What factors affect the self-esteem of the individual. Factors affecting self-esteem. Conditions for the formation of low self-esteem

For some people, self-esteem is always at a level; articles on how to raise self-esteem are not relevant to them. What are these people? They are distinguished from all the rest by only two circumstances: real life success and a bodily corset of success.

First: real life success. You live successfully, you live with dignity, you are valued at work, your friends respect you. Create and strengthen your life base (a cozy apartment, a favorite dacha and a car are very conducive to this), improve your skills, become a respected professional, live like a decent person, create a strong and happy family, make friends with worthy people... In general, it is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick, and freedom is better than lack of freedom.

How to develop high self-esteem in a child

There are several main ways to raise a child's self-esteem. The first way is to praise the child for what he has. The second is to demand more from the child, achieving better results from him. The third is to teach him, helping him to master life. Western upbringing more often follows the first path, Asian - the second, and only rare parents combine all these three approaches. Cm.

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Explanatory note

1. Self-assessment of preschool children

1.1 Levels of self-esteem

1.2 Influence environment on self-esteem of preschool children

2. Studying the features of the formation of self-esteem of preschoolers

2.1 The study of factors affecting the self-esteem of preschool children

2.2 Productive methods for formation adequate self-esteem


List of sources used

Annex A

Annex B

Annex B

Annex D

Explanatory note

The upbringing of the younger generation in society is a matter of special concern. Its success is determined by the unity and consistency of educational influences. public education carried out in public educational institutions, families and the public. The basis of this unity is the complete coincidence of the interests of the state and the family in the upbringing of the new generation, which consists in the formation of comprehensively and harmoniously developed, useful to society, citizens devoted to the Motherland. Parents should understand the idea of ​​A.S. Makarenko that "raising children is the most important area of ​​our life... Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country." The upbringing of your child should not be seen as a personal matter, but as the fulfillment of a civic duty to society. Successful upbringing of children in a family can only be when parents clearly understand its purpose and tasks, ways and means of their implementation.

The child begins to become more and more aware of the motive forces and consequences of his actions. This becomes possible due to the fact that preschoolers develop self-awareness - an understanding of what he is, what qualities he has, how others treat him and what causes this attitude. A prerequisite for the development of self-awareness is the separation of oneself from other people, which occurs already at the end of early childhood. But, entering the preschool age, the child realizes only the very fact that he exists, really knowing nothing about himself, about his qualities. In an effort to be like an adult, a child at an early age does not take into account his capabilities. This is quite clearly revealed during the crisis of three years.

There is still no sufficiently substantiated and correct opinion about himself and the younger preschooler, who simply ascribes to himself all the positive qualities approved by adults, often without even knowing what they are. On the threshold of school, the child has new level self-awareness. It is characterized by the formation in the child of his "internal position" - rather sustainable system relations with oneself, with people, with the world around. The internal position of the child becomes the starting point for the emergence and development of many other qualities in him, in particular, the volitional qualities of the personality, in which his independence, perseverance, independence, and purposefulness are manifested.

The ability for self-awareness in a child of older preschool age, unlike children of an earlier age, goes beyond the present time and concerns the assessment of both past and future actions. The child perceives and evaluates what happened to him in the past, tries to think about what will happen in the future. This is evidenced by children's questions, such as: "What was I like when I was little?", "What will I be when I grow up?". Thinking about the future, preschool children strive to become people endowed with certain valuable qualities: strong, kind, brave, smart, etc.

Preschool age is characterized by the fact that at this age children attach great importance to the assessments given to them by adults. The child does not expect such an assessment, but actively seeks it himself, strives to receive praise, tries very hard to deserve it. Also in before school age children give their own qualities a positive or negative self-esteem.

Self-esteem has two sides - content (knowledge) and emotional (attitude). Knowledge about oneself is correlated with knowledge about others or with an ideal. As a result, a judgment is made that the subject is better or worse than others or the ideal. Thus, self-esteem is the result of a comparative knowledge of oneself, and not just a statement of one's characteristics, results achieved or available opportunities. Therefore, self-esteem is not reducible to self-knowledge. The latter is a necessary prerequisite for self-esteem, but no more. Self-esteem manifests an attitude towards oneself as a person, respect for oneself or dissatisfaction with oneself, i.e. opinion about oneself as a person. In connection with self-esteem, such personal qualities as self-respect, conscience, pride, vanity, ambition arise.

Self-assessment performs a number of functions:

1. Comparative knowledge of oneself (what I stand for, including for society);

2. Prognostic (what can I do);

3. Regulatory (what should I do, how should I behave in order not to lose self-respect, to have peace of mind).

Consequently, self-esteem combines both ideas about what has already been achieved and a “project for the future” (what I can achieve with my abilities, personal qualities).

Self-esteem is a person's idea of ​​the importance of his personal activities in society and the evaluation of himself, his own qualities and feelings, advantages and disadvantages, their expression openly or closedly.

In general, self-esteem plays a big role in the life of every person, this is especially important when the character is just being brought up, that is, in children, because they develop intensively every day and acquire new personal qualities.

The influence of self-esteem occurs not only on a person’s attitude to life, but also on his sphere of interests and future prospects, as well as on the attitude of others around him. Manifested in the manner of behavior, conversation, self-esteem often overshadows the real advantages and disadvantages of a person.

A person's self-esteem is his self-awareness, attitude towards himself and self-image. A person whose self-esteem is high creates around him an atmosphere of honesty, responsibility, compassion, love. Such a person feels important and necessary, he feels that the world has become better because he exists in it. Only by feeling his own high value is a person able to see, accept and respect the high value of other people. A sense of self-worth can only be formed in the atmosphere of such a family (country, society, work team, school), where any individual differences are accepted, where communication is frank and confidential, and the rules of conduct do not turn into frozen dogmas, where personal responsibility and honesty of each is an integral part. relationships.

Raising self-esteem in a child is one of the most important tasks for the successful development of his future life.

Great importance in the formation of self-esteem has style family education values ​​accepted in the family.

A preschooler sees himself through the eyes of close adults raising him. If the assessments and expectations in the family do not correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the child, then his ideas about anything, including himself, will be distorted.

Psychologists have traced the development of self-awareness of preschoolers depending on the characteristics of family education. Children with an accurate self-image are brought up in families where parents give them a lot of time; positively evaluate their physical and mental data, but do not consider their level of development higher than that of most peers; predict good school performance. These children are often encouraged, but not with gifts; punished mainly by refusing to communicate. Children with a low self-image grow up in families in which they are not treated, but require obedience; low estimate, often reproached, punished, sometimes - with strangers; they are not expected to succeed at school and make significant achievements later in life.

Target: study of the facts of influence on the self-esteem of preschool children.

An object: level of development of self-esteem.

Item: facts influencing the formation of adequate self-esteem of preschool children.

Hypothesis: if we create a favorable atmosphere for the child in the garden and at home, carefully select the methods of education and use the trainings, exercises and games I have proposed to raise the level of self-esteem of children, then we will come to the formation of a normal level of self-esteem in children.

self-assessment preschooler methodology

1. Self-assessment of preschool children

1.1 Levels of self-esteem.

Self-esteem can be optimal or sub-optimal. With optimal, adequate self-esteem, the subject correctly correlates his capabilities and abilities, is quite critical of himself, seeks to realistically look at his failures and successes, tries to set achievable goals that can be achieved in practice. He approaches the assessment of what has been achieved not only by his own standards, but also tries to foresee how other people, friends and relatives will react to this. In other words, adequate self-esteem is the result of a constant search for a real measure, that is, without too much overestimation, but also without excessive criticism of one's communication, behavior, activities, experiences. Such a self-assessment is best for specific conditions and situations.

The optimal ones include self-assessments of a “high level” and.2 above the average level” (a person deserves, respects himself, is pleased with himself), as well as “ average level"(a person respects himself, but knows his weaknesses and strives for self-improvement, self-development).

In the case of suboptimal self-esteem, it may be too high or too low.

On the basis of inadequately inflated self-esteem, a person develops a misconception about himself, an idealized image of his personality and capabilities, his value for others, for the common cause. In such cases, a person goes to ignore failures in order to maintain the usual high assessment of himself, his actions and deeds. There is an acute emotional “repulsion” of everything that violates the self-image. The perception of reality is distorted, the attitude towards it becomes inadequate - purely emotional. The rational grain of evaluation falls out completely. Therefore, a fair remark begins to be perceived as a nitpick, and an objective assessment of the results of the work - as unfairly underestimated. Failure appears as a consequence of someone's intrigues or unfavorable circumstances that in no way depend on the actions of the individual himself.

A person with inflated inadequate self-esteem does not want to admit that all this is a consequence of his own mistakes, laziness, lack of knowledge, abilities or wrong behavior. There is a severe emotional state - the affect of inadequacy, main reason which is the persistence of the prevailing stereotype of an overestimation of one's personality. If high self-esteem is plastic, changes in accordance with the real state of affairs, that is, it increases with success and decreases with failure, then this can contribute to the development of the individual, since she has to make every effort to achieve her goals, develop her abilities and will.

Self-esteem can also be underestimated, i.e. below the real possibilities of the individual. Usually this leads to self-doubt, shyness and lack of daring, the inability to realize their abilities. Such people do not set themselves elusive goals and are limited to solving everyday tasks, they are too critical of themselves.

Too high or too low self-esteem violates the process of self-management, violate self-control. This is especially noticeable in communication, where people with high and low self-esteem are the cause of conflicts. With an overestimated self-esteem, conflicts arise due to a disdainful attitude towards other people and disrespectful treatment of them, too harsh and unreasonable statements addressed to them, intolerance towards other people's opinions, manifestations of arrogance and arrogance. Low self-criticism prevents them from even noticing how they offend others with arrogance and indisputable judgments.

With low self-esteem, conflicts may arise due to the excessive criticality of these people. They are very demanding of themselves and even more demanding of others, they do not forgive a single mistake or mistake, they tend to constantly emphasize the shortcomings of others. And, although this is done with the best of intentions, it still causes conflicts due to the fact that few can tolerate systematic "sawing". When they see only the bad in you and constantly point to it, then there is a dislike for the source of such assessments, thoughts and actions.

The affect of inadequacy arises as an attempt by individuals with high self-esteem to protect themselves from real circumstances and maintain their usual self-esteem. This leads to disruption of relationships with other people. The experience of resentment and injustice allows you to feel good, to remain at the proper height in your own eyes, to consider yourself injured or offended. This elevates a person in his eyes and eliminates dissatisfaction with himself. The need for inflated self-esteem is satisfied and there is no need to change it, i.e. get involved in self-government. Inevitably, conflicts arise with people who have different ideas about this person, his abilities, opportunities and values ​​for society. The affect of inadequacy is a psychological defense, it is a temporary measure, since it does not solve the main problem, namely, a radical change in suboptimal self-esteem, which is the cause of unfavorable interpersonal relationships.

1.2 The influence of the environment on the self-esteem of preschool children

Where does self-esteem come from? Initially, this is the assignment by the child of the assessment of the parents, which manifests itself already from the discovery of pregnancy. The child perceives it unambiguously, as white and black, yes or no - without transitional tones. If parents demonstrate unconditional acceptance of the baby as he was born, then the child will treat himself well, feeling that he is loved and desired. If the parents reject the child (an unwanted pregnancy, a child of the wrong sex, or the child is not healthy), then the child feels inappropriate, negative attitude towards himself and takes it for granted, starting to treat himself as a burden.

Later, from about the age of two, self-esteem begins to differentiate: “When I am hungry, I am evil, and when I am full, I am kind!” or “Yes, I’m a slow runner, but I’m great at drawing and I can wash dishes!” Here, the style of upbringing adopted in the family is gaining strength. Rewards in the form of gifts or words of encouragement, supporting and reinforcing a specific behavior, work to form a positive self-assessment, while punishments and ignoring - to try to find a rewarded option and a negative assessment of oneself in the present. If education sins with monotony, not contributing to the distinction between types of behavior (the child receives only praise or only punishment, no matter what he does), then this inadequacy turns into inadequate self-esteem.

In addition to actions, words are also important. What parents say, projecting their expectations or hopes on the child, is also stored in the child's memory. The words of adults can become a “guide to life” in one case or “bad advice”, where everything needs to be done exactly the opposite, in another: “You are so glorious, just as much of a loser as I am”; “You will definitely become a dentist, make my dream come true, because I myself did not succeed”; “The main thing is to rely only on yourself and never relax, then you will achieve everything you want!” ... At this stage, children's self-esteem depends on the characteristics of family educational policy.

But not all pedagogical tricks end as expected. Both parents and children have natural characteristics that cannot be changed. Some people initially have somewhat low self-esteem, and this is their natural state (P. Volkov describes people as “always living in minks”, although occasionally they get out to the palace). Other owners of strong nervous system and excessive activity, self-esteem, on the contrary, is overestimated, and criticism has no effect on them.

It often happens that these traits are "inherited", then, no matter how much the parents fight, someone surprisingly similar to them grows up. And it happens that strong, energetic parents give birth to a tender, sensitive child who is not at all like them: they expect him to scream, fight, constantly do something, and the child reads a book to himself in the corner and reads. Or, on the contrary, in asthenic, fragile parents, the child turns out to be large, loud and active, suppresses them with every step. It is important to take into account both the similarities and differences between “fathers and children”, something will become clearer, something will have to come to terms with, but many conflicts can be prevented.

Often parents come up with what the ideal child should be, and when he does not meet their dreams, they reproach him for this, not noticing the virtues that were simply not included in their parental plans. Therefore, so that the child does not develop low self-esteem and a sense of inferiority, you should not place any great hopes on him, so as not to subsequently come to disappointment. And, on the contrary, it is necessary to carefully notice the merits, to discover in the child his inherent features.

Praise and criticism should also have a reasonable ratio. You can’t unconditionally praise everything that a child does, but it’s also not worth scolding for everything in a row. If criticism exceeds praise, then the child will begin to avoid communication with parents. And, criticizing the child (if there is a need for this), you need to find something for which he can be praised, for example, for independence, for intelligence, willpower. Moreover, at the end of the conversation, you need to express a sincere hope that the child understood the criticism and quickly corrected everything.

Especially carefully you need to behave with children if there are two or more of them. There are parents who frankly compare their children, setting one as an example for the other. Of course, this affects the self-esteem of children, causes them a feeling of envy, doubt in parental love and outright hostility towards the one who is constantly extolled.

In fact, self-esteem is the difference between the real self and the ideal self, and children, especially teenagers, love to create ideals for themselves. Sometimes they want to be like the heroes of books or sensational films, but the problem is that this is unattainable. As a result, the gap between the ideal and the teenager is so great that self-esteem drops almost to zero.

The most annoying thing is that this applies, to a greater extent, to the smartest, most intelligent, knowledgeable and inquisitive teenagers. It is they who are most and most often dissatisfied with themselves and have low self-esteem. In frivolous teenagers who live for today, do not think about the future and do not fill their heads with ideals, everything is in order with self-esteem.

It is generally accepted that high self-esteem is always good, and low self-esteem is always bad. But they also say that our shortcomings are an extension of our virtues. Optimism, confidence, activity and initiative of a person with high self-esteem can turn into low self-criticism, aggressiveness, arrogance. And the pessimism and self-doubt of a low-estimating person often contribute to greater realism in setting goals, attention to mistakes, and sensitivity to other people. It is difficult to say with certainty that some kind of self-perception is better. It is always necessary to clarify in what situation and based on what values?

Self-esteem from early childhood is formed by education. Low self-esteem does not allow the child's abilities to fully develop. And having a too high opinion of yourself can be dangerous; the child will ascribe to himself non-existent virtues and unrealistic prospects, and then, in the future, suffer when life begins to put everything in its place.

Of course, one must welcome the child's desire for an ideal, otherwise he will grow up to be a self-satisfied and not very educated person. But, first of all, you need to be able to explain to him that you can approach the ideal only gradually, through painstaking work. Explain to the child that if ideals seem unattainable, if you cannot change your real self, then you need to be able to change your ideas about yourself - ideal. And, most importantly, you need to love yourself for who you really are.

Raising self-esteem in a child is one of the most important tasks for his future life. Of great importance in the formation of self-esteem is the style of family education, the values ​​accepted in the family.

There are three styles of parenting:


With a democratic style, first of all, the interests of the child are taken into account. Consent style.

In the conniving style, the child is left to himself.

A preschooler sees himself through the eyes of close adults raising him. If the assessments and expectations in the family do not correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the child, his self-image seems distorted.

Adequate and inadequate behavior of the child depends on the conditions of upbringing in the family. Children with low self-esteem are dissatisfied with themselves. This happens in a family where parents constantly blame the child, or set excessive tasks for him. The child feels that he does not meet the requirements of the parents. (Do not tell the child that he is ugly, this causes complexes that cannot be eliminated later.) Inadequacy can also manifest itself with high self-esteem. This happens in a family where the child is often praised, and gifts are given for little things and achievements (the child gets used to material rewards). The child is punished very rarely, the system of requirements is very soft.

Adequate performance - a flexible system of punishment and praise is needed here. Admiration and praise are excluded from him. Gifts are rarely given for deeds. In families where children grow up with high, but not overestimated self-esteem, attention to the child's personality (his interests, tastes, relationships with friends) is combined with sufficient demands. Here they do not resort to humiliating punishment and willingly praise when the child deserves it. Children with low self-esteem (not necessarily very low) enjoy more freedom at home, but this freedom, in fact, is lack of control, a consequence of parents' indifference to children and to each other.

School performance is an important criterion for evaluating a child as a person by adults and peers. Attitude towards oneself as a student is largely determined by family values. In a child, those of his qualities that most of all concern his parents - maintaining prestige, obedience, etc. come to the fore. Emphasis is shifted in the self-consciousness of a small schoolchild when parents are concerned not with educational, but with everyday moments in his school life (“Is it not blowing from the windows in the classroom?”, “What did they give you for breakfast?”), Or they don’t care about anything at all - school life not discussed or discussed formally. A rather indifferent question: “What happened at school today?” sooner or later will lead to the corresponding answer: “Nothing special”, “Everything is fine”. Parents also set the initial level of claims of the child - what he claims in learning activities and relationships. Children with high level claims, inflated self-esteem and prestigious motivation count only on success. Their vision of the future is just as optimistic.

Children with a low level of claims and low self-esteem do not apply for much either in the future or in the present. They do not set high goals for themselves and constantly doubt their abilities, quickly come to terms with the level of progress that develops at the beginning of their studies.

Anxiety can become a personality trait at this age. High anxiety acquires stability with constant dissatisfaction with studies on the part of parents. Suppose a child falls ill, falls behind his classmates, and it is difficult for him to get involved in the learning process. If the temporary difficulties experienced by him irritate adults, anxiety arises, the fear of doing something bad, wrong. The same result is achieved in a situation where the child learns quite well, but the parents expect more and make excessive, unrealistic demands.

Due to the increase in anxiety and the associated low self-esteem, educational achievements are reduced, and failure is fixed. Self-doubt leads to a number of other features - the desire to thoughtlessly follow the instructions of an adult, act only according to patterns and patterns, fear to take the initiative, formal assimilation of knowledge and methods of action.

Adults, dissatisfied with the falling productivity of the child's educational work, focus more and more on these issues in communication with him, which increases emotional discomfort. It turns out a vicious circle: the unfavorable personal characteristics of the child are reflected in his educational activities, the low performance of the activity causes a corresponding reaction from others, and this negative reaction, in turn, enhances the characteristics that have developed in the child. You can break this circle by changing the attitudes and assessments of parents. Close adults, concentrating on the smallest achievements of the child. Without blaming him for some shortcomings, they reduce the level of his anxiety and thus contribute to the successful completion of educational tasks.

The second option is demonstrativeness - a personality trait associated with an increased need for success and attention to others. The source of demonstrativeness is usually the lack of attention of adults to children who feel abandoned in the family, “unloved”. But it happens that the child receives sufficient attention, but it does not satisfy him due to the hypertrophied need for emotional contacts. Excessive demands on adults are made not by neglected, but, on the contrary, by the most spoiled children. Such a child will seek attention, even violating the rules of behavior. (“It is better to be scolded than not noticed”). The task of adults is to do without notations and edifications, to make comments as emotionally as possible, not to pay attention to minor misconduct and to punish major ones (say, by refusing a planned trip to the circus). This is much more difficult for an adult than careful attitude to an anxious child.

If for a child with high anxiety the main problem is the constant disapproval of adults, then for a demonstrative child it is a lack of praise.

The third option is “avoidance of reality”. It is observed in cases where demonstrativeness is combined with anxiety in children. These children also have a strong need for attention to themselves, but they cannot realize it due to their anxiety. They are hardly noticeable, they are afraid of arousing disapproval with their behavior, they strive to fulfill the requirements of adults. The unsatisfied need for attention leads to an increase in even greater passivity, which makes it difficult for already insufficient contacts. When adults encourage the activity of children, show attention to the results of their educational activities and search for ways of creative self-realization, a relatively easy correction of their development is achieved.

2. Studying the features of the formation of self-esteem of preschoolers

2.1 Study of factors affecting self-esteem of preschool children

At the beginning of the experiment, I conducted a diagnosis of self-esteem of children in kindergarten No. 22 "Balbobek".

In order to get to know the children better, I conducted the House - Tree - Man method with them. This projective personality research technique was proposed by J. Book in 1948. Drawing-based testing is intended for both adults and children. Perhaps group examination and testing.

The essence of the test method according to the drawing is as follows:

The subject is asked to draw a house, a tree and a person.

The survey is carried out according to the developed plan.

It is believed that the interaction between the house, the tree and the person is a visual metaphor. If you put the whole drawing into action, then it is quite possible to notice what is really happening in our lives. (Appendix A)

After carrying out this technique and observing the children, I learned their psychological characteristics. Then I carried out a diagnosis called "Ladder". The technique is designed to identify the child's system of ideas about how he evaluates himself, how, in his opinion, other people evaluate him and how these ideas correlate with each other. (Appendix B).

Also, to confirm the results, I conducted another diagnostic - “Funny little men”. The purpose of this technique is to find out the level of self-esteem of the child. As a result of the two methods, the following results were obtained:

20% - overestimated self-esteem

30% - average self-esteem

50% - low self-esteem

After conducting and analyzing all the methods and observations, I came to the conclusion that parents play a particularly important, main role in the formation of an adequate self-esteem of children. Also, in order to maximize the positive and minimize the negative influence of the family on the upbringing of the child, it is necessary to remember intra-family psychological factors having educational value:

* Take an active part in family life;

* Always find time to talk with your child;

* Be interested in the problems of the child, delve into all the difficulties that arise in his life and help develop his skills and talents;

* Do not exert any pressure on the child, thereby helping him to make decisions on his own;

* Have an idea of ​​the different stages in a child's life;

* Respect the right of the child to his own opinion;

* To be able to restrain possessive instincts and treat the child as an equal partner, who simply has less life experience so far;

* Respect the desire of all other family members to pursue a career and self-improvement.

Apart from family relations Kindergarten also affects a child's self-esteem. The attitude of the educator to the child, which, of course, forms the attitude of the children in the group to this child, since the educator is an example and has authority.

Even in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions Kazakhstan has been successfully implemented for several years educational program"Self-Knowledge". Classes are held in which children get to know themselves, other people and the world through the comprehension of social values. And these activities for children are not in vain. Self-knowledge classes have a very beneficial effect on the formation of an adequate self-esteem of children.

2.2 Productive methods that influence the formation of adequate self-esteem

In order to influence the self-esteem of children, I decided to start with the parents and had a conversation with them on the topic "Adequate self-esteem of the child."

The purpose of this conversation was to explain to parents what adequate self-esteem is and to teach them how to create favorable conditions at home for the successful development of this self-esteem in a child.

After the conversation, I distributed to all parents memos "10 Important Rules for Parents", in which it is written helpful tips on the subject of our conversation. (Appendix B)

After a conversation with parents, I began to work with children. I have developed correctional work for children with a low level of self-esteem and separate correctional work for children with an overestimated level of self-esteem. With children who have low and average self-esteem, we started playing games.

Compliment your neighbor game. The purpose of this game is to increase the level of self-esteem of the child. This will happen due to the fact that the child, hearing pleasant things about himself that he is told, will believe in it himself, gradually forgetting about his shortcomings.

Game Praise yourself. The purpose of this game is that the child praises himself and understands how good he is, what his merits are, independently raising his self-esteem.

Game "What to do?". The purpose of the game is to raise the child's self-esteem, teach him not to lose heart, not to get upset over trifles, to believe in the best and enjoy good moments. (Appendix D). Playing with children with low self-esteem in mobile and speech games, I tried to involve them, giving them the main roles in a particular plot of the game.

The next stage of work on the formation of positive self-esteem in children was a training called "I'm done!".

These were individual works, during which the child was given feasible tasks. After completing them, the child received a card with the words “You are great!”, “You are smart!”, “You did a great job!” etc., from your favorite character from a fairy tale or cartoon.

With children with high self-esteem, I also conducted classes in the form of games and individual trainings, but already different from those that were prepared for children with low self-esteem.

We started with a game called Mirror. The purpose of this game is to teach children to discern the features of other people, their individuality and uniqueness.

Compliment your neighbor game. In this case, the main goal of the game is to find the real positive traits your neighbour.

Game "What to do?". The purpose of this game is to teach the child solidarity, empathy of a comrade, friend who needs help or support.

After all the work done, I re-ran the diagnostics "Ladder" and "Funny little men" to check the final results. As a result, as expected, the results became much better, children with low self-esteem became more self-confident, and children with high self-esteem began to see good qualities not only in themselves, but also in others:

50% - average self-esteem

50% - high self-esteem.


During the study, our goal was to study the facts of the influence on the self-esteem of preschool children. And she was done.

We were able to monitor the level of development of self-esteem and understand how it changes, depending on the conditions set.

All factors influencing children's self-esteem have been studied in detail by us.

The proposed hypothesis was successfully confirmed. By creating favorable conditions in the garden and at home, we, in cooperation with parents, were able to raise and normalize the level of self-esteem in children who assessed themselves less positively. Everything worked out thanks to a conversation with parents, games, training and individual work with children.

If we worked with children on the formation of adequate self-esteem only in kindergarten, without involving parents in this, then we clearly would not have been able to create all favorable conditions for children, we would not have been able to fully form self-esteem. Parents play a major role in building self-esteem in their children, they should give them time when the child asks for it. Since the child needs moral support, first of all, from the parents, it would be completely useless to carry out the work without their presence and participation as such.

Also, the kindergarten teacher plays an important role. Because most of the day the child spends in kindergarten. And therefore, it is the educator who must control the adequacy of the self-esteem of children. He must ensure that all conditions are normal, because it is very simple to improve the child's self-esteem, the teacher just needs to devote a little time to each child.

Thanks to the work I have done, parents and children have become closer to each other, began to communicate more, to be interested in each other's life.

Children began to love themselves, respect other children and listen to their opinion, and also children became kinder and fairer towards each other.

Annex A

Diagnostic methods.

Test "House - Tree - Man"

The technique consists of two stages: at the first stage, the child creates drawings; at the second stage, a conversation is held when the child describes and explains what he has drawn. Instruction: "Draw the house as best you can." You should note the time spent on the drawing. After the child completes the picture, ask him to draw a tree and then a person. While the child is working on the drawing, it is necessary to observe him, and make notes regarding the time spent, pauses in the drawing (during the drawing of which detail it arose, how long it lasted), deviations from the normal sequence of the image of the elements of the house, tree and person made child's comments and expressed emotions.

How many floors does this house have?

Is this house brick, wooden or something else?

Is this your house? (If not, whose is it?)

When you were drawing this house, did you think who is the owner?

Would you like this house to be yours? Why?

If this house were yours, which room would you choose? With whom would you like to live in this house?

Is this house somewhere far or close?

What do you think about when you look at this house?

What does he remind you of?

Is this house welcoming, friendly?

Is it similar to other houses or different in some way?

What is the weather like in this picture?

What is missing in this house?

Where does the path lead from the house?

If there was a person nearby, who would it be?


What is this tree?

Where is this tree actually located?

What is the approximate age of this tree?

Is this tree alive?

What exactly in the picture confirms that the tree is alive?

Does the tree have some dead part? If there is, which one?

Why did the tree die (if dead)?

Is this tree lonely or are there others nearby?

What do you think the weather is like in this picture?

Is there wind in the picture?

Show me which way the wind is blowing.

What does this tree make you think of?

What does it remind you of?

Is this tree healthy?

Is this tree strong?

If you were to draw a sun, where would you place it?

Who does this tree remind you of? Why?

What does this tree need the most?


Is it a boy or a girl?

How old is he/she?

Is it your relative, friend or someone else?

What were you thinking about when you drew?

What is he doing? Where is?

What is he thinking about?

What does he feel?

What thoughts come to your mind as you look at it?

Who does this person remind you of?

Is this person healthy?

Why do you think so?

Is this person happy?

Why do you think so?

What do you feel about this person?

What is the weather like in the picture?

What does this person want the most? Why?


Each drawing should be considered as a self-portrait of a child. The analysis of the figure is carried out in the following sequence:



Self-esteem of a person as the most important component of his "I-concept"


Snezhana Ivanova

A person as a social being constantly receives an assessment of his actions and actions as from the people around him ...

In the course of his life, a person as a social being constantly receives an assessment of his actions and actions both from the people around him, who occupy an important place in his life, and from society as a whole. On the basis of such assessments during life path of each person there is a formation of self-esteem, which has a significant impact on the functioning of such mental components of the mental activity of the individual as self-discipline and self-control. A person's self-esteem is also an essential component of the self-concept of a person, or rather, its evaluative side. The self-concept is the core of the personality and is based on the knowledge that a person has gained during his life about himself and under the direct influence of his self-esteem.

Self-esteem(or a person's assessment of himself, his qualities, capabilities and position among other people), being the core of personality, plays the role of the most important regulator of human behavior and actions. It depends on it whether a person will live in harmony with the outside world and how well he will build relationships with others. Self-esteem affects all spheres of a person’s life, as well as his life position (it has an impact on a person’s relationship with other people and society as a whole, on the level of exactingness and criticality towards himself, on the formation of a person’s attitude to his successes or failures, etc. .d.). Therefore, self-esteem not only affects the effectiveness and success of a person's activities at the moment, but also determines the entire subsequent process of development of the personality itself.

Human self-esteem: definition and features

In psychology, self-esteem is defined as the most important component of the self-concept of a person, as a value and significance that a person endows with both separate aspects of his personality, behavior and activity, and himself as a whole. Self-esteem of a person is most often understood as a subjective assessment of his capabilities (this includes physical, intellectual, emotional-volitional, communication capabilities), moral qualities, his attitude towards himself and others, as well as his place in society.

Although self-esteem contains built-in personal meanings and meanings, as well as systems of relationships and values, at the same time it is a rather complex mental form. inner peace people, while reflecting the nature of the self-attitude of the individual, the degree of her self-respect, the level of claims and value acceptance of oneself or rejection. Self-esteem performs many functions, among which a special role belongs to the protective and regulatory functions.

In psychology, the first serious attempts to study the nature of self-esteem and the features of its formation were made by the American psychologist and philosopher William James, who devoted many of his works to the development of the “I” problematic. W. James believed that a person's self-esteem can be of the following kind:

  • complacency which finds its manifestation in pride, arrogance, arrogance and vanity;
  • discontent manifested in modesty, embarrassment, shame, insecurity, repentance, despair, humiliation and awareness of one's shame.

The formation of self-esteem, its nature, functions and connection with other mental manifestations of human life were also of interest to many domestic psychologists. So, for example, S.L. Rubinstein saw in self-esteem, which is inextricably linked with the self-consciousness of a person, first of all, the core of personality, which is based both on people's assessment of an individual, and on the assessment by this individual of those around him. According to the psychologist, self-esteem is based on values ​​(which a person accepts) that determine the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-control by a person of his behavior and activities at the intrapersonal level.

Known in the last century in scientific circles, Aida Zakharova (she studied the genesis of self-esteem) saw in a person's self-esteem a nuclear formation of a personality. Through this formation, in her opinion, there is a refraction and subsequent mediation of all lines mental development and the formation of personality. In this context, the statements of A.N. Leontiev, who believed that self-esteem is an essential condition that provides an opportunity for an individual to become a personality.

In the psychological literature, self-esteem is associated with the level of a person's claims, and this approach originates in the works of Kurt Lewin, one of the representatives of Gestalt psychology. The level of claims in psychology is understood as a certain desire of a person to achieve a goal, which, in his opinion, is characterized by the level of complexity with which he is able to cope. Thus, the level of claims is seen as the level of difficulties of those goals and objectives that a person chooses for himself, and they are formed primarily due to the influence of past successes or failures in activities. That is why successes in past activities (more specifically, the experience by the subject of activity and his achievements as successful or unsuccessful) contribute to an increase in the level of aspiration and, accordingly, cause an increase in a person's self-esteem.

In principle, all theoretical approaches to the study of self-esteem can be conditionally grouped into three main groups according to the aspect or function that was given priority (they are described in the table).

Theoretical ideas about human self-esteem

Groups by criterion (aspect or function) Key Ideas Representatives of theories
Group 1 (emphasis is placed on the emotional aspect of self-esteem) Self-esteem was a component of the self-concept of the personality, more precisely, its affective component (self-esteem was associated with the emotional attitude of the personality to the “I”). It was seen primarily as a feeling of approval and self-acceptance, or disapproval and self-rejection. Sometimes there was an identification of the concepts of "self-esteem" and "self-attitude". The main dominant feelings that were related to self-esteem were self-love, self-approval, and a sense of competence. M. Rosenberg, R. Burns, A.G. Spirkin and others.
Group 2 (focuses on the regulatory aspect of self-esteem) The main emphasis is on the relationship between different levels of "I". Self-assessment is considered as an education that generalizes a person's past experience and structures the information received about himself, and a regulator of human behavior and activities. Self-esteem is also considered as a leading component of personality self-regulation. The attention of researchers was focused on identifying the relationship between the characteristics and structure of a person's self-esteem with his behavior. W. James, Z. Freud, K. Rogers, A. Bandura, J.S. Kohn, M. Kirai-Devai,
Group 3 (emphasis is on the evaluative aspect of self-esteem) Self-esteem is understood as a certain level or type of development of a person's self-relationship and self-knowledge. A person's self-esteem is studied through the prism of self-consciousness as a dynamic mental formation. It is assumed that due to self-esteem, a person forms a specific evaluative attitude (emotional-logical) to himself. I.I. Chesnokova, L.D. Oleinik, V.V. Stolin, S.R. Panteleev

An analysis of the main theoretical approaches to the problem of human self-esteem allows scientists to highlight the main points that help in understanding the essence of this psychological category. The following features of self-assessment should be highlighted:

  • self-esteem, being one of the components of the "I-concept" of the individual (self-consciousness) and is in close connection with its other components (self-attitude, self-knowledge and self-regulation);
  • understanding of self-esteem is based on assessments and emotions;
  • self-esteem is inseparable from the motives of the individual, his goals, beliefs, ideals, values ​​and value orientations;
  • self-esteem is also a mechanism for self-regulation of human behavior and activities;
  • self-esteem can be studied both as a process and as an outcome;
  • analysis of self-esteem as a process presupposes the existence of an internal basis and comparison with the norms of society, the standards adopted in it and with other people.

Human self-esteem performs many different functions, namely: regulatory, protective, developmental, prognostic, etc., which are described in more detail in the table.

Self-assessment features

Functions Characteristic
regulatory ensures the adoption by the individual of tasks and the choice of decisions. A.V. Zakharova divides this function into evaluative, control, stimulating, blocking and protective.
protective ensuring the relative stability of the individual and his independence
developing (go development function) stimulates the individual to develop and improve
reflective (or signal) reflects the real attitude of a person towards himself, his actions and actions, and also allows to assess the adequacy of his actions
emotional allows a person to feel satisfaction with his own personality, his qualities and characteristics
adaptive helps a person to adapt to society and the world around him
predictive regulates human activity at the beginning of the activity
corrective provides control in the process of performing activities
retrospective provides an opportunity for a person to evaluate his behavior and activities on final stage its implementation
motivating encourages a person to act to obtain approval and positive self-evaluative reactions (self-satisfaction, development of self-esteem and pride)
terminal makes a person stop (stop activities) if his actions and deeds contribute to the emergence of self-criticism and dissatisfaction with himself

So, a person's self-esteem involves an assessment of himself as a whole and individual components of his personality, namely, his actions and actions, his qualities and attitudes, his orientation and beliefs, and much more. An increase in a person's self-esteem depends on many factors, among which the presence of a successful experience, praise and support from others, as well as the temporal characteristics of self-esteem itself are of particular importance. So self-esteem can be stable and retain all its features, regardless of the situation and external stimuli, and unstable, that is, changing depending on external influences and the internal state of the individual. A person's self-esteem is closely related to his level of claims (they also affect the formation of self-esteem), which can have a different level - low, medium and high.

In addition to the fact that self-esteem is associated with a person’s self-awareness and his level of claims, its formation is influenced by: the need for self-affirmation and self-development, the general orientation of the personality, the level of development of cognitive processes and the emotional-volitional sphere, the general state of a person and, of course, society, or rather, opinion and assessments of surrounding people (especially significant ones).

Types and levels of self-esteem of the individual

In psychology, a person's self-esteem is characterized (and, accordingly, divided into certain types) by many parameters, namely:

  • depending on the level (or value) of self-esteem, it can be high, medium or low;
  • according to its realism, adequate and inadequate self-esteem are distinguished, among which they distinguish underestimated and overestimated;
  • depending on the features of the structure of self-esteem, it can be conflict and conflict-free (it can also be called constructive and destructive);
  • as for the temporal relationship, then there are prognostic, actual and retrospective self-assessment;
  • depending on the stability of self-esteem, it can be stable and unstable.

In addition to those listed, they also distinguish general self-esteem (or global), in which the rewards experienced by a person are reflected or the censure of one's actions, deeds and qualities, and private self-esteem (it refers only to certain external features or personality traits).

Most often in the psychological literature there is a division of self-esteem into underestimated, average (or adequate) and overestimated. All these levels of self-esteem are formed under the influence of assessments from the outside, which subsequently develop into self-esteem by a person of himself. The most optimal level of self-esteem for a person is adequate, at which a person correctly (realistically) assesses his capabilities, actions, deeds, character traits and personality traits. A person with this level of self-esteem always objectively evaluates both his successes and his failures, therefore he tries to set achievable goals and, accordingly, achieves good results more often.

It should be noted that in psychology the phrase “optimal self-esteem” is also used, to which most psychologists include the following levels:

  • average level of self-esteem;
  • above average;
  • high level of self-esteem.

All other levels that do not fall into the category of optimal self-esteem are considered suboptimal (they include low and high self-esteem). Low self-esteem indicates a person who underestimates himself and is not confident in his own abilities. Most often, people with such self-esteem do not undertake to start a new business for themselves, do not like to be in the spotlight and try not to take on excessive responsibility. Psychologists say that there are two types of low self-esteem:

  • low level of self-esteem and low level of claims (excessively low self-esteem, when a person exaggerates all his shortcomings);
  • a low level of self-esteem and a high level of claims (it has another name - the effect of inadequacy, which can indicate an inferiority complex formed in a person and a constant internal feeling of increased anxiety).

Inflated self-esteem suggests that a person often overestimates his abilities and himself. Such people manifest various unreasonable claims to the people around them and the situations that have arisen. People with high self-esteem do not know how to build constructive relationships with other people, so they often contribute to the destruction of interpersonal contacts.

It is necessary for a person to know the level of self-esteem, because this will help him, if necessary, to direct his efforts to its correction. Modern psychological science gives many different tips on how to increase self-esteem and make it adequate.

Formation and development of self-esteem

The formation of a person's self-esteem begins in the preschool period, and parents and surrounding adults have the greatest influence on this process. So parents can unconsciously form low self-esteem in a child if they don’t trust him, constantly emphasize his carelessness and irresponsibility (for example, tell the child “don’t take a mug, otherwise you’ll break it, don’t touch the phone - you’ll break it”, etc.). Or vice versa, the development of a child's self-esteem can go in the direction of its overestimation if the parents praise the child excessively, exaggerating his abilities and merits (for example, saying that the child is never to blame for anything, and the fault lies with other children, caregivers, etc.). d.).

A child's self-esteem is formed under the influence of many factors, namely:

  • the influence of parents, their assessment and personal example;
  • mass media, information technologies;
  • social environment;
  • educational institutions (preschool, and then secondary, secondary special and higher)
  • upbringing;
  • personality traits of the child himself, the level of his intellectual development;
  • the orientation of the child's personality and the level of his claims.

At primary school age, the development of self-esteem is influenced by the leading type of activity in this period - teaching, which is most implemented at school. It is here, under the influence of the teacher's assessment, his approval or rejection, that the child's self-esteem begins to actively form.

A serious influence on the formation of assessment in adolescence is exerted by the desire of the child to establish himself in the team of classmates and take a significant place in it, as well as the desire to win their authority and respect. Among the main sources of formation value judgments which will subsequently affect the level of self-esteem of a teenager, the following should be noted:

  • family;
  • school;
  • reference group;
  • intimate personal communication

The development of a person's self-esteem occurs due to the internalization of external assessments and social reactions to a particular individual. Here we should recall the representative of the humanistic trend in psychology, Carl Rogers, who said that a person's self-esteem is always formed on the basis of its assessment by the surrounding people. An important role in the process of forming a person's self-esteem is also assigned to the comparison of the images of the "I", namely the real I (who I really am) with the ideal I (what I want to be). Also, one should not underestimate the influence of communication with other people, because it is in the process of interpersonal interaction that a person receives the most assessments in his address.

So, self-esteem is not a constant value, since it is dynamic and changes under the influence of various factors, life circumstances and environmental conditions.

A person, throughout his life, experiences a number of factors that both positively and negatively affect his health. The factors influencing human health are calculated in more than one dozen. In addition to the genetic and biological characteristics of a person, environmental, social and physical factors also have a direct impact on him. This affects not only directly the health of a person, but also the duration of his life.

Influence on a person, as a rule, is exerted by the following factors:

Factors affecting human health of this type of impact, as a rule, have a strong influence on the further existence of a person. Pollution of our atmosphere is directly related to the deterioration of health, and, consequently, life expectancy. This has always been and will continue to be a topical issue.

The most likely factors that accompany chemical poisoning or contamination are industrial enterprises that release waste into the atmosphere, soil and water. Harmful substances, as a rule, enter the atmosphere - gases that can have both a direct effect on a person, that is, a person inhales harmful fumes along with the air, as well as twofold, that is, through water or land. So, when it enters the soil, harmful substances can be absorbed by plants, which a person then eats. The same applies to water. A person uses water for personal purposes, not even knowing what harmful substances are contained in it, and what they threaten. Since most of the gases emitted into the atmosphere can easily combine with water, areas with active industry have not only a polluted atmosphere, but also polluted water and soil.

Thus, the factors that shape human health in this case cannot exceed the factors of pollution, and therefore in industrial areas children are more likely to get sick and residents more often suffer from cancer, which significantly shortens their lives.

It should be noted that the impact of polluted atmospheric air per population, due to such objective principles:

Diversity of Pollution - It is believed that a person who lives in an industrial area can be exposed to approximately several hundred thousand chemical and poisonous substances. In a certain area, a limited amount of harmful substances may be present, but in greater concentration, moreover, a combination of certain substances can cause an increase in their negative impact on a person.

Massive exposure - a person inhales about 20,000 liters of air per day, and even insignificant concentrations of a toxic substance that are contained in the air, comparable to such inhaled volumes, can cause a significant intake of toxins into the body.

The access of toxins to the internal environment of the body. As you know, the lungs have a surface of about 100 square meters, which allows them to absorb harmful substances and disperse them over a large surface of the organ. Toxins have direct contact with the blood, because from the lungs, they immediately enter the systemic circulation, bypassing the toxicological barrier on their way - the liver.

Difficulty of defense. Refusing to eat contaminated food or water, a person still continues to absorb toxins through the atmosphere and air.

Atmospheric pollution, as a rule, negatively affects the body's resistance, which results in increased morbidity and a number of physiological changes in the body. Factors affecting human health in this case reduce the average life expectancy.

If we compare atmospheric pollution, then it is ten times more dangerous than water or soil pollution, since toxins directly enter the bloodstream through the lungs.

The main soil pollutants are the leakage of chemical waste, improperly buried or stored improperly, the deposition of harmful substances from the atmosphere on the soil, as well as the abundant use of chemicals in agriculture.

In Russia, the soil is contaminated with pesticides by almost 8%. At the moment, it is most likely that almost all water bodies are susceptible to anthropogenic pollution.

The factors influencing human health in chemical terms are so diverse that it is impossible to cope with them all. Since the scale of production is growing exponentially every day, and it takes tens or even hundreds of years to restore the resources of nature.

The main physical factors that negatively affect a person are noise, electromagnetic radiation, vibration, electric current.

We will analyze each of the types of negative influence separately.

Noise is a complex of sounds and sounds that can cause disturbances or discomfort in the body, and in some cases even destruction of the hearing organs. So noise of 35 dB can cause insomnia, noise of 60 dB can irritate the nervous system, noise of 90 dB causes hearing impairment, depression, or, conversely, leads to excitation of the nervous system. Noise greater than 110 dB can lead to noise intoxication, which is expressed as alcohol intoxication, as well as to excitement and neurasthenia. The main sources of noise are transport, both road and rail, and aviation, as well as enterprises.

Vibration is oscillatory processes that can have a wide range of frequencies resulting from the action of some mechanism that transmits vibrational energy. It can be both transport and enterprises.

Electromagnetic radiation, as a rule, is transmitted by radio or television stations, radar installations, and various industrial devices. Constant exposure electromagnetic field or radio waves can cause changes in the nervous or endocrine system.

As a rule, it is due to previous exposure to toxic or polluting substances on previous generations of the population, which can eventually result in hereditary diseases of descendants, and as a result, low life expectancy of certain parts of the population. Also, the next generations may be predisposed to certain diseases.

In many ways, everything depends on the development of the healthcare infrastructure in a particular country. Since the state of health of the population and its life expectancy directly depend on this. The factors that determine human health are significant in this case. The general awareness of the population, the financing of medical structures, the development of innovative technologies and methods of treatment, as well as timely diagnosis, which can be successful only with expensive equipment for manipulation, are taken into account.

Try to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and not be nervous. From this, your life expectancy will increase for many years. Be healthy!

Factors affecting the self-esteem of preschoolers

Levels of self-esteem. The influence of the environment on self-esteem and the features of its formation in preschool children. Productive methods of forming adequate self-esteem, diagnostic techniques and games. Advice for parents of preschoolers.

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1. Self-assessment of preschool children

1.1 Levels of self-esteem

1.2 The influence of the environment on the self-esteem of preschool children

2. Studying the features of the formation of self-esteem of preschoolers

2.1 The study of factors affecting the self-esteem of preschool children

2.2 Productive methods for the formation of adequate self-esteem

List of sources used

The upbringing of the younger generation in society is a matter of special concern. Its success is determined by the unity and consistency of the educational influences of public education carried out in state educational institutions, the family and the public. The basis of this unity is the complete coincidence of the interests of the state and the family in the upbringing of the new generation, which consists in the formation of comprehensively and harmoniously developed, useful to society, citizens devoted to the Motherland. Parents should understand the idea of ​​A.S. Makarenko that "raising children is the most important area of ​​our life... Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country." The upbringing of your child should not be seen as a personal matter, but as the fulfillment of a civic duty to society. Successful upbringing of children in a family can only be when parents clearly understand its purpose and tasks, ways and means of their implementation.

The child begins to become more and more aware of the motive forces and consequences of his actions. This becomes possible due to the fact that preschoolers develop self-awareness - an understanding of what he is, what qualities he has, how others treat him and what causes this attitude. A prerequisite for the development of self-awareness is the separation of oneself from other people, which occurs already at the end of early childhood. But, entering the preschool age, the child realizes only the very fact that he exists, really knowing nothing about himself, about his qualities. In an effort to be like an adult, a child at an early age does not take into account his capabilities. This is quite clearly revealed during the crisis of three years.

There is still no sufficiently substantiated and correct opinion about himself and the younger preschooler, who simply ascribes to himself all the positive qualities approved by adults, often without even knowing what they are. On the threshold of school, the child has a new level of self-awareness. It is characterized by the formation in the child of his "internal position" - a fairly stable system of relations with himself, with people, with the world around him. The internal position of the child becomes the starting point for the emergence and development of many other qualities in him, in particular, the volitional qualities of the personality, in which his independence, perseverance, independence, and purposefulness are manifested.

The ability for self-awareness in a child of older preschool age, unlike children of an earlier age, goes beyond the present time and concerns the assessment of both past and future actions. The child perceives and evaluates what happened to him in the past, tries to think about what will happen in the future. This is evidenced by children's questions, such as: "What was I like when I was little?", "What will I be when I grow up?". Thinking about the future, preschool children strive to become people endowed with certain valuable qualities: strong, kind, brave, smart, etc.

Preschool age is characterized by the fact that at this age children attach great importance to the assessments given to them by adults. The child does not expect such an assessment, but actively seeks it himself, strives to receive praise, tries very hard to deserve it. Also, at preschool age, children give their own qualities a positive or negative self-esteem.

Self-esteem has two sides - content (knowledge) and emotional (attitude). Knowledge about oneself is correlated with knowledge about others or with an ideal. As a result, a judgment is made that the subject is better or worse than others or the ideal. Thus, self-esteem is the result of a comparative knowledge of oneself, and not just a statement of one's characteristics, results achieved or available opportunities. Therefore, self-esteem is not reducible to self-knowledge. The latter is a necessary prerequisite for self-esteem, but no more. Self-esteem manifests an attitude towards oneself as a person, respect for oneself or dissatisfaction with oneself, i.e. opinion about oneself as a person. In connection with self-esteem, such personal qualities as self-respect, conscience, pride, vanity, ambition arise.

Self-assessment performs a number of functions:

1. Comparative knowledge of oneself (what I stand for, including for society);

2. Prognostic (what can I do);

3. Regulatory (what should I do, how should I behave in order not to lose self-respect, to have peace of mind).

Consequently, self-esteem combines both ideas about what has already been achieved and a “project for the future” (what I can achieve with my abilities, personal qualities).

Self-esteem is a person's idea of ​​the importance of his personal activities in society and the evaluation of himself, his own qualities and feelings, advantages and disadvantages, their expression openly or closedly.

In general, self-esteem plays a big role in the life of every person, this is especially important when the character is only being brought up, that is, in children, because they develop intensively every day and acquire new personal qualities.

The influence of self-esteem occurs not only on a person’s attitude to life, but also on his sphere of interests and future prospects, as well as on the attitude of others around him. Manifested in the manner of behavior, conversation, self-esteem often overshadows the real advantages and disadvantages of a person.

A person's self-esteem is his sense of self, attitude towards himself and idea of ​​himself. A person whose self-esteem is high creates around him an atmosphere of honesty, responsibility, compassion, love. Such a person feels important and necessary, he feels that the world has become better because he exists in it. Only by feeling his own high value is a person able to see, accept and respect the high value of other people. A sense of self-worth can only be formed in the atmosphere of such a family (country, society, work team, school), where any individual differences are accepted, where communication is frank and confidential, and the rules of conduct do not turn into frozen dogmas, where personal responsibility and honesty of each is an integral part. relationships.

Raising self-esteem in a child is one of the most important tasks for the successful development of his future life.

Of great importance in the formation of self-esteem is the style of family education, the values ​​accepted in the family.

A preschooler sees himself through the eyes of close adults raising him. If the assessments and expectations in the family do not correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the child, then his ideas about anything, including himself, will be distorted.

Psychologists have traced the development of self-awareness of preschoolers depending on the characteristics of family education. Children with an accurate self-image are brought up in families where parents give them a lot of time; positively evaluate their physical and mental data, but do not consider their level of development higher than that of most peers; predict good school performance. These children are often encouraged, but not with gifts; punished mainly by refusing to communicate. Children with a low self-image grow up in families in which they are not treated, but require obedience; low estimate, often reproached, punished, sometimes - with strangers; they are not expected to succeed at school and make significant achievements later in life.

Target: study of the facts of influence on the self-esteem of preschool children.

An object: level of development of self-esteem.

Item: facts influencing the formation of adequate self-esteem of preschool children.

Hypothesis: if we create a favorable atmosphere for the child in the garden and at home, carefully select the methods of education and use the trainings, exercises and games I have proposed to raise the level of self-esteem of children, then we will come to the formation of a normal level of self-esteem in children.

self-assessment preschooler methodology

1. Self-assessment of preschool children

1.1 Levels of self-esteem.

The optimal self-assessments include “high level” and.2 above average” (a person deserves, respects himself, is pleased with himself), as well as “average level” (a person respects himself, but knows his weaknesses and strives for self-improvement, self-development).

In the case of suboptimal self-esteem, it may be too high or too low.

On the basis of inadequately inflated self-esteem, a person develops a misconception about himself, an idealized image of his personality and capabilities, his value for others, for the common cause. In such cases, a person goes to ignore failures in order to maintain the usual high assessment of himself, his actions and deeds. There is an acute emotional “repulsion” of everything that violates the self-image. The perception of reality is distorted, the attitude towards it becomes inadequate - purely emotional. The rational grain of evaluation falls out completely. Therefore, a fair remark begins to be perceived as a nitpick, and an objective assessment of the results of the work - as unfairly underestimated. Failure appears as a consequence of someone's intrigues or unfavorable circumstances that in no way depend on the actions of the individual himself.

A person with inflated inadequate self-esteem does not want to admit that all this is a consequence of his own mistakes, laziness, lack of knowledge, abilities or wrong behavior. A severe emotional state arises - the affect of inadequacy, the main reason for which is the persistence of the prevailing stereotype of an overestimated personality. If high self-esteem is plastic, changes in accordance with the real state of affairs, that is, it increases with success and decreases with failure, then this can contribute to the development of the individual, since she has to make every effort to achieve her goals, develop her abilities and will.

Self-esteem can also be underestimated, i.e. below the real possibilities of the individual. Usually this leads to self-doubt, shyness and lack of daring, the inability to realize their abilities. Such people do not set themselves elusive goals and are limited to solving everyday tasks, they are too critical of themselves.

Too high or too low self-esteem violates the process of self-management, violate self-control. This is especially noticeable in communication, where people with high and low self-esteem are the cause of conflicts. With an overestimated self-esteem, conflicts arise due to a disdainful attitude towards other people and disrespectful treatment of them, too harsh and unreasonable statements addressed to them, intolerance towards other people's opinions, manifestations of arrogance and arrogance. Low self-criticism prevents them from even noticing how they offend others with arrogance and indisputable judgments.

With low self-esteem, conflicts can arise due to the excessive criticality of these people. They are very demanding of themselves and even more demanding of others, they do not forgive a single mistake or mistake, they tend to constantly emphasize the shortcomings of others. And, although this is done with the best of intentions, it still causes conflicts due to the fact that few can tolerate systematic "sawing". When they see only the bad in you and constantly point to it, then there is a dislike for the source of such assessments, thoughts and actions.

The affect of inadequacy arises as an attempt by individuals with high self-esteem to protect themselves from real circumstances and maintain their usual self-esteem. This leads to disruption of relationships with other people. The experience of resentment and injustice allows you to feel good, to remain at the proper height in your own eyes, to consider yourself injured or offended. This elevates a person in his eyes and eliminates dissatisfaction with himself. The need for inflated self-esteem is satisfied and there is no need to change it, i.e. get involved in self-government. Inevitably, conflicts arise with people who have different ideas about this person, his abilities, opportunities and values ​​for society. The affect of inadequacy is a psychological defense, it is a temporary measure, since it does not solve the main problem, namely, a radical change in suboptimal self-esteem, which is the cause of unfavorable interpersonal relationships.

1.2 The influence of the environment on the self-esteem of preschool children

Later, from about the age of two, self-esteem begins to differentiate: “When I’m hungry, I’m evil, and when I’m full, I’m kind!” or “Yes, I’m a slow runner, but I’m great at drawing and I can wash dishes!” Here, the style of upbringing adopted in the family is gaining strength. Rewards in the form of gifts or words of encouragement, supporting and reinforcing a specific behavior, work to form a positive assessment of oneself, while punishments and ignoring - to try to find a rewarded option and a negative assessment of oneself in the present. If education sins with monotony, not contributing to the distinction between types of behavior (the child receives only praise or only punishment, no matter what he does), then this inadequacy turns into inadequate self-esteem.

In addition to actions, words are also important. What parents say, projecting their expectations or hopes on the child, is also stored in the child's memory. The words of adults can become a “guide to life” in one case or “bad advice”, where everything needs to be done exactly the opposite, in another: “You are so glorious, just as much of a loser as I am”; “You will definitely become a dentist, make my dream come true, because I myself did not succeed”; “The main thing is to rely only on yourself and never relax, then you will achieve everything you want!” ... At this stage, children's self-esteem depends on the characteristics of family educational policy.

But not all pedagogical tricks end as expected. Both parents and children have natural characteristics that cannot be changed. Some people initially have somewhat low self-esteem, and this is their natural state (P. Volkov describes people as “always living in minks”, although occasionally they get out to the palace). In other owners of a strong nervous system and excessive activity, self-esteem, on the contrary, is overestimated, and criticism has no effect on them.

It often happens that these traits are "inherited", then, no matter how much the parents fight, someone surprisingly similar to them grows up. And it happens that strong, energetic parents give birth to a tender, sensitive child who is not at all like them: they expect him to scream, fight, constantly do something, and the child reads a book to himself in the corner and reads. Or, on the contrary, in asthenic, fragile parents, the child turns out to be large, loud and active, suppresses them with every step. It is important to take into account both the similarities and differences between “fathers and children”, something will become clearer, something will have to come to terms with, but many conflicts can be prevented.

Often parents come up with what the ideal child should be, and when he does not meet their dreams, they reproach him for this, not noticing the virtues that were simply not included in their parental plans. Therefore, so that the child does not develop low self-esteem and a sense of inferiority, you should not place any great hopes on him, so as not to subsequently come to disappointment. And, on the contrary, it is necessary to carefully notice the merits, to discover in the child his inherent features.

Praise and criticism should also have a reasonable ratio. You can’t unconditionally praise everything that a child does, but it’s also not worth scolding for everything in a row. If criticism exceeds praise, then the child will begin to avoid communication with parents. And, criticizing the child (if there is a need for this), you need to find something for which he can be praised, for example, for independence, for intelligence, willpower. Moreover, at the end of the conversation, you need to express a sincere hope that the child understood the criticism and quickly corrected everything.

Especially carefully you need to behave with children if there are two or more of them. There are parents who frankly compare their children, setting one as an example for the other. Of course, this affects the self-esteem of children, causes them a feeling of envy, doubt in parental love and outright hostility towards the one who is constantly extolled.

In fact, self-esteem is the difference between the real self and the ideal self, and children, especially teenagers, love to create ideals for themselves. Sometimes they want to be like the heroes of books or sensational films, but the problem is that this is unattainable. As a result, the gap between the ideal and the teenager is so great that self-esteem drops almost to zero.

The most annoying thing is that this applies, to a greater extent, to the smartest, most intelligent, knowledgeable and inquisitive teenagers. It is they who are most and most often dissatisfied with themselves and have low self-esteem. In frivolous teenagers who live for today, do not think about the future and do not fill their heads with ideals, everything is in order with self-esteem.

It is generally accepted that high self-esteem is always good, and low self-esteem is always bad. But they also say that our shortcomings are an extension of our virtues. Optimism, confidence, activity and initiative of a person with high self-esteem can turn into low self-criticism, aggressiveness, arrogance. And the pessimism and self-doubt of a low-estimating person often contribute to greater realism in setting goals, attention to mistakes, and sensitivity to other people. It is difficult to say with certainty that some kind of self-perception is better. It is always necessary to clarify in what situation and based on what values?

Self-esteem from early childhood is formed by education. Low self-esteem does not allow the child's abilities to fully open up. And having a too high opinion of yourself can be dangerous; the child will ascribe to himself non-existent virtues and unrealistic prospects, and then, in the future, suffer when life begins to put everything in its place.

Of course, one must welcome the child's desire for an ideal, otherwise he will grow up to be a self-satisfied and not very educated person. But, first of all, you need to be able to explain to him that you can approach the ideal only gradually, through painstaking work. Explain to the child that if ideals seem unattainable, if you cannot change your real self, then you need to be able to change your ideas about yourself - ideal. And, most importantly, you need to love yourself for who you really are.

Raising self-esteem in a child is one of the most important tasks for his future life. Of great importance in the formation of self-esteem is the style of family education, the values ​​accepted in the family.

There are three styles of parenting:

With a democratic style, first of all, the interests of the child are taken into account. Consent style.

In the conniving style, the child is left to himself.

A preschooler sees himself through the eyes of close adults raising him. If the assessments and expectations in the family do not correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the child, his self-image seems distorted.

Adequate and inadequate behavior of the child depends on the conditions of upbringing in the family. Children with low self-esteem are dissatisfied with themselves. This happens in a family where parents constantly blame the child, or set excessive tasks for him. The child feels that he does not meet the requirements of the parents. (Do not tell the child that he is ugly, this causes complexes that cannot be eliminated later.) Inadequacy can also manifest itself with high self-esteem. This happens in a family where the child is often praised, and gifts are given for little things and achievements (the child gets used to material rewards). The child is punished very rarely, the system of requirements is very soft.

Adequate performance - here we need a flexible system of punishment and praise. Admiration and praise are excluded from him. Gifts are rarely given for deeds. In families where children grow up with high, but not overestimated self-esteem, attention to the child's personality (his interests, tastes, relationships with friends) is combined with sufficient demands. Here they do not resort to humiliating punishment and willingly praise when the child deserves it. Children with low self-esteem (not necessarily very low) enjoy more freedom at home, but this freedom, in fact, is lack of control, a consequence of parents' indifference to children and to each other.

School performance is an important criterion for evaluating a child as a person by adults and peers. Attitude towards oneself as a student is largely determined by family values. In a child, those of his qualities that most of all concern his parents - maintaining prestige, obedience, etc. come to the fore. Emphasis shifts in the self-consciousness of a small schoolchild when parents are concerned not with educational, but with everyday moments in his school life (“Is it not blowing from the windows in the classroom?”, “What did they give you for breakfast?”), discussed or discussed formally. A rather indifferent question: “What happened at school today?” sooner or later will lead to the corresponding answer: “Nothing special”, “Everything is fine”. Parents also set the initial level of the child's claims - what he claims in educational activities and relationships. Children with a high level of aspirations, inflated self-esteem and prestigious motivation count only on success. Their vision of the future is just as optimistic.

Children with a low level of claims and low self-esteem do not apply for much either in the future or in the present. They do not set high goals for themselves and constantly doubt their abilities, quickly come to terms with the level of progress that develops at the beginning of their studies.

Anxiety can become a personality trait at this age. High anxiety acquires stability with constant dissatisfaction with studies on the part of parents. Suppose a child falls ill, falls behind his classmates, and it is difficult for him to get involved in the learning process. If the temporary difficulties experienced by him irritate adults, anxiety arises, the fear of doing something bad, wrong. The same result is achieved in a situation where the child learns quite well, but the parents expect more and make excessive, unrealistic demands.

Due to the increase in anxiety and the associated low self-esteem, educational achievements are reduced, and failure is fixed. Self-doubt leads to a number of other features - the desire to mindlessly follow the instructions of an adult, act only according to patterns and patterns, fear to take the initiative, formal assimilation of knowledge and methods of action.

Adults, dissatisfied with the falling productivity of the child's educational work, focus more and more on these issues in communication with him, which increases emotional discomfort. It turns out a vicious circle: the unfavorable personal characteristics of the child are reflected in his educational activities, the low performance of the activity causes a corresponding reaction from others, and this negative reaction, in turn, enhances the characteristics that have developed in the child. You can break this circle by changing the attitudes and assessments of parents. Close adults, concentrating on the smallest achievements of the child. Without blaming him for some shortcomings, they reduce the level of his anxiety and thus contribute to the successful completion of educational tasks.

The second option - demonstrativeness - a personality trait associated with an increased need for success and attention to others. The source of demonstrativeness is usually the lack of attention of adults to children who feel abandoned in the family, “unloved”. But it happens that the child receives sufficient attention, but it does not satisfy him due to the hypertrophied need for emotional contacts. Excessive demands on adults are made not by neglected, but, on the contrary, by the most spoiled children. Such a child will seek attention, even violating the rules of behavior. (“It is better to be scolded than not noticed”). The task of adults is to do without notations and edifications, to make comments as emotionally as possible, not to pay attention to minor misconduct and to punish major ones (say, by refusing to go to the circus). This is much more difficult for an adult than caring for an anxious child.

If for a child with high anxiety the main problem is the constant disapproval of adults, then for a demonstrative child it is a lack of praise.

The third option is “avoidance of reality”. It is observed in cases where demonstrativeness is combined with anxiety in children. These children also have a strong need for attention to themselves, but they cannot realize it due to their anxiety. They are hardly noticeable, they are afraid of arousing disapproval with their behavior, they strive to fulfill the requirements of adults. The unsatisfied need for attention leads to an increase in even greater passivity, which makes it difficult for already insufficient contacts. When adults encourage the activity of children, show attention to the results of their educational activities and search for ways of creative self-realization, a relatively easy correction of their development is achieved.

2. Studying the features of the formation of self-esteem of preschoolers

2.1 Study of factors affecting self-esteem of preschool children

In order to get to know the children better, I conducted the House-Tree-Man method with them. This projective personality research technique was proposed by J. Book in 1948. Drawing-based testing is intended for both adults and children. Perhaps group examination and testing.

The essence of the test method according to the drawing is as follows:

- the subject is asked to draw a house, a tree and a person.

- a survey is carried out according to the developed plan.

It is believed that the interaction between the house, the tree and the person is a visual metaphor. If you put the whole drawing into action, then it is quite possible to notice what is really happening in our lives. (Appendix A)

After carrying out this technique and observing the children, I learned their psychological characteristics. Then I carried out a diagnosis called "Ladder". The technique is designed to identify the child's system of ideas about how he evaluates himself, how, in his opinion, other people evaluate him and how these ideas correlate with each other. (Appendix B).

Also, to confirm the results, I conducted another diagnostic - “Funny little men”. The purpose of this technique is to find out the level of self-esteem of the child. As a result of the two methods, the following results were obtained:

20% - overestimated self-esteem

30% - average self-esteem

50% - low self-esteem

After conducting and analyzing all the methods and observations, I came to the conclusion that parents play a particularly important, main role in the formation of an adequate self-esteem of children. Also, in order to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impact of the family on the upbringing of the child, it is necessary to remember intra-family psychological factors that have educational value:

* Take an active part in family life;

* Always find time to talk with your child;

* Be interested in the problems of the child, delve into all the difficulties that arise in his life and help develop his skills and talents;

* Do not exert any pressure on the child, thereby helping him to make decisions on his own;

* Have an idea of ​​the different stages in a child's life;

* Respect the right of the child to his own opinion;

* To be able to restrain possessive instincts and treat the child as an equal partner, who simply has less life experience so far;

* Respect the desire of all other family members to pursue a career and self-improvement.

In addition to family relationships, kindergarten also affects the self-esteem of the child. The attitude of the educator to the child, which, of course, forms the attitude of the children in the group to this child, since the educator is an example and has authority.

Even in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions of Kazakhstan, the educational program "Self-Knowledge" has been successfully implemented for several years now. Classes are held in which children get to know themselves, other people and the world around them better through the comprehension of social values. And these activities for children are not in vain. Self-knowledge classes have a very beneficial effect on the formation of an adequate self-esteem of children.

2.2 Productive methods that influence the formation of adequate self-esteem

The purpose of this conversation was to explain to parents what adequate self-esteem is and to teach them how to create favorable conditions at home for the successful development of this self-esteem in a child.

After the conversation, I distributed to all parents a memo "10 Important Rules for Parents", which contains useful tips on the topic of our conversation. (Appendix B)

After a conversation with parents, I began to work with children. I have developed correctional work for children with a low level of self-esteem and separate correctional work for children with an overestimated level of self-esteem. With children who have low and average self-esteem, we started playing games.

Compliment your neighbor game. The purpose of this game is to increase the level of self-esteem of the child. This will happen due to the fact that the child, hearing pleasant things about himself that he is told, will believe in it himself, gradually forgetting about his shortcomings.

Game Praise yourself. The purpose of this game is that the child praises himself and understands how good he is, what his merits are, independently raising his self-esteem.

Game "What to do?". The purpose of the game is to raise the child's self-esteem, teach him not to lose heart, not to get upset over trifles, to believe in the best and enjoy good moments. (Appendix D). Playing with children with low self-esteem in mobile and speech games, I tried to involve them, giving them the main roles in one or another plot of the game.

The next stage of work on the formation of positive self-esteem in children was a training called "I'm done!".

These were individual works, during which the child was given feasible tasks. After completing them, the child received a card with the words “You are great!”, “You are smart!”, “You did a great job!” etc., from your favorite character from a fairy tale or cartoon.

With children with high self-esteem, I also conducted classes in the form of games and individual trainings, but already different from those that were prepared for children with low self-esteem.

We started with a game called Mirror. The purpose of this game is to teach children to recognize the features of other people, their individuality and uniqueness.

Compliment your neighbor game. In this case, the main goal of the game is to find the real positive qualities of your neighbor.

Game "What to do?". The purpose of this game is to teach the child solidarity, empathy of a comrade, friend who needs help or support.

After all the work done, I re-ran the diagnostics "Ladder" and "Funny little men" to check the final results. As a result, as expected, the results became much better, children with low self-esteem became more self-confident, and children with high self-esteem began to see good qualities not only in themselves, but also in others:

50% - average self-esteem

50% - high self-esteem.

We were able to monitor the level of development of self-esteem and understand how it changes, depending on the conditions set.

All factors influencing children's self-esteem have been studied in detail by us.

The proposed hypothesis was successfully confirmed. By creating favorable conditions in the garden and at home, we, in cooperation with parents, were able to raise and normalize the level of self-esteem in children who assessed themselves less positively. Everything worked out thanks to a conversation with parents, games, training and individual work with children.

If we worked with children on the formation of adequate self-esteem only in kindergarten, without involving parents in this, then we clearly would not have been able to create all favorable conditions for children, we would not have been able to fully form self-esteem. Parents play a major role in building self-esteem in their children, they should give them time when the child asks for it. Since the child needs moral support, first of all, from the parents, it would be completely useless to carry out the work without their presence and participation as such.

Also, the kindergarten teacher plays an important role. Because most of the day the child spends in kindergarten. And therefore, it is the educator who must control the adequacy of the self-esteem of children. He must ensure that all conditions are normal, because it is very simple to improve the child's self-esteem, the teacher just needs to devote a little time to each child.

Thanks to the work I have done, parents and children have become closer to each other, began to communicate more, to be interested in each other's life.

Children began to love themselves, respect other children and listen to their opinion, and also children became kinder and fairer towards each other.

Test "House - Tree - Man"

The technique consists of two stages: at the first stage, the child creates drawings; at the second stage, a conversation is held when the child describes and explains what he has drawn. Instruction: "Draw the house as best you can." You should note the time spent on the drawing. After the child completes the picture, ask him to draw a tree and then a person. While the child is working on the drawing, it is necessary to observe him, and make notes regarding the time spent, pauses in the drawing (during the drawing of which detail it arose, how long it lasted), deviations from the normal sequence of the image of the elements of the house, tree and person made child's comments and expressed emotions.

Is this house brick, wooden or something else?

Is this your house? (If not, whose is it?)

When you were drawing this house, did you think who is the owner?

Would you like this house to be yours? Why?

If this house were yours, which room would you choose? With whom would you like to live in this house?

Is this house somewhere far or close?

What do you think about when you look at this house?

What does he remind you of?

Is this house welcoming, friendly?

Is it similar to other houses or different in some way?

What is the weather like in this picture?

What is missing in this house?

Where does the path lead from the house?

If there was a person nearby, who would it be?

Where is this tree actually located?

What is the approximate age of this tree?

Is this tree alive?

What exactly in the picture confirms that the tree is alive?

Does the tree have some dead part? If there is, which one?

Why did the tree die (if dead)?

Is this tree lonely or are there others nearby?

What do you think the weather is like in this picture?

Is there wind in the picture?

Show me which way the wind is blowing.

What does this tree make you think of?

What does it remind you of?

Is this tree healthy?

Is this tree strong?

If you were to draw a sun, where would you place it?

Who does this tree remind you of? Why?

What does this tree need the most?

How old is he/she?

Is it your relative, friend or someone else?

What were you thinking about when you drew?

What is he doing? Where is?

What is he thinking about?

What does he feel?

What thoughts come to your mind as you look at it?

Who does this person remind you of?

Is this person healthy?

Why do you think so?

Is this person happy?

Why do you think so?

What do you feel about this person?

What is the weather like in the picture?

What does this person want the most? Why?

If the drawing is well done in terms of proportions and perspective, but contains a minimum of detail, this may mean that the child is generally inclined to withdraw or express his disagreement with traditional values.

If the use of a small amount of detail is accompanied by a low quality of the drawing in terms of proportions and space, it can be assumed that the child has poor contact with reality, and intellectual abilities are reduced.

Excessive detail is a sign that the child is experiencing a strong sense of anxiety, something in his environment makes him very anxious and he is trying to drown out this feeling.

A dilapidated, old house, an unstable building - a critical attitude towards oneself. The house consists of several different buildings - a feeling of hostility towards someone of their people close to him.

The roof, indicated by a horizontal line connecting the walls - inhibition of thinking, lack of emotions, acute experiences. A high, large roof - the child is prone to fantasies, even obsessed with them.

The trumpet symbolizes the warmth of relationships, its absence is a lack of warmth, care, guardianship, or the presence of a conflict in relationships with a loved one. A disproportionately large pipe in a teenager's drawing is a sexual conflict. A lot of smoke comes out of the chimney - something is disturbing the child, internal tension.

Door - the possibility of access or retreat. The front door is both an entrance and an exit, symbolizing accessibility. The back or side door is an escape from reality. There is no door - the child is unavailable, closed, does not want to contact others. Opened door- the child's need for warm, close relationships, his openness, straightforwardness, sociability. A very large door - the child is hard to endure loneliness, requires attention, loves to be the center of attention. Too small a door - extreme isolation, denial of any contacts, unwillingness to let others around you. The lock on the door - secrecy, hostility, the need for protection. A fence near the house is a need for protection.

The window is an image of visual contact. Windows without frames, no windows, no windows on the first floor, shutters, shading, curtains, curtains - isolation, a child who has gone into himself. The windows are drawn high from the ground - a certain separation of the child from the realities of life and a preference for imaginary worlds. Windows draws last - the desire for solitude, unwillingness to contact with others. Open windows - straightforwardness, a sense of confidence, some pride.

The wind symbolizes feelings of exposure to forces that are almost uncontrollable. The wind direction of moderate strength from left to right horizontally is considered generally accepted and is not interpreted. If the wind is strong, and the direction is different from the usual, then this is of particular importance. The wind that blows from the bottom up (vertically or diagonally) is a strong desire to be transported from the real world to the fantasy world. The wind blowing diagonally, from the top corner to the bottom, has the opposite meaning (in this case, the direction is interpreted in terms of time: the left corner is the past, the right corner is the future).

The setting sun is a depressive state, depression. The sun, drawn behind a cloud - between the child and the person whom he considers "giving warmth", there are anxious, tense, unsatisfactory relationships.

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears are receptors that perceive external stimuli that can be unpleasant (listening to accusations, criticism), can lead to conflict or a problem. A drawing of a person with only eyes is suspicion, excessive caution. Lack of nose, ears and mouth - indicates a lack of desire to communicate.

Other features of the drawing.

The earth line (base line) in the drawing of a house, tree or person is not an appropriate detail. It is interpreted as a sign of insecurity (the earth line is an element that reinforces the reality of the drawing). The base line provides the necessary reference point; ensures the stability of the picture as a whole.

Inappropriate details include clouds in the sky (for any of the three drawings), which may indicate a general feeling of anxiety associated with relationships with others.

The emphasis of the child on one or another detail must be taken into account in the interpretation. Emphasis can be expressed in excessive attention to detail (for example, a window is drawn into many cells, and becomes like a grid), in an obsessive return to detail after it has been completed. Such reinforcement can mean vague anxiety.

The drawing of a tree is usually done in the following sequence: first the trunk, then the branches and crown and/or foliage, or first the top of the tree, then the branches, the trunk and the base of the trunk. The branches of the tree symbolize the sphere of contacts and relationships of the child with the outside world, and reflect the level of his activity in the search for satisfaction; the trunk symbolizes his feelings regarding his basic abilities, personal potential. The degree of flexibility of the branches, their number, size and degree of their mutual connection indicate the adaptability and currently available resources of the individual.

A person is depicted in the following sequence: first the head, then the face, then the neck, torso, arms (with fingers or hands), legs and feet (or legs and arms in reverse order), etc. If a drawing of a person begins with a foot and ends with a head and facial features, then such a sequence can be called pathological. A delayed image of facial features may indicate: 1) a tendency to reject perceived external stimuli; 2) about the desire to delay, as far as possible, the identification of the drawn person.

Any deviation from the normal sequence, including:

- unusual image order;

- an arbitrary return to something previously drawn;

- reinforcement of the pattern (when the outlines of this part are repeatedly outlined), should be regarded as requiring special attention.

Pay attention to the consistency of the drawings. All three drawings should be made in approximately the same manner, with the same pressure, the same detail and their number.

The drawing occupies a very small area of ​​space - a manifestation of a feeling of inferiority, a tendency to avoid reality, or a desire to reject a particular drawing or its symbolic meaning. The drawing takes up almost the entire space, or does not even fit on the page - a manifestation of a feeling of strong frustration caused by the attitude of others, combined with a feeling of hostility: a manifestation of tension and irritability, or a reflection of a feeling of helplessness (if the feet or parts of the person’s legs are “cut off” by the bottom edge of the sheet) .

If the tree is large, the child acutely feels his dependence on the surrounding reality, shows aggressiveness or a tendency to it. A tiny tree is a feeling of inferiority, inadequacy and the need to withdraw into oneself.

  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere