult for him to get used to doing everything himself.

And here "pour fuel on the fire" may parents. In a hurry, they themselves are ready to do for the baby what he can’t do, because it’s faster and more accurate. Meanwhile, in between, parents sentence what a slob (sloppy, clumsy, lazy, etc.) is child. Such parental behavior shapes child complexes and can result in a serious psychological problem.

The other extreme to which they rush parents are the position"Do it yourself, you're already big!". But small children still do not know how to be lazy, therefore, most likely, child does not do something right, not because he does not want to, but because he really cannot cope with the task.

How to motivate child to independence?

Can provide child the right to choose but within. For example, offer the baby not "Would you like to fold your toys?", A "Do you want to put your toys away now or after the walk?". The first option essentially offers no choice at all. After all, even if he refuses to clean up the toys, he will still be forced to do it. The child is perplexed And why did you ask then? At the same time, you can see that the second option involves cleaning toys in any case, but the baby himself can decide when it is more convenient for him to do this. So the baby feels that his opinion is important, his desire matters.

To accustom child to independence, it is important to let him realize that any act entails consequences, and what they will be depends on him. Therefore, do not rush to pull out of the hands baby straw when he tries to eat soup or porridge with it. The kid himself will understand that it is inconvenient and tiring. Acting on one's own, child learns not to be afraid of mistakes.

If child something still can't be done on one's own, you don't have to worry. The kid can throw shoes that "do not want" get dressed, bite your clothes and scream. Parents you need to teach your baby to ask for help correctly, for example, phrase: "Help me please!". But, you do not need to immediately rush to do everything for child. First you need to give him a chance to cope himself, only slightly pushing him to action. For example, you can show the baby how to match buttons with eyelets, fasten one, and suggest fastening the next child on their own. efforts child must be praised.

Screams, slaps, appeals to conscience on child, When parents trying to teach him independence almost never help. accustoming child to independence it is important to be consistent and calm. Self-confidence and patience parents help your child learn all the necessary skills.

Independence is a valuable quality necessary for a person in life, and it must nurtured from an early age.

Children are naturally active. The task of adults is to develop this activity, direct it in the right direction, and not suppress it with intrusive guardianship. Which of you is unfamiliar with the desire child to independence. "I myself", - he says every time the adults start to put on his shirt, pantyhose, feed him.

Adults rush to help to kid, rush to do it themselves. It seems to them that child can't do it on one's own: tear, fall, prick, and an adult will do everything faster and better.

In junior preschool age Children are highly imitative. Everything they see, both good and bad, is reflected in their behavior. Therefore, wanting teach children to be independent, accuracy, father and mother should be role models. If they themselves do not put things in their place, handle them carefully, but only demand this from children, then they will not succeed. educate your child neatness habits. Children school age should also be an example for younger brothers and sisters.

Labor must bring child joy. Therefore, it is not necessary to reproach him for slowness and negligence. This can cause a negative emotional state, leading to a reluctance to take part in the work next time. Experience will come gradually. First you need to generate interest.

What young children should learn to do on one's own:

wash hands by rolling up sleeves; wash your face without splashing water; use soap properly

do not wet clothes; dry with a towel, without a reminder to hang it in the designated place

dress and undress in a certain sequences:

take off clothes, put on, fold, hang up, - turn inside out

fasten, unfasten, tie shoelaces;

notice the disorder in clothes and on one's own fix it or seek help from an adult

timely use a handkerchief, toilet;

drink from a cup, eat, chewing food well with your mouth closed;

use a spoon, fork correctly (by the end of the fourth year of life, a napkin;

put away toys, books, construction material to a certain place.

Daily routine, the need to comply with the daily routine

Daily routine is routine various kinds activities and recreation during the day.

The nervous system of young children is very sensitive to various influences. environment. They get tired quickly and therefore need frequent changes of activities and long rest periods. Compliance with the daily routine has a positive effect on the health of children.

IN preschool all activities are scheduled on time and the regime is strictly observed. It is advisable to observe the regime at home. The child must know that the regime will not be violated under any circumstances, and then you will not have to persuade the baby to go to bed or eat.

The main type of rest is sleep. Need to be taught child go to bed and get up at a certain time, while developing the appropriate conditioned reflex. Before going to bed, only calm games are recommended, a half-hour walk in the fresh air is very useful.

Dinner should be no later than 1-1, 5 hours before bedtime. Before a night's sleep child should brush your teeth, wash your face, neck, hands and feet with water at room temperature.

Waking up in the morning child must get out of bed immediately.

The correct daily routine, strict adherence to the regimen is the key to the correct formation of the nervous system child, developing balance and diligence.

This makes it possible to instill child needs skills, which, having been fixed, remain for life and ensure the body's resistance to the effects of adverse factors.

Now let's play a little game with you. I have in my hands a very beautiful tangle of skills that our children will have to learn. Let's see how much our kids can already. Continue the offer “My child can or does…”.

For each said skill, we unwind our ball of knowledge. (Parents call what their children can do Look how much our guys can do, how great they are ( educator draws attention to the number of unwound threads). But how much more do they have to learn? (caregiver draws attention to the remaining tangle). And they can only do this if we work together, together.

Tell me, do you like candy? The guys and I have prepared delicious sweets for you (game "Spicy dish"). Please note that the designers of the wrapper were directly children. The teacher distributes"candies" parents.

On "candy" A question is written, which must be answered within 1-3 minutes. If parent does not want or cannot answer, then he sends his "candy" to another participant meetings.


1. Marina is taken by her grandmother, who loves to help. Even if Marina dresses herself, her grandmother is eager to help her. As a result child began to run for help about every little thing in clothes.

(Ask grandmother not to do this, she does not help with this, but develops in child self-doubt.)

2. Andryusha is 2 years 10 months old, he knows how to wash his hands, dry himself with a towel - he does it with pleasure, using rhymes and nursery rhymes. There are problems with dressing - how to interest him?

(We considered variants of games earlier. Such a dialogue:

What is it? - Pants? And what are they for? - Put on. - Put on? How is it?)

3. It got colder outside, they began to put on warm clothes and whims began - I won’t wear tights, I don’t want pants, etc. When I dress myself, I calm down. What happened?

(Perhaps warm clothes are not suitable for self dressing: pants are too small, tights are made of warm but uncomfortable material. To kid It's just physically difficult to wear these things).

4. I was going to the street with my daughter. Gave her clothes. And she went to the kitchen.

After 15 minutes she returned - she not only did not get dressed, but also mixed up all the things. She dresses herself in the garden. Why did it happen?

(Child needs detailed verbal explanations, and possibly direct assistance, educator in the garden he talks about how, what and in what order to wear. Left alone the child is confused.)

In conclusion, I would like to say No need to hope that child will be better than you or will be able to do what you wanted so much, but you never learned to do. Do not force him to learn to do everything at once. Your son or daughter is not a toy, but a living person. If you want the baby to become a responsible assistant for you, then you should be patient and be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of effort on this. We must not forget that everything takes time. We'll have to make a line like this. education one that suits both you and your baby.

Here comes our meeting at the end. And I would like, as at the beginning, to read to you the words of the ancient philosopher - Epictetus: "Of all creations most beautiful - who received the beautiful upbringing man. ”

If we think about how to properly organize educational work at home, we will notice that this task is twofold. On the one hand, you need to help the child find the right mode of work, allocate a place for classes, determine the best order for preparing lessons, and on the other hand, instill in him a strong habit of sitting down for lessons despite the desire to play or take a walk, form the ability to quickly get involved in work, lead her, without distraction, and at a good pace. The slightest internal disorder of the child or some external inconvenience can be a serious hindrance.

A teacher of one school overheard the following conversation at a parent-teacher meeting: "My Petya sits at lessons for 3-4 hours. So diligent, so hardworking. If only he had kept it until the 11th grade."

But in the 3rd grade, you should spend no more than one and a half to two hours on homework.

Taking advantage of the invitation of Petya's mother, the teacher watched how Petya teaches lessons.

Petya took a job. He sits at the table, so he works: But no, it turns out. That's where the compass and pencil went. It immediately turned out that there was no necessary entry in the diary, and it was necessary to ask a friend what was asked in mathematics, and the textbook itself was not in place. And the minutes are running:

But now everything was found, clarified, prepared, the boy went deep into work:

Suddenly he wanted to drink water, and a minute later it turned out that he needed paper for a draft:

It took more than 20 minutes to build up, more than two hours were spent preparing lessons. Peter during this time:

  • got up twice from the table and went to the kitchen to drink water;
  • got up once and turned on the TV to see if the cartoon program had started;
  • twice, looking up from work, he listened to the conversation of adults in the next room;
  • once he took out an album with stamps from the table and leafed through it.

But now the work is done. Petya aimlessly shifts textbooks and notebooks from place to place for another 10 minutes:

So, it turned out that out of more than two hours spent by Petya, only 1 hour 27 minutes was used properly, as much as it should be for a 3rd grade student.

Such a picture, as you understand, is typical. Almost half of primary school students spend more time preparing homework than expected.

What can you advise parents if their child cannot "sit at the lessons"?

First, games. Try to choose for the child not only quiet board games, but also mobile role-playing games that can be used to achieve pedagogical goals. If you are playing "shop", give your child plenty of errands and insist that all purchases are made exactly as directed. If it goes war game, then appoint him as a sentry: let a lively and mobile child stand on the clock for some time, limiting his movements.

It is useful for a child to do something with adults, to do it quickly. fun, without preliminary buildup, without painful pauses. You can do dirty dishes together: you wash, the child wipes; you can fit something together or repair it; you can read a book together: you page, child page.

It is necessary to develop in the child the habit of quickly switching from one thing to another. If his name is, then he must stop the game immediately. It is unacceptable to allow a child to ignore parental instructions in anything. It is necessary to teach the child to separate free time from the time when he is busy with something serious, not to confuse business with the game, not to turn one into another. How many times have you seen how, while eating, a child plays with bread, goes to wash his hands and plays with the fringe of the towel. Parents should not be passive observers of such scenes. Otherwise, the same thing will happen with classes. Make sure that the child does everything necessary without additional reminders, without being distracted by anything.

The mode of the day plays an important role in organizing the educational work of the student. Special studies conducted in the primary grades have shown that those who study well have a fixed time for preparing lessons, and they adhere to it firmly. The guys admitted that when the hour of preparing lessons approaches, they lose interest in games, they don’t want to go out anymore.

And, on the contrary, among the weak students there are many who do not have a permanent time allotted for studying. This is no coincidence. The cultivation of the habit of systematic work begins with the establishment of a firm regime of studies, without which success in studies cannot be achieved. The daily routine should not change depending on the number of lessons, on the fact that an interesting film is shown on TV or guests have come to the house.

The child should sit down at the crochet at the same time, but also at a permanent workplace. If housing and material conditions do not allow providing the student with a separate desk and bookshelf, then it is still necessary to allocate him some permanent place so that he can keep his books and notebooks there. If the child is engaged at a common table, no one should interfere with him, being distracted from classes.

Why should a child have not just a comfortable place to study, but a permanent one?

The fact is that every person, and especially a junior schoolchild, develops an attitude not only for a certain time, but also for a certain place of work. When such an attitude is formed in a child, it is enough for him to sit down at the usual table, as a working mood comes by itself, there is a desire to get to work.

We sit down for lessons.

Get to class at the same time.

Ventilate the room 10 minutes before class.

Turn off the radio, TV. The room where you work should be quiet.

Check if the table lamp is in its place? The light should fall from the left side if the child writes with his right hand. And on the right side, if the child writes with his left hand.

Check if all tasks are recorded in the diary, check the schedule.

Remove everything unnecessary from the table so that nothing distracts attention.

Prepare writing materials, diary, notebooks, textbooks. Put them in the place assigned to them on the table.

It's time to start work, sit on a chair comfortably, open the textbook:

At first, preparation for doing homework should be done as a ritual.

The question arises: "How to teach a child to be independent in preparing lessons?"

When doing homework, start with a subject that is easier for the child, and do not answer a single question addressed to you until the task is completed to the end, see if there are any mistakes, offer to look for them yourself, and do not rush to correct them yourself. Try to avoid the word "error". Don't make fun of your children's mistakes.

Hang the multiplication table over your bed or desk and learn to multiply and divide right away. Rejoice together in what you get. Get ahead of school: learn the multiplication table for "2", then for "4", then for "8", they will reach 3 at school, teach for "6" and for "9".

Multiplication by "5" learn by the clock, by the movement of the arrow - and learn to recognize the time, and learn the table. Peer into each column, teach your child to find patterns and features. Tasks in mathematics teach to read and imagine as what is happening in reality.

About reading. If you were asked to memorize a poem, read it and try to write it down in the form of drawings or diagrams. The method of associations trains visual and auditory memory, thinking and imagination well.

When working with the text, the child reads the text himself, then retells, if he did not accurately retell some place, then ask him to read it again. Be sure to read books aloud with your child at night, take turns looking at illustrations, share your opinions about what you read, if there are places that can be read by roles, then read by roles.

When doing homework in the Russian language, pay attention to completing the assignment in full (there may be several of them). When difficulties arise, do the exercise aloud, but do not write letters or words in the textbook. When writing it, the child remembers everything. Leave the room while he is doing the task, do not stand behind him. Do not be angry with your child and do not make him angry.

I wish you success! Do not miss your chance to teach your child to do homework on their own, but this should not exclude control from your side.

G. Fedyakov Scene "Where did it all go?" (children perform)

(Children sit on chairs. The teacher starts the lesson.)

Teacher. Hello guys! Sit down! Open notebooks, textbooks. Fine:

Vitya holds out his hand.

What do you have there, Vitya?

Vitya (rummages in his briefcase) Lidia Ivanovna, my grandmother forgot to put my notebook! She is old:

Teacher. It's time, Vitya, for you to take care of your grandmother, and not vice versa! Here's a notebook for you. And so that this would not happen again: So, opened the notebooks: Good:

Vitya raises his hand again.

What, Vitya?

Vitya. Lidia Ivanovna, and my grandfather left my textbook at home:

Teacher. And what about grandpa? You are already big. What a shame! Here is the tutorial, but for the last time: So, we took the pencils:

Vitya (rummages in his briefcase). Lydia Ivanovna! Mom promised to put it on. But I must have forgotten:

Teacher. What is it? We can't start the lesson because of you! Here's a pencil! All! We took the lines:

Vitya (same game). Lidia Ivanovna, my dad is responsible for the line:

Teacher. Horror! Grandmother - grandfather, mother - father, and where are you, Vitya, a student?

Or do all the Smirnovs have a bad memory?

Vitya. No, we all have a good memory:

And yesterday they were collecting a briefcase in front of me: Where did everything go?

Teacher. So what, your portfolio is empty at all?

Vitya, with surprise, takes out a children's gun, cubes, and a boot from his briefcase:

Classmates laugh, more than all the Bulls.

Bykov. Like in the movies! Well, Smirnov! None of the adults are looking after me, and I have everything!

Teacher. Smirnov, do you have a diary at least with you?

Vitya. Now I'll take a look. (Happily takes out the diary.) Here! (Bring it to the teacher.)

Teacher. Diary of a student of grade 4 "b": Oleg Bykov:

Everyone is confused. Then an explosion of laughter.

Bykov. And what is written on your diary?

BYKOV (takes out a diary from the same briefcase, reads it). Diary of a student of 4 "b" class Smirnov Viktor:

Vitya. I took my briefcase in the hallway! Get your toys! Because of you, it hit me: I, Lidia Ivanovna, said, I myself saw how they collected my portfolio in the evening! Hey Bykov! And not ashamed?

The purpose of the parent meeting: to identify the idea of ​​parents about the organization of educational work of children at home; give recommendations to parents on how to develop self-control skills in children, the ability to work independently.



Parent meeting on the topic

"Hometasks. How to teach a child to become independent?

Purpose: to reveal the idea of ​​parents about the organization of educational work of children at home; give recommendations to parents on how to develop self-control skills in children, the ability to work independently.

Proceedings of the meeting

A very important moment in the life of a student is the preparation of homework. The official absence of homework in practice does not mean at all that nothing is given at home. The presence of homework, of course, indicates that during the lesson the children do not have time to go through and consolidate the entire educational material. Often homework is delayed for an hour or even two, primarily because the child has not developed skills independent work. And parents require repeated rewriting of assignments from a draft to a clean copy, they force them to do everything in one sitting, not taking into account that the maximum duration of concentrated work for a younger student is about 30 minutes (and for some less), preventing them from being distracted and relaxing. To maintain working capacity, the child needs 10-15 minute pauses every 30-45 minutes of classes. They restore attention, postpone fatigue. You need to start preparing lessons with less difficult subjects, then move on to more complex ones and finish with easy ones. The optimal time for preparing homework is from 4 to 5 pm, but if a student sits down to do homework “when mom came home from work” at 6-7 pm, then such work is ineffective and, moreover, very tiring for the child. This is the time of a sharp decline in performance.

It should be remembered that for kids 6-7 years old, and other elementary school students, the writing process is very difficult. In children, small muscles of the hand are not yet developed, coordination of movements is imperfect, resistance to static loads is reduced. Mastering the skill of writing, children make a lot of unnecessary movements, overstrain the brush, they can not maintain the correct posture. The total duration of the letter in the process of preparing lessons should be limited, it should not be more than 8-10 minutes as in school. At least two times the letter should be interrupted, inviting the children to perform gymnastics for the hands: squeezing and unclenching the fingers.

The time of continuous reading at the beginning of training should also be no more than 10 minutes, after which you should take a break, discuss the text, retell it, look at the pictures, and only then continue reading.

It is very useful for the prevention of visual impairment during breaks to perform gymnastics for the eyes. It is also important to ensure that the children maintain the correct working posture, and that there is sufficient illumination in the room where the child is engaged. Failure to comply with elementary hygiene requirements can lead to poor posture, myopia and other health problems.

It is desirable that the child, returning from school, does not immediately sit down for lessons, but spend some time outdoors, taking part in active, outdoor games. According to hygienic requirements, the walking time for younger students is 3 - 3.5 hours.

“Do you want your child to enjoy going to school?”

Memo "Sit down for lessons"

Parent meeting grade 2 “Homework. How to teach a child to become independent.


1. reveal the representation of parentsabout the organization of educational work at home;

Preparing homework is an important moment in a student's life. The presence of homework makes it possible to consolidate all the material of the lesson. To get rid of their hated school "duty", children are ready to show miracles of ingenuity. They can sit out the allotted time with books and notebooks, they can complain of unexpected ailments, causing pity and sighs from their relatives. Often homework is delayed for several hours, but in the end, they may be left unprepared or prepared at a very low level. The next day, the “result” of such work appears in the diary or in the notebook - 2 or a strict message from the teacher to the parents and the student.

Today we will talk about how to do homework correctly, how to do homework on your own, how parents can help a child.

As a rule, lagging behind students especially do not like to study at home. They also try to sit out in the classroom, pressing into the desk and not raising their heads. They are not interested in learning because they do not know how to grasp on the fly, do not know how to do everything quickly, like their classmates. Such children are strong in something else: some run better than others, others make crafts or draw. That part of the study that does not bring them satisfaction does not seem very important to them.

Almost half of primary school students spend more time doing their homework than they should. In the book of A.O. Drobinskaya "School difficulties" indicates the following sanitary and hygienic standards: in the first grade - no more than 1 hour, in the second grade - up to one and a half hours, in the third-fourth - up to two hours. Some parents in the questionnaires note that children spend up to 1.5 hours doing homework, but this is the amount required for students in grades 2-3. What are the reasons? Either a pencil disappeared somewhere, or it turned out that there was no necessary entry in the diary and an urgent need to find out from a classmate, and the textbook itself may not be in place. And the minutes are running. Suddenly I wanted to drink water, and a minute later it turned out that I needed paper for a draft. Such a picture, as you understand, is typical. What can you advise parents if their child cannot "sit at the lessons"?

It is useful for a child to do some work together with adults, to do it quickly, cheerfully, without preliminary buildup, without painful pauses. For example, you can do dirty dishes together: you wash, the child wipes; you can fix something together with dad; you can read a book together: you page, child page.

It is important to develop in the child the habit of quickly switching from one thing to another. If he was told to learn lessons, then he should immediately stop playing. But if such a rule does not exist in your family, then it must be introduced for all family members (but start by warning the child about this a few minutes before changing the activity). It is unacceptable to allow a child to ignore a parent's instruction in anything. It is necessary to teach the child to separate free time from the time when he is busy with something serious, not to confuse business with the game. Ensure that the child does everything necessary without a reminder, without being distracted by anything.

The mode of the day plays an important role in organizing the educational work of the student. To help you, I offer an exemplary daily routine for an excellent student (application). Special studies conducted in the primary grades have shown that those who study well have a fixed time for preparing lessons, and they adhere to it firmly. And, on the contrary, among the weak students there are many who do not have a permanent time for studying. "The habit of the exact hour is the habit of exact demand on oneself." (A. S. Makarenko)

The cultivation of the habit of systematic work begins with the establishment of a firm regime of studies, without which success in studies cannot be achieved. The daily routine should not change about the number of lessons, from the fact that an interesting film is shown on TV or guests have come. “For a day,” Maxim Gorky advised, “one must look at it as if it were a small life ... But in order for this small life not to pass without a trace, for it to be filled with rich content, a daily routine is necessary.

The child should sit down for lessons not only at the same time. But also for a permanent job. And if the living conditions do not allow the student to provide a separate desk and bookcase, then you still need to allocate some permanent place where he will keep books and notebooks. If a child is forced to study at a common table, then no one should interfere with him and distract him from classes. Gradually, an installation is developed for a certain time and place of work. If such an attitude is formed in a child, then it is enough for him to sit down at the usual table, as a working mood comes and a desire arises to get to work. Before the start of classes, everything that is not related to study should be removed from the student's workplace.

Remember that the time for completing the lessons is sacred and inviolable, so you no longer have the right to tear your child away from classes for nothing (whether it is urgent help in the kitchen or going to the store for bread).

In what order should the lessons be taught? What tasks should you start with: oral or written, difficult or easy? If the child is immediately included in the work, it is advisable for him to do the most difficult lessons first and gradually come to the easiest, requiring less mental stress.

If the student is drawn into the work slowly, then he should start with more attractive activities for him. The most difficult work is attributed to the middle, or to the second half of the classes, because. the child at this time has the highest rise in mental work.

Parents should remember a few rules:

1. Do not require repeated rewriting of assignments from a draft to a clean copy. It is better to complete the task once, but qualitatively.

2. To maintain working capacity, the child needs 10-15 minutes of break every 20 minutes (30-40 minutes for grades 3-4) of classes (attention is restored, fatigue is removed).

3. The optimal time for preparing homework is from 16:00 to 18:00. If a student sits down to do homework “when mom came home from work,” then such work is ineffective. If the child studies in the 2nd shift, then in the evening the homework is viewed, difficult questions for the child are sorted out, and the work is done in the first half of the day from 10 to 12 o’clock.

4. While writing, you should take a break, doing physical exercises, gymnastics for the hands (squeezing, unclenching fingers, massage), exercises for the eyes (application).

5. It is logical to first read the rule given on the page of the textbook, and then proceed to the exercise.

6. In Russian, pay attention to completing the exercises in full (there may be several tasks). In case of difficulties, do the entire exercise aloud, but do not write letters or words in the textbook: when it is done in writing, the child will remember again. Leave the room while he is doing the task, do not stand behind him. Do not be angry with your child and do not make him angry.

7. About reading. Once the child reads by himself. Then you, let's say, cook at the stove, and he tells you what he read. If there are inaccuracies or some important place from the text is missing, let him read it again.

Be sure to read books aloud with your child at night, one at a time. Look at the illustrations. Notice the accuracy or inattention of the artist, return to the text along the way. If there are passages that can be read by roles, use this opportunity. And “just like that” do not re-read several times.

8. It is important to ensure that the children maintain the correct working posture, and that there is sufficient lighting in the room where the child is engaged. Failure to comply with elementary hygiene requirements can lead to poor posture, impaired vision.

9. If the child is weak, often sick, has a weak nervous system, then 1.5 hours of daytime sleep will be the best rest for him.

It is desirable that the child, returning from school, does not immediately sit down for lessons, but spend some time in the fresh air, taking part in active games. According to hygiene standards, the time for a walk for elementary school students is 3.0 - 3.5 hours.

10. During homework, do not answer a single question until the task is completed to the end, see if there are any mistakes, offer to look for them yourself. Don't make fun of your children's mistakes. Try to avoid the word "mistake" itself.

If the child has difficulty studying and doing homework, then initially the parents will have to sit down to study. Do not try to solve this complex issue with shouting and lectures. Be patient, sitting down with your child for lessons. "Calm, my friend, only calm!" - these words of Carlson should be made your motto when you sit down with the child to take up the lessons together.

Try offering to do homework with a friend. But you should not invite a more successful comrade to visit, so that joint work does not turn out to be an ordinary cheating.

Have the children take turns trying to be the teacher. By explaining and helping another, it is easier to understand and remember it yourself.

When explaining something to a child, do not allow yourself ironic statements about him. The most harmless, in your opinion, comparison can cause a strong offense. If you constantly call a child "stupid, lazy, stupid, stupid", in the end, he will believe in it. Sometimes the role of tutors is more successful for older brothers and sisters: they remember the program well, they have more patience and it is easier for them to understand the problems of the younger one.

Do not be afraid to get ahead of the school curriculum if some question is interesting to the child (for example: determining the time, addition and subtraction within 10 - 20, why is there no sun at night ...). This is not only the development of cognitive processes, but also the development of self-confidence (because the child will feel on an equal footing with more prepared children). An independent child is great, but parental control should be daily. It is control, not work for the child. Support your child in his desire to become a schoolboy and succeed. Be genuinely interested in his school affairs and concerns. In any case, find something for which you can praise and morally support. Let the child feel the significance of their activities (this helps to increase self-esteem, develops self-confidence). Teach your child to share their joys and problems.

I wish parents patience, strength and joyful moments of pride in the success of their children!


Questionnaire for parents

Our child has a special place where he _______________________________________________

Our child is doing homework

Independently copes with _______________________________________________________________

Prepares with difficulty

We help the child with homework. This assistance consists of ______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

When a child learns lessons, we

If he did his homework carelessly, then we _______________________________________________

We think that for the weekend ____________________________________________________________________

The child starts preparing homework with ______________________________________________

When preparing d.z. necessary______________________________________________________________

When performing d.z. we use_____________________________________________________________

If the child joins the work slowly, then _________________________________________________

Questionnaire for children

1. Who helps you prepare your homework?

2. What is this help?

3. What do your parents ask you when you come home from school?

4. What do you do when you get back from school?

Do you want your child to enjoy going to school?

1. Do not talk badly about the school, do not criticize teachers in front of children.

2. Do not rush to blame the teacher for the lack of an individual approach.

3. In the event of a conflict situation at school, try to eliminate it without discussing all the details with the child.

4. Make sure your child goes to bed on time. A sleepy child is a sad sight.

5. Let your child see that you are interested in his assignments, books that he brings from school.

6. Read for yourself, let the child see that you spend your free time reading books, and not just watching TV.

7. Teach your child to express thoughts in writing: exchange notes with him, write letters together.

If a child told you about an event that made an impression on him, then invite him to write down this story, and read it to all family members in the evening.

8. Get involved in class and school life. The child is pleased if his school becomes part of

Of your life.

  • Sergei Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere